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Ray Mthew

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  1. You are absolutely right, it comes with a job. Now they made good game so maybe people take it more easy on him atleast this year.
  2. Have you noticed when ea makes good nhl game, you actually start to like this Rammer guy. Good job, great interview.
  3. When you get older I think money will be key factor making these deals. It is not cheap living on your own and you wanna eat also something once in a while. Talking about money is boring but without that basic income can you really be professional and stay focused. Although I have pretty much stopped playing nhl it is interesting to see how things has gone forward and some might even get job just playing this game, something that nobody thought would be possible few years ago. Good luck guys in the future and congratulations.
  4. New feature, puck pickup. Or am I hoping too much, its ea so lets not go too crazy with our wishes.
  5. At this point only challenge for Eki on vs is coming from Europe and his fellow countrymen. Unless N.A produce some new fresh talent and the same guys are on top next year I cant see them doing any better. Also 6vs6 on Europe on tactical and skill is way ahead on N.A what I have seen, hope to see 6vs6 in tournaments also some day.
  6. I always knew that Europe and especially Finland has some great players have lost so many times lot of you guys but way you dominated was amazing. I think we can put to rest where the best players come atleast for now, N.A did not have any chance against top vs guy from Europe. Well done !
  7. GG Ampu
  8. Gg guys, for my opinion best team defense and defending as a whole team, not just individual defending.
  9. Well done and GL for u also like Hansulinho for future tournaments.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XyEk-g9rW0
  11. Small but good improvement for my opinion would be, if u click let say some topic on main page it would go straight for last message, newest message. So u dont have to scroll or change the page. Thanks
  12. I would watch that show, go for it. Couple beers and snacks and the finals, sounds like a plan.
  13. Doing something u love to do and getting paid for it, living the dream I would say. Congratulations and GL for future tournaments.
  14. Kerava also have Rane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DppCm7jAZeY
  15. Just what I thought most interesting and close match up was NB vs FR. It was actually close that NB went through on that series to the next round. Congratulations to FR, great series.
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