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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/15/15 in News Record Comments

  1. If this means preventing this: then yeah, I agree 10000%. (For example) Pro Group 1 12th place team SSK was 4 points from a playoff spot, and they are going to have to go through qualifiers when PENTA (highest seed eliminated in Lite top16 so 9th I guess) gets to go straight to Pro. I kinda like the idea that even the 12th place team in Pro has to qualify, but imo in the case of extra spots you should just allocate those to the qualifiers so that the best teams play in Pro. Those five that now got instant promotion might just be the top5 teams in the qualifiers and be top5 in Pro next year, hell do I know, but imo they shouldn't take a priority over teams that weren't too far off from Pro playoffs. --> just let everyone prove themselves in the qualifiers, that's the primary idea behind this new system isn't it? If there's extra spots, then great, more (qualifier) teams have the chance to get promoted!
    76 points
  2. Honestly don't get why the fuck people keep dropping smileys like these - "🤦‍♂️😂" - on the Preview articles. If you think the writer was way off base, be a man about it and post a comment saying what your issue with the article in question was. If you are convinced you could do better, sign up for NHLGamer to work as a writer. Or you could just keep on doing what you're doing; be condescending jerks about it, without giving the writer in question any chance of figuring out WHERE he supposedly went wrong. Me? I thought it was a good article. But what the fuck do I know.
    68 points
  3. Hi Alex, Ok, let's reply to your questions that you sent us this morning: If you break the rules in the process (after being told you can't switch teams), yes. If you look at the rule book, it says: 14.1 Violation of the member registration rules (see 1.3) will result in a permanent account ban. So as you can see, we already softened this rule from permanent to 2018. I'm in no position to answer that. What's honorable about breaking the rules? Inter Iceland could have picked actual free agents and resolved the issue. The two guys broke one of the most important rules of our website that is there to secure the integrity of our leagues and tournaments. No.
    65 points
  4. Shit, I don't know what to say... This season was incredible! All these Elisa Viihde & Dr. Oetker (yummy pizza tbh) things and getting broadcasts with so awesome commentary as what Arttu Hämäläinen and other crew gaved us. That prizepool, those LIVE Finals, super awesome experience once again!! Thanks to Kenneth Lehtinen, NHLGamer, all staff members, sponsors, broadcast crew and of course all Elite teams & players we faced during the season! GGs! I appreciate your hard work and I hope this NHLGamer train never stops! #junakulkee Time has went fast tbh. I founded SKY three years ago, early 2016 & and lot of things have happened to SKY and NHLGamer after that. Lots of personal upsets, disappointments and etc. I can't lie, sometimes I have been thinking about changing team and that shit, but at the same time I didn't want to fail myself. Because all I have ever wanted in ECL was to win my first trophy with the team I have been leading since 2016. Many great guy has helped me and played with me in SKY during ECL Seasons 2-7 and I wanted to win with them, share this moment with them... but our team in ECL 8 was something special, best ever, can't deny it. And at the end, eat my shit seasons 2-7! If my first European Championship was meant to be happen in LIVE Event with those awesome guys, I'll take it every time! ❤️ Thanks to all who supported us in the Finals and whole ECL season! F*cking finally... SKY IS THE CHAMPION!!! 🌟🏆 - C
    56 points
  5. Hey Gamers, It's been great to see the active discussion around the ECL, and that really goes to show that our community is passionate about this matter. We're thankful for all the feedback we've gotten through comments and private messages, and your feedback is truly appreciated. We have been running the ECL since December 2015. I’ve personally been involved with the NHL community since I was 12 years old, creating (popular & free) mods for the PC version of the game 2000-2009 and later moving on to creating leagues and tournaments. In other words, I’ve been heavily involved with the NHL series for 25 years now. As my wife would tell me “all I want in life from you is to pay as much attention to me as you do your community”. That perhaps says something about my devotion to the game and what we do (and that I should schedule more date nights). It’s understandable that players and teams have gotten used to a certain standard during the past few years and it is easy to take something for granted that you’ve “always” had access to. For years we’ve - together as a community - pushed through some of the naysayers regarding what can be achieved with the competitive scene in this game. “Nobody wants to play on a lower level” was said before the introduction of divisions in the ECL. “Nobody will ever make money playing this game” has been thrown around for as long as I can remember. Sure - not many can fully support themselves playing NHL, but our goal has always been to support that dream, as well as develop a friendly