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Everything posted by Mesimaki

  1. Free Goalie Looking for lite/pro or reserve pro/elite
  2. Free goalkeeper for all different tournaments. Looking for a team with a great atmosphere in the party and outside. Handles everything from Core up to Elite without problems Contact here or discord Mesimaki94#2633
  3. Free G lite/PRO ps5 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5704#nhl
  4. Free G NHL23 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5704#nhl
  5. Timrå IK is looking for a VB and a forward before ESHL and ECL. For various reasons, we lose two players and thus need to fill the squad with two players.
  6. Är du rätt person att representera Timrå IK. Så tveka inte att höra av dig. Timrå IK söker spelare för sin trupp. Spelare på samtliga positioner söker vi. Vi söker även efter någon som kan ta det lilla extra ansvaret i denna trupp. Vi ser gärna att man kan vara aktiv 2-3 gånger i veckan. Vi söker dig som har tidigare erfarenhet gällande tävlings matcher som ECL ESHL osv. Vi kommer bygga ett lag för hela NHL 22 med förhoppningar att kunna försätta på det även på 23. Vi kommer att ställa lite högre krav utav samtliga spelare. Vad vi har att erbjuda hoppas vi på kan ge er den lilla extra kicken att vilja jobba och slita hårt där ute. Vi kommer ställa upp i ECL samt ESHL. Det var lite gällande spelare. Vi söker även dig som har känsla att kommentera matcher och underhålla tittarna. Kan fixa och lösa bra grafik under vår stream. Kommer även ske mer saker än bara kommentera själva matchen. Men det kan vi ta om vi skulle få något samarbete. Kontakta [email protected] Funkar lika bra att skriva här. Eller joina våran discord och skriv direkt till Timrå IK Esport https://discord.gg/wcvDwHBjNb
  7. Looking for a club for nhl22. I am ready for new challenges. Makes high demands on myself throughout NHL22. Looking for a club that will play a little or higher. Send DM or on psn mesimaki94 Calm and safe in front of the checkout. Who wants to be even better
  8. Free goalkeeper for the upcoming NHL22. Will be able to play 3-4 times a week. Friday and Saturdays there is a lot of other fun you can do 🤩 So there are some who may be in need of a goalkeeper for the upcoming NHL22, so feel free to hear from you. The only requirement is that you participate in the upcoming ECL. LITE / PRO attracts me the most, But if someone drives CORE, you can always drive there if you end up with some nice guys / girls 😂⭐️ TJAo⭐️ psn mesimaki94
  9. Free SWE goalkeeper for FCL psn mesimaki94 diacord mesimäki#2633
  10. Calm and stable goalkeeper, I can promise. looking for a little or higher.
  11. Free agent goalkeeper. I'm ready to fight for the first spade, I want to find a team that will bet on a goalkeeper and let the goalkeepers settle for the first spade. I want to develop as a goalkeeper and will fight for the first spade to get the most playing time. Structure which days we train is an important part for me so I can plan my everyday life. Requirement is that the team must play and hold LITE or PRO class in ECL. Could play the league below. But then it should be a team that sees the chance to be able to win the leagues below. SINCERELY
  12. Brain freezer HC We are looking for an experienced stable defender who fits into our game. Should be able to take criticism in the same way as praise Send PM to me if you are interested. We will play ECL a bit. Hope to see you on the ice.
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