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Александр 007

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  • First name
    Fox_SKA 🦊

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  • PSN ID
    Fox_SKA 🦊

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Looking for a team. Which wants to develop and win. Great experience of playing against a variety of opponents.I play in the goalkeeper position. My psn Fox_SKA
  2. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a team for the next season. Rcl, Ecl. The experience of the game is great , I will strengthen any team that wants to win and train, and not kick dicks. I play in the goalkeeper position. I'm 30 years old
  3. Hello everyone. Free goalkeeper, for upcoming tournaments. There is experience of playing in different tournaments. My psn Fox_SKA. Fox_SKA#3730 discord
  4. Hello everyone)Free G Looking for a team to participate in ECL and so on. There is experience of games in different tournaments. I am completely dedicated and helping the team in every game . my psn Fox_SKA discord Fox_SKA#3730
  5. Hello everyone , I 'm looking for a team , maybe someone needs a goalkeeper as a base or a substitute . I always fight for the team to the last . I have experience , my psn Fox_SKA version of hockey for ps 4 and ps 5 nhl 23
  6. Hello everyone , I 'm looking for a team to participate in ECL . If you need a reliable gate guard to replace , or at the start ? Take it you won't regret it)) I have experience of games , for the sake of the team I give my best , regardless of the experience of the team and how strong the opponent was . I want to develop and help the team win . I hope someone will give a chance to prove himself .Мой псн 🦊 Fox_SKA discord Fox_SKA#3730
  7. Hello everyone. I am looking for a team to participate in the ECL , which aims to win and play against strong teams . I will try to help the team as much as possible in every game . I have experience playing against different teams . My psn 🦊 Fox_SKA I play as a goalkeeper
  8. Hello everyone, I am looking for a team for the upcoming wecl2 tournament, I play as a goalkeeper. There is an experience of holding games in Europe. My psn Fox_SKA
  9. Hi guys, I'm looking for a team to participate in the ECL. Ping is good , St. Petersburg . I have experience of games in Europe , I want to help the team win and develop myself . My psn Fox_SKA My Discord Banshee# position G https://nhlgamer.com/players/8194
  10. Hi guys, I'm looking for a team to participate in the ECL. Ping is good , St. Petersburg . I have experience of games in Europe , I want to help the team win and develop myself . My psn Fox_SKA My Discord Banshee# position G https://nhlgamer.com/players/8194
  11. Hello everyone , I am looking for a team to participate in the ECL , if you need strengthening , there is experience of games in Europe . Psn Fox_SKA diskord Banshee#3730
  12. Hi guys, I'm looking for a team to participate in the ECL. Ping is good , St. Petersburg . I have experience of games in Europe , I want to help the team win and develop myself . My psn Fox_SKA My Discord Banshee#3730
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