environment where players of all skill levels can join to hone their skills. Some will play just for fun and others will make it their goal to reach the highest trophies and rewards. We’ve come a long way to enable both professionals and amateurs to reach their goals. This remains our mission. As we've stated before, monetizing SportsGamer operations has been a long time coming already. With the increased workload and growing ambitions, running an operation with the only source of income being outside investment is not sustainable. Furthermore, while we would very much like for SportsGamer to be a profitable operation, the truth is that we have been losing money for a long while now. For many years we have compensated what the ECL loses by working on other projects - while sometimes criticized for not only focusing on the ECL - to generate enough money to cover the losses, while not pocketing any of the cash ourselves. As the league and our ambitions grow (not to mention our skillsets and families), so does the risk involved with taking on these projects. How many are prepared to risk 50k on a free tournament? As for some of the calculations surrounding the ECL ’23 Winter season that have been going around, they fail to take into account a few key factors. Firstly, we are expecting a lower team amount for ECL '23 Winter, mainly due to migration to next-generation consoles. Secondly, none of the costs related to website upkeep and development, admin work, writing, broadcasting or hosting live events have been included in the calculations. This makes the bottom line look drastically different from what we are seeing at the end of the ECL year. We want to be transparent with our plans to grow and develop the ECL both on the ultra-competitive side, and the hobbyist side. We are committed to using 100% of the license fees into the ECL, including but not limited to prize pools, operations, broadcasts, live productions and promoting the league. Out of respect for the privacy of our creators, and because of several business reasons, I won’t be sharing the numbers for each category, but I have listed some of the main categories of costs of running the ECL. There are many other costs in running a business, but below I’ve focused purely on the direct costs of the ECL. Website and data hosting Equipment Software licenses Broadcasts Art Social media & YouTube Administrative work Prize Pool Trophies Live finals Web development Taxes Advertising Based on your feedback, we have decided to take the following measures: Each team can name up to 3 backup players (outside of the primary 6) that can help the team out and play up to 10 games without having to own the player license. The ECL ‘23 Player License can be purchased during the season if a backup wants to play more games than expected. ECL Neo will remain free to play, with no player license required to compete, however To uphold the integrity of ECL Neo as the beginner level, we reserve the right to deny teams to participate in cases where they are clearly above the amateur level, as it could significantly impact the experience of what ECL Neo is intended for. The ECL ‘23 Player License can be purchased by an ECL Neo player if they want to participate in ECL 1v1, benefit from the additional advantages that come with the license (more on this later), or simply as a form of supporting the league. An additional tier of prizing has been added to the ECL Core division to extend the number of prize winning teams from 8 to 16. Wishes to add better content for the ECL Lite and Core divisions will be addressed by improving the quality of articles and coverage. We will be following all licensed divisions closely in our channels and sharing coverage on our social media. If you would like to contribute to creating content for these divisions, please contact @jahajaha93. We have heard your concerns regarding the response time and efficiency regarding support and League Administrative (LA) cases. Therefore we are committing to the following for all paid levels of ECL: 24 hour response time for general support items and added coverage during gamedays between 17-22 CET to help address quick questions in a more efficient way. LA cases are handled within 2 business days. The suspension and verdict policy has been reworked to make quick decisions and in the case of suspensions, we will be handing out shorter suspensions quicker and longer suspensions are reserved to repeat offenders, which also can be handled quickly through this new policy. Finally, a brief comment on any outstanding prize payments that were mentioned in the discussion: We’ve previously reached out to all recipients of price payments per email from [email protected], and anyone who has taken the actions requested in this email has been paid. Please check your spam folder if you haven’t seen our email. If you can’t find the email and there is still something unresolved, please reach out to me by private message here on the forums, or Discord (Kenu#0001). On behalf of SportsGamer, Kenneth “Kenu” Lehtinen
    55 points
  6. But is it really community dream? Or is it only the dream for the like top 5 elite teams who have the chance to get there. Feels like everyone else in elite, pro, lite, core and neo is paying unnecessarily much for making the «dream» of maybe the top 5 elite teams.
