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Everything posted by vickerman88

  1. 36 year old G searching Liteteam. Can play this week for tryout! vickerman88/Bluerainbow88 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1377
  2. Goalie searching team for Lite. Im 36 years old and have experience from atleast Lite. Had a 3 months break from onlinegame.. but now Im back and it feels good. Always coming in time and can play monday-friday nights See you on the ice vickerman88/Bluerainbow88 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1377
  3. 35 y/o goalie free for the next ECL. Prefer finnish and swedish teams. Have experience from Litedivision. Searching a Pro/Lite team. I want to be startergoalie or play 50/50. Always coming in time and can play every day. Cya on the ice vickerman88/Bluerainbow88 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1377
  4. Goalie looking for lite/pro team. Can play both first/second and backup goalie. Hit me up and maybe see you on ice https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1377
  5. 35 year old goalie searching lite/core team. Write here or psn if u are interested!
  6. 35 y/o goalie looking for serious pro/lite team. experience in lite. bluerainbow88 went to vickerman88 so still the same player
  7. 34 y/o goalie still searching team. Lite experience. Hit me with a pm or on psn. /Bluerainbow88
  8. 34 year old goalie looking for club. Have lite experience and much icetime there. Write to me in pm or psn if u are interested. /Bluerainbow88
  9. 34 year old goalie search lite/core team. I can play every monday-thursday and often on weekends. Write a message if u are interested Thx.
  10. 34 yo G looking for club. Have much experience from Lite. Write if u are interested
  11. 33 year old G with experience from Lite. Are you interested? Just write on psn or here! /Bluerainbow88
  12. Goalie looking for pro/lite/core club. Can play almost every day. Hope to see you on ice
  13. 32 year old skilled goalie looking for club. Can play games monday-friday (almost every weekend). Write a pm if you are intrested.
  14. 32 years old skilled goalie looking for a club. You need to play tournaments. Write pm if you are interested.
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