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Everything posted by Niksu21

  1. New team Red Stars is looking for Finnish speaking (except maybe goalie) players for upcoming tournaments and ECL11. * Looking for starting C and starting or back up defender * Our goal is to build a long term team and play with same roster as much as possible so playing time is guaranteed if you are active * Plan is to start our games 20 Finnish time and play as much as possible For more information message @Niksu21 here, PSN (Niksu2121), Discord Niksu21#8511 or Fin_torspo on PSN
  2. Free skater. I've been playing D all my career but also interested in trying out a forward position. https://nhlgamer.com/players/1674
  3. X-Factor @ReDMisTi 😍
  4. 29y old Finnish speaking player looking for a Finnish speaking team for offseason/upcoming leagues and tournaments. I mainly play D but can also fill as G or F if needed. I prefer LD but can also play RD.
  5. Mentula SKA (Pro) is looking for a Finnish speaking defender for the upcoming ECL season. We currently have only 2 defenders so we are looking to add more to create some healthy competition for the starting spots. We are not going to have "set in stone" starting pair before play-offs so you are guaranteed to have playing time in the regular season/practice games. PM me/send me a PSN message for more information.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks passing is kinda random? Especially as defender I've missed several passes where I'm under 0 pressure and puck receiver is 100% open but my pass misses him by a mile... Or then it's just me being bad...
  7. Rip vilippirysty.😞
  8. #ezforcarvoset
  9. Missing helmets are pretty annoying especially if away team has dark shoulders in their away jerseys so it's harder to distinguish players in the heat of the moment.
  10. How is it possible that tuner update breaks dressing room every time...?
  11. Can't say nothing but lift the hat. - Bull Mentula
  12. Might be just me being dumb but I can't seem to find transfer dates from anywhere. 😵
  13. Cmon @Juanzaar & Me Carvoset! 👏💪
  14. Mentula SKA is looking for a backup D for the next season in ECL Pro.
  15. Congratulations!
  16. I don't know why people are complaining about default game days since you can always re-schedule your games if you can't play on default days...🤔
  17. ...really?
  18. Can confirm - Dressing room error is still in the game... unbelievable.
  19. Dressing room error finally fixed?
  20. I have similar problems with Elisa Cable connection. I have to restart the game after literally every game (HUT, versus, Ones, EASHL...) or it will crash.
  21. Pokeja ehkä asteen paremmaks, mutta ei missään nimessä 18:n tasolle. Nyt tulee tilanteita, missä koitat pokettaa takaviistosta/sivusta täysin avoinna olevaan mailaan ja peli päättää, että "en osaa tökätä kiekkoon, tökkään jaloille". Näitä tullut myös defensive defencemanilla, millä on traittien ja muiden boostien jälkeen stick checking jotain 95 luokkaa. Myös tuota takaperinluistelua vois vaikeuttaa, koska jo 18:ssa oli vaikeaa saada kiekkoa pois pelaajilta, jotka tuon osaa hyvin ja nyt tuo etuperin luistelusta takaperin luisteluun kääntyminen tapahtuu 2 metrisellä kovanaama-pakillakin McDavidmaisesti. Muuten peli on ollut ihan maistuvaa (jos jatkuvaa kaatuilua ei lasketa).
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