    42 points
  7. This is about lower divisions: First comes product, after that you can charge what that product is worth. Currently the only product for Neo/Core/Lite is platform where schedule games and play some sort of competition - no more, no less. Should you charge for it - yes, why not? There will be demand. Should you charge 40eur per player (team and player license) - absolutely not. No surprise most of the community reacted this way as everyone is prepared to pay what they think it's worth for any product or service. The right route imho would be charging only fixed Team Participation Fee so then captain's can charge less or don't charge at all so called backup players. Everything else about "community dream" regarding world finals etc is only a wet dream for Pro-Gamers, but not roughly 80% of us who play this game for fun.
    41 points
  8. As @J-Foppa says above, there are lots of factors at play when deciding on the timelines of leagues and tournaments. ECL is the biggest NHL esports league in the world and we do our best to give players of all levels an enjoyable experience. This is why we've put an enormous effort into the divisional system, rulebook and broadcasting. The audience and players (ideally) only see the success of our work we put in and not the hundreds or thousands of hours that perhaps could have resulted in something amazing, but didn't bear fruit. We've been asked for communication on leagues and tournaments earlier ahead of time and this is feedback that we take seriously and something that also makes our own lives easier. Our original plan was to run the FCL and SCL in the gap that all Finns and Swedes have been experiencing after the ECL 11 season, simultaneously with the GCL, WECL etc. Unfortunately that plan didn't pan out. We were unable to guarantee the FCL and SCL at the capacity that the players have come to expect, so we made the decision together with our prospective partners to aim for the end of the NHL 21 lifecycle with regard to the Finnish and Swedish Championships, in other words after ECL 12. Our goal for NHL 22 is to change this order into ECL 13 - FCL/GCL/SCL - ECL 14. While it on the surface level can look like very little has happened since the end of the ECL 11 season, a lot of time has gone into reflecting on the previous seasons, improving our routines, introducing new policies, planning ahead and working on securing long-term partnerships that enable us to plan a year ahead rather than 3 months. Honestly, in my opinion that's the only way we can keep developing our ecosystem and creating the best leagues and tournaments in the world. Your feedback is welcome, as always - I just ask you to try to keep in mind that the planning of these leagues and tournaments nowadays is slightly more complicated than drawing a rectangle into the calendar. The demand for high prize pools, more broadcasts and high quality content is always rising and in this case that has meant more preparation than ever.
    38 points
  9. when you create a new team just think these things: 1. Is he a good guy? 2. Is he a good player? 3. Number 1 question again. my only advice
    37 points
  10. Well done ignoring my points and writing in Swedish. 👍🏼 Doesn't mute your points, but doesn't make for much of a conversation. Please write in English or we'll have to remove the messages. Edit: As you continue arguing and provoking in Swedish, I have hidden the messages, as promised. The (first) original message can be read in the quote above. In his response (hidden, due to continuing in Swedish) he claims I'm escaping his questions rather than answering and that I'm being a "big leader who gets things to look good by deleting messages". Additionally, he expects every page to separately say "English only", despite that being our policy for the 5+ years he's been a member. I'm always interested having a proper discussion about these things, evaluate different options and get different views. I have my opinions and I do my best to explain why I see things in a certain way and what the problem areas of another approach might be from my point of view. From my point of view you ignored what I wrote, continue writing in a language that most people here don't understand (I do, but this is a public discussion) and top it off by acting disrespectfully. I think it's ridiculous that you keep brining up a claim that ECL has the same structure as EHL/EC 2010-2015. Yes, ECL runs twice a year and has a hockey-esque regular season + playoffs, but if you don't acknowledge all of the other development that has happened from those days - then I'm afraid we just see things very differently. You say I used "we don't have time" as the argument for not running more ECL's in a year and yet succeeded in "running a Spring League, SCL, Summer Cup and Finnish Championships after the fact". If your view of NHL esports is to play ECL, then ECL, then ECL, then ECL, then ECL and then some more ECL, then yeah, sure - we should probably scrap all of that. From my point of view, the different tournaments and leagues are things that keep it fresh and make winning the "biggies" exciting. I love the ECL. I love the World Championships. I love the Olympics. I love the NHL. Yet I wouldn't want to watch any of these four all year and the competitors wouldn't have time to participate in all of these. That is my main point - keeping it interesting. Making titles mean something. Letting champions celebrate their championships. Am I 100% satisfied with everything we do? Are we making the right call every time? Are we spending every minute efficiently? Of course not. Are we creating something incredibly nice and keep pushing the envelope in NHL esports - I believe so. Constructive feedback will continue to push us to greater things. However you package your feedback, we will receive it and consider it, but it makes no sense for me to take the time and effort to respond if you're just going to ignore my points and continue being offensive.
