Maybe it’s time to do another one now when we have played NHL 18 for a while!
Here’s my top 5 players on every position in NHL 18:
LW: Puantso, PleeMaker, MartindalexC, Vilupoika, Leksa94.
Bugimir would be number three if it wasn’t for his retirement, good luck whatever you do!
C: Dominointi, Penatski, Patzlaf, Adetikki, TehhAhola.
RW: Foppatofflan, Indi969, Flyerkungen, Norpee, Jumalpeku.
LD: Nylanderi, Rullstolskalas, Janzuh, DieCutterMC, Haldeem.
RD: Jtorro1234, Snapu48, Totallii, willekunq, vatalisti.
G: Suprexx, Hiiirulainen, Zande95, Sandr0hh, MajLen-Gaming.
s_w1ld_RUS would be number one if it wouldn’t have been for his retirement. Thank you for all the battles!