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Everything posted by Dominointi

  1. Laser HT (35-3-0) vs BraZZers (7-22-2) 22 fin time, (23 November) Roster: Tapparafan- Dominointi- Leksa94 DieCutterMC- vatalisti Ryggbiiffen
  2. Worst patch ever just saying. 1v1 literally sucks, why? Because bots are OP AS F***. People just sit in the middle and do nothing on defensive zone and it works! 6v6 could be fun if you could find a game with decent connection or your goalie wouldnt drop before the game starts.
  3. Laser HT (33-3-0) vs Bone Breakers (11-9-3) 21 fin time, (23 November) Roster: Tapparafan- Patzlaf- Leksa94 willekunq- vatalisti Ryggbiiffen
  4. Laser HT (31-3-0) vs Bare Knuckles Hockey (15-15-2) 21 fin time, (21 November) Roster: Hansulinho- Patzlaf- Leksa94 willekunq- vatalisti Hiirulainen Highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghT6ZTqTlXg
  5. Laser HT (29-3-0) vs Alliance HT (25-4-1) 21 fin time, (17 November) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Hansulinho willekunq- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  6. Laser HT (27-3-0) vs AK-47 (8-11-2) 21 fin time, (16 November) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Hermurderer willekunq- vatalisti Hiirulainen
  7. Laser HT (25-3-0) vs VC Hockey (3-24-0) 21 fin time, (14 November) Roster: Tapparafan- Hermurderer- Hansulinho DieCutterMC- vatalisti Hiirulainen
  8. Laser HT (23-3-0) vs Aapon Taikasauva (32-0-0) 22 fin time, (13 November) Roster: Hansulinho- Dominointi- Leksa94 willekunq- vatalisti Hiirulainen Highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BLnXE_BzyU&feature=youtu.be
  9. Laser HT (21-3-0) vs TIKI TALK (14-5-2) 2130 fin time, (8 November) Roster: Hansulinho- Hermurderer- Leksa94 Tapparafan- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  10. Laser HT (19-3-0) vs Terrific Tigers (5-15-2) 22 fin time, (7 November) Roster: Hansulinho- Hermurderer- Leksa94 Tapparafan- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  11. Laser HT (18-2-0) vs Synergy Hockey (16-2-2) 22 fin time, (3 November) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Tapparafan willekunq- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  12. Laser HT (17-1-0) vs SIKA (15-1-0) 22 fin time, (1 November) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Hermurderer willekunq- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  13. Laser HT (15-1-0) vs Northern Ascendancy (17-2-1) 22 fin time, (31 October) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Hansulinho willekunq- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  14. Laser HT (13-1-0) vs Nordic Nightmare (13-1-0) 21 fin time, (30 October) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Leksa94 willekunq- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  15. Laser HT (11-1-0) vs Nordic Nosebleed (7-6-1) 22 fin time, (27 October) Roster: Leksa94- Dominointi- Hermurderer Patzlaf- vatalisti DieCutterMC
  16. Laser HT looking for starting GOALIE! You can contact us on ps4 or here for more info.
  17. Laser HT (10-0-0) vs Nordic Lightning (13-0-1) 22 fin time, (24 October) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Tapparafan willekunq- vatalisti Hansulinho
  18. Laser HT (8-0-0) vs Murohoki (5-4-2) 22 fin time, (20 October) Roster: Tapparafan- Patzlaf- Dominointi willekunq- vatalisti Hansulinho Highlights& moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR1cu5Xskuk
  19. Laser HT- MUKIMIEHET 21 fin time, (19 October) Roster: Tapparafan- Patzlaf- Dominointi DieCutterMC- vatalisti Hiirulainen Game1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od45McSCSyE Game2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeo2IsdCge8
  20. Laser HT- Lunatic Lions 21 fin time, (17 October) Roster: Tapparan- Patzlaf- Hermurderer DieCutterMC- vatalisti Hansulinho Game1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkAgS2a_bnk Game2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRgoh0w7E5g
  21. Laser HT- Kattiautomaatti 21 fin time, (10 October) Roster: Leksa94- Dominointi- Hermurderer willekunq- vatalisti Hansulinho Game1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT9V16WKjTA Game2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdMyFBMz3Yc
  22. Laser HT- Knight Aces HC 22 fin time, (12 October) Roster: Patzlaf- Dominointi- Leksa94 DieCutterMC- willekunq Ryggbiiffen
  23. Here we public our ECL roster and match schedules. We will also stream all of our ECL games + (some other stuff like 1v1 HUT&Versus, FIFA and Call of Duty). You can follow us here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaserHT/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lht_tv Twitter: https://twitter.com/LASERHTPS4?lang=fi Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_UICx5gx-3RBGGom1YuMA
  24. I used twf or ply mainly in both tournaments. Pwf is nice but endurance is bad thats why i dont want to use it that much as a center. Of course it depends how you like to play, but I usually pick my build depending on who im playing against. Imo pwf works better for wingers, especially for those who carry the puck alot. Passing and puck control are fine. Defence is all about hitting, because its pretty much all you can do properly with it besides sticklifting which is really random in this game.
  25. Some people wanted to know my opinion so here it is, I would pick foppatofflan or defender first (vatalisti, haldeem etc.)
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