    36 points
  11. Boxinelite should never be under relegation threat. I think they are a black horse and could do well 😄
    32 points
  12. You can't expect to score using the same builds that were only able to score based on a busted xfactor, so yes using a 72 / 82kg pmd now will be harder to score with - but that doesn't mean goals will necessarily be harder to come by. Want a harder shot? Make your guy heavier and sacrifice speed / acc / agility, or just dump more points into the shooting attributes. Alternatively, use a sniper so you have a harder shot by default. This is not a hard conundrum to solve imo Other player types exist.
    31 points
  13. This is ridiculous. I’ve been around since 09, participating in most of the tournaments, ups and downs. Been fortunate enough to play at the highest level, competing with the very best and at the same time surrounded by wonderful team mates in Synergy Hockey trough most of the seasons. That will come to an end personally if these new changes are here to stay. ECL has always been what keeps me at least somewhat motivated, even if the game itself sucks. It’s worth the grind in EASHL when you got ECL coming. But paying money to be able to participate? And not even by choice, even in the lower divisions, absolutely baffling decision. I won’t do it, I could, but I won’t. very disappointing news. My opinion, I don’t care what anyone makes of it.
    30 points
  14. I think it’s good that the players in the lower divisions provide income for players in Elite who might not have jobs etc. to get consistent income otherwise.
    27 points
  15. Man. As a fellow old-timer, I'm glad to have you around to this day. In fact, I consider you a kind of scene legend. I mean, you were trolling these conversations literally before some of the players today were even born. At the same time, I can't help but wonder. Over all these years, I don't remember seeing you make one comment where you didn't try to get a rise out of people. You've made a lot of comments and I'm sure some of your more constructive messages are just slipping my mind right now, but that's only because they're drowned out by the overwhelming barrage of confrontational posts. It's just strange to me that you would bother keeping that up year in, year out. I am aware that unlike me, you actually have a life, which just makes it all the more baffling.
    27 points
  16. We have players who support the idea that there’s some fees, players who pay whatever it cost and players who want to play only for free. The jump from free to +50€ was just too big at once and its a huge risk that ECL is going to shrink, a lot. Most or some of us play just for fun and ECL is "just" supplemental, not the goal. I'm curious what sportsgamer has thought about backup players. Why anyone wants to join in a team for backup role and pay for that, no one. So other active players have to pay also the backup players fees, otherwise the roster stays short. These comments about kenus Ferrari and how much sportsgamer is making money for all this is lame. You cannot calculate “fees minus prize pool money equals profit”, how about taxes, servers, website updates, stream staff and contents, game schedule / problem solving, marketing, staff, management etc.. But still, I don’t support the idea for these big fees especially if the prize pool money is what SP is heading to, because it will shrink our communitie and teams / player’s amount. In my opinion, I support the idea for some kind of players licenses (max.20€) and prize pool money is voluntary. Pro and Elite fees and licenses are different story.
    27 points
  17. Your whole team has had a good season so far so yeah I agree, I could’ve definitely picked some other players too. I tried to keep it somewhat concise though, and only pick max a couple of names that stand out instead of listing a ton of people just for the sake of listing. The time aspect does play into it as well, an article like this has to be written quite quickly so that it doesn’t become old & useless information, there’s not much time to perfect the craft so even some kind of obvious things may get left out due to that. Thank’s for the feedback though
    27 points
  18. One-game ban for taking a shot after the whistle can not go into the rulebook as is. It is quite an easy mistake to commit after an offside call (for example) and going by the book, you'd have to suspend players for it. Slashing after the whistle & challenging a player to a fight you can't really do accidentally, so those are fine to include.
