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  1. WRAH ESPORTS (Lite) we are new team partnership with wrah esports organisation. as a new team we need players to fill our roster. we allready have a couple of players but we need few more! we are activate team so we are looking for activate and motivated players to our roster! We are looking for starting LD, LW, RW and We need one Backup Forward. Contact here or psn: polttine
  2. Wrah Esports we are new team partnership with wrah esports organisation. as a new team we need players to fill our roster. we allready have a couple of players but we need few more! we are activate team so we are looking for activate and motivated players to our roster! We are looking for starting LD, RD, RW and We need one Backup Forward. Contact here or psn: polttine
  3. we are still hardly looking for starting Goalie for ecl !!!
  4. Goosebumps We are looking for starting Goalie for next ecl and upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn: Leftinkarlssoni
  5. Goosebumps (neo) We are looking for starting Goalie for next ecl and upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn: Leftinkarlssoni
  6. Goosebumps we are looking for starting C and Goalie for ecl 11. (neo) we prefer that you are finnish player and have mic. contact me here or psn: Leftinkarlssoni
  7. free finnish rw/rd looking for team to next ecl prefer neo/lite. contact psn Leftinkarlssoni
  8. Free RW/RD for next ecl! prefer lite/neo💪 always ready for tryouts!
  9. Free RW/RD for next ecl prefer lite/neo💪 always ready for tryouts!
  10. free lw/rw looking team for next ecl! psn: Leftinkarlssoni
  11. free 17 year old RW looking team for next ecl and upcoming tournaments. contact here or psn: Leftinkarlssoni
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