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Everything posted by Seahyena

  1. After huge disappointment caused by exceptionally bad luck during last season, we have prepared Nordic Stars for upcoming ECL8 Pro season. Everything's looking better than good as we have found extremely talented players to grow up as a part of the team. But we still need couple of more players to share the new adventures with us: Goalie Forward (Left&Right-handed.) ECL ice time guaranteed. Feel free to contact here or PSN: @Seahyena or @taemtaem
  2. Sorry admins and everyone for writing in finnish but this message is only for finnish gamers so i can not find reason to write in english: Noniin, katastrofaalisin kausi NS:n historiassa alkaa olla lopuillaan. Ohareita, pitkiä työmatkoja, vanhojen, peliä edes ostamattomien pelikavereiden värväyksiä pelikaupan kautta suoraan ECL kokoonpanoon ynnä muuta mukavaa pikku pakansekoitusta takana enemmän kuin tarpeeksi. Mutta tapoihin ei kuulu katsella taaksepäin, puhumattakaan luovuttamisesta, joten Nordic Stars etsii offseasonia ja ECL8 silmälläpitäen uutta verta rosteriin. Jos olet aktiivinen ja sinusta tuntuu, että haluaisit ja pystyisit panoksellasi olla mukana nostamassa tämän mistään lannistumattoman tiimin peliä omalle- ja sitä paremmalle tasolle, ota ihmeessä yhteyttä täällä tai psn: @Seahyena
  3. Trading deadline is today 23.59CET and we still searching one starter Forward. I know there's some good players who deserves more ECL ice time so please contact ASAP. 😉
  4. Nordic Stars is looking for active and solid Forward to starting lineup. Feel free to contact: @Seahyena , @Amigo or @taemtaem
  5. FOLLOW US https://twitter.com/StarsEASHL https://www.twitch.tv/nordicstarshockey As a proud Captain of team Nordic Stars, I'm happy to introduce you our lineup(video) for ECL7 tournament. Chaostive (C,RW) is missing on video because of late signing or early video production. Nordic Stars had a busy offseason. As our hard line defense has become our trademark, we wanted to make a mild facelift, and also focus on making our offence more efficient without compromising our defence. There has been many tryouts and a lot of games on hot summer nights as we went through our wishlist. We succeeded in finding enough skills and firepower to our offence, so we're kicking off this new season highly motivated, with eager minds and full of expectations. NS Roster video @taemtaem @Amigo @Chaostive @Jusuffi86 @Pair4You @RaNtA @Tapparafan Team Nordic Stars wishes a good and fun tournament for every player in every team. BRG. @Seahyena 
  6. Nordic Stars Is still searching one solid FORWARD to fill up our ECL roster. Big plus if you can play both wings and bigger plus if you can play also center. Feel free to contact for tryouts: @Seahyena , @taemtaem , @Amigo
  7. Nordic Stars is almost ready for NHL19. We still need solid and active RW to put the last piece of our main roster puzzle. Feel free to contact for tryouts: NG: @Seahyena , @taemtaem , @Amigo PSN: Seahyena, taemtaem, lozt_amigo
  8. Nordic Stars need LW for rest of NHL18 and NHL19-----> Please contact here or PSN for tryouts
  9. Nordic Stars is looking for solid and active Forward. Mainly LW but we are interested of other good options as well. We are playing almost every night about 21-24 Finnish time so not any summer breaks in our team. Feel free to contact for tryouts here or PSN: Seahyena, taemtaem or valta15
  10. He is top G in near future so be quick and take him NOW!
  11. Nordic Stars IN: Ranta83 (G) Wellcome back m8! OUT: Trollstivegen (G) Free agent. Take him for god sake! Quite new G but potential to be top G in this scene!
  12. Bump bcs of ot spam
  13. Ok. Now NS is all in: IN: entii112 (LD) from Silver Sword Griffins Taemtaem (LD/RD) from Face Wash Hockey OUT: Drmultihunter
  14. Nordic Stars is allmost rdy for run. Still need Back-up Goalie. EASHL and some ECL gametime guaranteed. Please contact here or psn: Seahyena, xDoumi or lozt_amigo
  15. Nordic Stars IN: xDoumi (LW, C) from Aapon Taikasauva lozt_amigo (C, LW, RW) from Face Wash Hockey Kookasi (LW) from TIKI TALK Trollstivegen (G) from Hawks Hockey Club drmultihunter (allarounder) from Squad Vilttiketju
  16. Nordic Stars is almost ready for ECL6. Still need one both-handed D (RD/LD) for backup position. EASHL & ECL playtime guaranteed. Please contact and say something more about yourself than "Free" NG: Seahyena PSN: Seahyena, TheFakiiR1, vilperi-90
  17. Nordic Stars Is looking for good&active C & G. Also need one both-handed D Pls. Contact here or PSN: Seahyena
  18. 1. Ranta83 2. Is 3. There 4. Other 5. Goalies 6. Too 7. In 8. This 9. Scene 10. ?
  19. Nordic Stars is looking for good and active players who are not interested/available of ECL games or 2nd accounts to back up our main lineup in eashl games. Big plus if u have kind mom so u can continue playing after 23.00 EASHL games every night around 20-21 ---> Feel free to contact: NG: Seahyena PSN: Seahyena, vilperi-90, TheFakiiR1
  20. Nordic Stars ECL Pro Great fast-passing 2-way Center @Devilfish14 from Nordic Nightmare
  21. Nordic Stars is looking for active (we are playing almost every night) F to our main lineup. ECL & EASHL time guaranteed in PRO division. Please contact: NG: Seahyena PSN: Seahyena, FinBarkov
  22. Nordic Stars Is looking for "back-up" D who can prefer play with both handedness (LD&RD) but at least right-handed (LD). EASHL game time guaranteed. At least i can not play all ECL games so need to be ready to play some of the ECL games too in Pro division. Please contact: NG: Seahyena PSN: Seahyena, FinBarkov Logo by @Koski
  23. Still searching... Our roster is completely ready when we get good LW. You will be our only right-handed forward so for smartiest guys it's easy to count your ice time Games every night 20-21.00 ---> So you can have your tryout even tonight.
  24. Nordic Stars is searching right-handed Forward for NHL18 including upcoming ECL tournaments. Nowadays we have very good and active players in team and are playing allmost every night even the old&tired NHL17. If you're interested please contact: NG: Seahyena PSN: Seahyena, FinBarkov
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