    27 points
  19. Someone isnt happy because didnt get pena and joukki to his team
    27 points
  20. Back-up players? HAR5KI and Januri? First is just Harski who is pure fill player on your roster and Januri is in the army. Cut the bullshit and stop blaming others for your issues. JohtajaVirtanen played in playoffs but sometimes you need more than one guy, or more than 6 players, to play this god damn game. Get real boys.
    27 points
  21. Also the timing for these increased fees could have been better. First of all everyone had to buy PS5's, then of course the game and now the increased team licenses plus the player licenses. That's a lot of money. I really understand the frustration of the lower divisions especially compared to the price pool. This also affects us who play Pro. Now "only" the top 8 get something back. For most I don't think it's about that players can't afford to pay the fees, but it's a matter of principles. Maybe sportsgamer could consider to be more open to the comminity about where the money will be used for? We all do understand there are expenses, but the lack of information causes the amount of negativity atm.. "Se oli tonnin seteli".. Tonni
    25 points
  22. It was shock for me and i had no words at all. But now I want to say, it was really nice guy, with great humour and unshakable love of life. My goaltendijg story started only because of Sami, i played nowhere in europe, but he trusted me and we played some seasons together... He was always dont mind about names and status, Sami always looked at you as an equal, so it’s not surprising how many great players (and incredible persons) were on his team. Sami was a brave guy in all ways in his life, job, family, nhl, great fkn attitude. Good bye my speedy brother, I love you
    25 points
  23. Group 2 has two black horses. There's Black Horse, and then there's Kaupallinen Yhteistyo.
    25 points
  24. I just want to congratulate Eki and Artuzio for going to Vegas. Both very humble guys. Well deserved. I want to thank my opponents Flyerkungen, Eki and Hansu for good hard games, you are all great players. And a big shoutout to the little guy Plee he is truly amazing charatcher and player. Also thanks Kenu it was nice to meet you. Nothing but respect from me to the Finnish comunity.
    25 points
  25. I find this saddening after getting to know you a little bit more over the last months. First time you were with us, the goal was yours, you put in the work, were humble and had the net for you only. Then you decided to leave us the first time, I understood you, you had to stick up for your friends after losing their C. Then you came back like a week before ecl, you hadn't played in net for a while and the performances weren't really the greatest so we decided to let you go as your heart were with Iceland and our other G had played really well. Then regular season went along and we were doing just fine and we had good chat with you guys in Iceland. Then you guys got into a rough stretch, you told me how you guys don't sit in the party anymore together and other stuff and I decided to take you back for a third swing because you begged me to. We were having some connection issues with our other keeper and I didn't want to play in net. You came in, played the first day. Then, I did want to play myself of course so I had to bench you for some games which you couldn't handle as you think you are a top 3 goalie in the net in the game. We would have kept you, but you just didn't want to put the work in. So you decided to tell me to fuck off and thanking me how I ruined your season. I find that pretty unfair. But never mind, I thought we could get past that, until you started poaching our LD to your GCL project. I think that was pretty disrespecting because you know we play almost everyday, but you know, this isn't professional so you can go after whoever you want. But I didn't want to let him go and then you told me to just die. Three times I took you in and gave you a chance but the last two times ended with you telling me to go kill myself or to fuck myself. So take this break Alex and try to find the humble and positive Alex I got to know a couple months back, he was a good person.
    25 points
  26. The day Sportsgamer takes a fee from all players. Is the day when everybody in the community can demand that Sportsgamer also starts acting like a professional organization/company. Asking for 40€ á player is alot of money even tho most of us or all of us can afford it. Its absolutely madness that most of the money goes to the higher tier. When most of the money comes from lower Ts. An example of not acting like a professional organization is to drop this kind of info a week before signup ends. Also there should be other benefits like staff should add played games or build a better api. If you pay for a product it should work better. Support/LA cases should be investigsted and solved in a few hours not in days/weeks. Core, Lite, Pro and Elite should all have broadcasts and all what comes around when a team and all the players in the team pay to play. Just some examples.....
