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  1. Very very sad news. I want to show My respect and tell a Little bit. Every time i played him in a 1 on 1 game against him he Always showed such a fair play and positive text. I have learned a lot from him. He even sent me a messege when i qualified for the gwc congrationlated me even though we didnt knew eachother. This say a lot about who he was and we should all try to be more of how Daniel was. Life is Hard and unfair. Rip Daniel
  2. Eki was the favorite but not sure what happend to NA guys or if Eki played on steroids. But i think Europe players would give Eki more problems in Vegas.
  3. I just want to congratulate Eki and Artuzio for going to Vegas. Both very humble guys. Well deserved. I want to thank my opponents Flyerkungen, Eki and Hansu for good hard games, you are all great players. And a big shoutout to the little guy Plee he is truly amazing charatcher and player. Also thanks Kenu it was nice to meet you. Nothing but respect from me to the Finnish comunity.
  4. Free Lefthanden RW /LW. Looking for active club, speaks Swedish and English. Prefer PRO/ELITE or top Lite team. Looking for starting spot and lots of minutes. Prev team: Black phanter party. PSN: Darkic01
  5. Hi I wanna try out the ECL so i am looking for a team. I am a experienced versus player who have played for many years. I can play eashl also. Played in Parola Visa this SC I am a good teamplayer and usally look for open teammates. I can score goals also. I prefer to play on the RW with left handed. Can play LW also if needed. I look for a Elite or Pro team. Speak Swedish and English Darkic01 on ps4 Obs i am on vacation now and will be back in august.
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