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Everything posted by Seahyena

  1. Hi again, long time no see!👋 Some old ring veterans might still remember me. 👴 I took a little (5-year) break from 6v6 games. However, I’ve been actively playing 1v1 games the whole time, so I think I still know which way to hold the controller.🤓 By accident, I tried playing 6v6 again after a long while, and that’s when the idea sparked again 😬 So here it comes: Free RD Contact here or psn. Seahyena
  2. Nordic Stars In: apetttaja from Black Horse kikiukko from Free Agent Out: debi85 Emelek_27
  3. Nordic Stars still needs solid LD to fill up our roster for upcoming tournaments. Please contact for tryouts here or PSN: @Seahyena @Jerax13 @Katunarski
  4. Nordic Stars is looking for solid puck moving Center to put the final touch on our roster for EASHL and upcoming tournaments. Please contact for tryout here or PSN: @Seahyena @Jerax13 @Katunarski
  5. Nordic Stars is looking for backup D bc one of our D's army. Feel free to contact for tryout: @Seahyena @Vire30 @Jerax13
  6. Nordic Stars is looking for G for EASHL and upcoming tournaments. Feel free to contact for tryout here or PSN: @Seahyena @Vire30 @Jerax13
  7. Nordic Stars is ready for war but we're still looking for BackUp G ECL and div. game time guaranteed Please contact here or PSN @Seahyena @Vire30 @Jerax13
  8. Nordic Stars IN: @Takajeejee from Born With It Welcome home buddy!
  9. Message for Finnish players only so i use local language: Nordic Stars etsii normipeleille ja tuleviin turnauksiin hyökkääjää. Isoa plussaa, jos pystyt pelaamaan leftillä ja rightilla, sekä laitaa että sentteriä. Lisäksi etsitään back up maalivahtia. Peliaikaa riittää molemmille. Otahan yhteyttä täällä tai PSN niin sovitaan tryouttiasioista: @Seahyena @Vire30 @Jerax13
  10. Nordic Stars is looking for solid Finnish LD for upcoming tournaments. Feel free to contact for tryouts here or psn: @Seahyena @Vire30 @Jerax13
  11. Hi there!. This post is for Finnish gamers only so i write it in finnish. 🇫🇮 Nordic Stars etsii tiiviisee ja aktiiviseen kokoonpanoonsa (4 hyök. 3puol. 1mv) pidemmäksi aikaa hyökkääjää, koska hyökkiosaston pojat lähtevät yksi toisensa jälkeen sotimaan, alkaen ensi viikosta. Suurta plussaa on, jos pystyt pelata molemmilla kätisyyksillä, sekä sentteriä että laitoja. Jos etsit kesätiimiä, tai yhden turnauksen pelipaikkaa, niin säästä meidän kaikkien aikaa, äläkä suotta laita viestiä 😀 Jos kiinnostuit, ota yhteyttä täällä tai psn. Niin sovitaan tryoutista: @Vire30 tai @Seahyena EDIT: Etsimämme pelaaja löytynyt. Kiitos kaikille kiinnostuksesta ja hauskoja pelejä! 😊
  12. Tick tock tick tock... Still missing both-handed D for spring cup. 😬
  13. Finnish both-handed D and F stil needed for spring league and all upcoming tournaments.
  14. RD is looking for new team (april joke). I have played few games and couple of tournaments (Not april joke). Please contact for tryouts here or PSN
  15. Nordic Stars In: Right winger and our new Assistant captain AzeStiNE from FA Out: Left Defender and Assistant captain taemtaem to break from NHL
  16. Nordic Stars is looking for active players (F, D, G) for EASHL games and upcoming tournaments Feel free to contact here or PSN: @Seahyena
  17. Nordic Stars IN: miguli36 from Reality Check HC
  18. Nordic Stars is looking for back-up D ECL games guaranteed. Please contact here or PSN: @Seahyena , @taemtaem , @Valluxet
  19. Nordic Stars is still searching few players for EASHL and upcoming ECL8 tournament: Forward Both-handed Defender Goalie Please contact here or PSN: @Seahyena or @taemtaem
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