    24 points
  27. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this or not... I think it's great that we at least try to see how the game feels without these abilities. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I love to see Truculence banned tbh because it will (probably) make the gameplay experience much more enjoyable for the skaters. Big Tipper is just a mess and you can still score on deflections so that's fine for me. Close Quarters - I don't think that it should be banned after NHL 23 because when you are close to the net I think it should be tougher as a goalie to stop pucks - Just as in real life. But I voted for it to be banned to see what the game would look like without it. (Sorry) Unstoppable Force - It was good to ban it to create a balance with banning Truculence. Ban goalie abilities? I don't mind. I still use the same stance/abilities and I'm not even sure if it helps me or not. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moving forward - I understand that a poll is an easy thing to begin with taking a step to ban abilities but I would suggest to the release of NHL 24 that SportsGamer create a group for Elite/Pro (also a group with the Lite and lower divisions) representives from each team to evaluate eHSM/SCL/ECL. To create a fair view of how it feels as a player and work together to be onboard with directions of where we are heading into the future. With that being said - Good luck to everyone participating in eHSM, SCL and ECL!
    23 points
  28. Together with our community, we want to continue developing the ECL and this platform as a whole. The league has been active since 2015 and ran without profit every season. Since the start, we’ve grown from a 50 team single division into a five division league with around 300 active teams, which has led to the requirements of the team increasing. These changes allow us to focus on core operations and develop even further. This year, we have decided to make one of our community dreams come true with the World Finals. This is a substantial investment from our side, but we feel like now is the time to make that happen. It's understandable how it may appear on surface level like all of the costs are related to prize money. What is less apparent is the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. When speaking about pure administrative work, the lower divisions take exponentially more effort to run, while Pro and Elite tend to operate more smoothly due to the experience of the teams and players in these divisions, and the lower number of teams involved.
    23 points
  29. Classic, so if you don’t have anything smart to say after someone says something that doesn’t make you happy, you just start shooting random bs which is not even related to this convo aight oh ye, and good luck playing in the same division with your academy😘
    23 points
  30. Guys, this article contains a bunch of subjective statements which seem to have triggered you in one way or another. I like that! Shows that you care about what you do and in turn I believe that was also the intention of the writer to stir the pot a little. Now it's up to you to prove these statements wrong in the upcoming games. However, if you have a problem with content that we put out, please shoot me a DM and we can discuss your contribution to the community on that part.
    23 points
  31. I would like to hear more from one of the Unlucky Boys players. They've been together as a unit with mostly the same players for quite a few years now, four straight seasons in Elite - yet its one of the teams and players at least I personally know the least about. So yeah, someone like @Anhel (Anhel_Kuru) or @JimBoo (JM98II) perhaps.
    23 points
  32. Yh, if you want more value for group stage in future, just put group winners to the seeds 2-6, runner-up teams to the seeds 7-11 and third placement teams to the seeds 12-16. New ranking would have been following: Anyway, I hope in future NHLGamer can give us more time to play FCL, not only couple weeks + playoffs which are played in one day per series. More regular season games or something, like in SCL. At least we need to get rid of from these BO3-series (personally I hate BO3), give us more time in future to play BO5 or BO7, like in SCL. Oh my, is Swedish Championships better in these days? 😵 I know, time is limited, I know Kenu. For every team, good luck and have fun out there. Enjoy the playoffs, I know it can be over in 45 minutes but still. 😂
    23 points
  33. 100% agree. We were finding smaller teams and North American teams like 10x in a row last night. I have given EA this feedback as has many of the other Game Changers. That being said, the power is in the numbers, so if you agree with a feedback that has already been sent, feel free to like or post a comment to show your support to a certain opinion!
    22 points
  34. Ok without knowing anything what is going on in the background or taking a stand here are some numbers from Pro division point of view: 5500€ prize pool 300€ per team x 32 teams = 9600€ + 20€/player x 7 players (at least) x 32 = 4480€ Equals to 14080€ compared to 5500€ prize pool.
