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Everything posted by swagx88

  1. 4QDR-BTNA-N5LJ - PS4 QGP2-DNN8-3C4P - PS4 Use those and pls say when u use it, thx!
  2. Goalie stuff doesnt change at all, but atleast we get off ridiculous chopping stuff : D way to go! + Goalie stickhandling is way more better than 17, Love the play with stick away from crease. <3
  3. Best monitor you can get! Love it
  4. https://www.twitch.tv/swagx88 streaming Aapos ECL/Clubgames + sometimes PUBG, CSGO etc. :-)
  5. Forwards; Dominointi, Penatski and Puantso Defenders; Snapu48, jtorro1234 (Offensive defenceman) and nylanderi Goalkeeper; DUNZA, Danielcadabra, ICappeI Edit: I just make forwards and defenders, sorry
  6. Pls dont tell everything here haha.
  7. Yeah I think u talk about cappe?
  8. Haha yeah 10 games is a little bit joke if Indi get 2 games on trying start fight at faceoff :-D peace! älä hölmöile totali.
  9. What kind of people can even say something like that ''Gonna rape ur unborn child'' so disgusting. and yes im not talk about you Hanssonni, i talk about ur friend.
  10. swagx88

    Welcome to ECL 3

    Aamuja tukelle ja adelle, nauttikaa :--)
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