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Everything posted by Miklu19

  1. I think there has to be an official ruling soon before the regular season starts. Either the Helsinki server is banned indefinitely while the problem exists, or it has to be fully usable and a team can't decline playing on that server, even if they have issues. Without an official decision, I feel there will be some unnecessary disputes and animosity between teams with different opinions on the matter. Clear-cut ECL ban of the server would probably be the best choice for now.
  2. Including Me is searching for one more player for the recently started ECL Warmup tournament, and for the ECL 13 Core season after that. We are aiming for a promotion to the Lite division as soon as possible. https://nhlgamer.com/leagues/158/teams/1849 Who we are looking for: An all-rounder who could play multiple positions would be ideal. Previous ECL experience is not necessary. We are a Finnish speaking team and our chat is in Finnish. Nevertheless, we are also open-minded to players from other countries that can speak or write English decently. What we can offer: Possibly first step into competitive eHockey. At first, backup role in ECL games and more playing time in regular weekday games. Competitive, but still good-spirited team. Challenging and developing games, and hopefully also some help for your development. If interested, contact Miklu19 here or on PSN. Thank you!
  3. Finnish forward looking for a new team for the rest of ECL 10. https://nhlgamer.com/players/5707 Contact me on PSN: Miklu19
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