    22 points
  35. Should somebody else write these articles? I mean somebody who actually bothers to look further than just points.
    22 points
  36. An update: The fundraising if now closed. Im so very proud of you guys. we managed to raise 28504 swedish crowns (2654 euros). Feels good to be able to say that we, the community financed Daniels funeral. It should give his family some comfort to know how much love we had for him here. The funeral will be this friday, keep Daniel in your thoughts then. From the bottom of my heart, a sincere thank you.
    22 points
  37. When we start up our next series: "Arrogant children in the community who have no respect for others" - I guarantee you will be our first call! Peace and love
    22 points
  38. Surely people realize that if the prize pool in the lower divisions was higher, the top teams would just drop down in divisions? The player fees go into a general pool anyway to accommodate everything that SG is doing and are not marked to a specific division. At least that's how I see it. Would it be fine if we merged the Elite and Pro divisions to "justify" the prize pool in the highest league? The only way it would change things is (probably) that the Elite teams would still populate the finishing places with a prize pool. Before anyone chimes in saying I play in Elite and that somehow makes my points moot: we're not exactly favorites to touch the money at the moment. All in all I think it's a good thing to monetize what SG is doing to ensure the future of this operation that we've enjoyed for free for far too long. Sorry if someone quotes me and I don't reply, as I've tried to keep my mouth shut about this as debates devolve into playground insults in this community far too often. Mea culpa for that partially as well. Edit: I do understand the frustration for players in the lower divisions who play for fun, but the fees don't take that away from you. You can still play EASHL if you think the fee is too high. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. These (higher) fees have been mandatory for players in the higher divisions for some time.
    21 points
  39. Wow, just wow. Imo, you already messed up with the announcement of the qualifiers and the timing of the tournament etc., but this is on a whole other level. So how does promoting the next available Lite-team make the qualifiers a fair deal?
    21 points
  40. This feel like politics. It doesnt make sense but there are probably unknown factors at stake that I will never understand. Can NHLGamer at least provide a good explanation for wives/GFs when we cancel the summer vacation?
    21 points
  41. I remember when he joined the same drop in game with me (i guess NHL12) and i was so hyped cause i knew he was one of the best players that i had ever seen. I got a penalty shot and i scored with my special move and after the game i was surprised cause floor sent me a message and told me that he likes to use that same move also and after that we started to talk more and play some drop in games together, One of the greatest players all time but especially such an amazing and kind person, rest in peace Daniel ❤💚
    21 points
  42. I don’t think they should change the rules of hockey. 🤷🏼‍♂️
    21 points
  43. Lamsa caught atleast me off-guard in summer cup as he proved to be a valuable asset to the team and played a major role in winning/losing us free nhl. And don't mind Ape I think the guy has shown countless times how he's the community's most ignorant and inconsiderate member.
    21 points
  44. eSM for finns, SHL for swedes and ECL for everyone
    20 points
  45. Lamsa who made it to the Summer Cup finals this summer and now leading his team who no one believed in to the ELITE playoffs in front of several top ranked teams. Mid-level players? Take a step down please Tuukka.R. Peace and love
    20 points
  46. We understand that everyone wants to play with their best lineup. Tho it's not always possible and you have to work around it. The deadlines for each round are there for a reason - everyone has to follow the same set of rules and the same deadlines. There's no preferential treatment. OK, lets say we indefinitely extend the current round of the playoffs because of a single matchup where both teams couldn't ice their best lineups. Now what? Everyone's forced to wait? What will we do when another team approaches us regarding the same issue? What happens when in the following rounds teams actually can't play their games because of the previous delays (holidays are right around the corner)? What happens when we are forced to push back/cancel the next ECL/Summer Cup? We're open to all suggestions and will always try our hardest to help teams to overcome any potential issues. There are valid reasons for not being able to finish the series and if such cases arise we can possibly try to squeeze in an extension. That said, demanding an extension simply because one of your main players decides to go on a vacation and then the team doesn't want to play the series even though they have enough capable players is just ridiculous. Please respect other members of this community and their time.
    20 points
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