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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/24 in all areas

  1. SportsGamers, Over the course of the years, we've set a high standard for NHL and other esports competition with our leagues, tournaments, and content production around them. We have a lot of great people working behind the scenes, but in order to keep up with all the necessary tasks with greater efficiency, we are reaching out to you for help.   We are recruiting staff for several different positions and are looking for new staff members to work both with our leagues and tournaments. Most importantly, we are reaching out to our community to recruit a new Editor to take our written content production to the next level. As an Editor at SportsGamer.GG, your main responsibilities will revolve around all written content published on social media, our website, or even communicated through our partners' channels in various circumstances. You will also be expected e to generate your own content and have a vision of how to develop our content creation moving forward. There are possibilities to expand the role once you get comfortable in your position.  Editor:  Collaborate with content creators to refine and polish written and visual content for publication. Craft and develop the SportsGamer brand voice, style guidelines, and quality standards. Stay updated on industry trends in order to improve our content strategy.  Mandatory skills include an excellent understanding of the English language, and the ability to produce coherent text in English by yourself. Additional Nordic languages, especially Finnish and Swedish are very useful in the position, even if not a requirement. As you will be working with content on our social media platforms, an understanding of Instagram, Threads, X, TikTok and Facebook would be beneficial. You will also benefit from understanding SEO at least on a basic level.  Writers: Stay up to date with our leagues, tournaments and the latest industry news while creating interesting written content revolving around these. Have a knack for storytelling and finding the right ones to tell. Brainstorm ideas and content planning together with the Editor and other Writers. Mandatory skills include good proficiency in the English language and the ability to produce coherent text in English by yourself. We expect you to be able to work independently and meet deadlines set together with the Editor. As a SportsGamer writer, you'll have the freedom to pitch ideas and influence the content generated on our platform.   Please send in a portfolio of your previous work as a reference. In case you don't have previous journalistic references to send in, feel free to sweep us off our feet with your application instead. Reference from former Editor Janne @OGjahajaha Tarvonen: As a long-time SportsGamer staff member, I can personally vouch for this being an excellent stepping stone into the industry and that hard work in the position will provide you with great opportunities. In my time with SportsGamer, I've gained lots of experience in journalism, worked with professionals in that industry and received valuable feedback on my work. Through the years I've also been given the opportunity to work with our partners in projects, such as the eLiiga or with the Finnish Football Association. My work has also been published in Ilta-Sanomat and Aftonbladet as a direct result of working with SportsGamer.  As a SportsGamer Staff member, you will have a lot on your plate and we expect a certain level of work ethic, but in return you are provided with an interesting opportunity to enter the esports industry and develop your skills in a supportive environment. Several of our long-time members have made great improvements and taken steps towards a career in esports.    Contact Please send your application as an email to [email protected]. Please attach an introduction, your resume and a portfolio if you have one.   Interested in contributing outside of the areas listed above? Please reach out and let us know where you'd like to contribute!
    10 points
  2. As of the mid-point of the ECL '24 Spring season, this milestone has been reached. This article is written on May 5, 2024 In the middle of the day. Due to variations in the number of games played between teams, I am using Points per Game (P/G) results when discussing regular season rankings. The teams leading the pack include Valokuitunen Esports, Straikers, Unwanted, and Tohtorit. I won't cover all teams, as time does not permit and frankly, there isn't much to say about many teams. Here are a few highlights that I find either unusual or particularly interesting from the season so far: Purification is doing well, and their 1.81 P/G is somewhat surprising to me. In reviewing the stats, @Skumboo's impressive save percentage in his rookie season stands out. If the team can improve slightly, we might see them in the playoffs in their first season, which would be an impressive feat for this young Swedish squad. Vesa Pompa – what's going on with your team? The team's stats are as follows: 5 wins and 9 losses. Vesa Pompa, having recently won the Swedish championship, should not be counted out of the playoffs yet; I believe the team will improve once they've played more games. It seems they might be missing @SebbeLarsen86, as the team’s goalkeeper has faced the most breakaways according to EA's stats. The team is also among the top four for goals allowed, with a statistic of 2.86 GA/GP. Nearly 3 goals per game is not a great performance for a top Elite team. EXEN has struggled to perform consistently at the top of the rankings, which could be attributed to their challenging schedule, facing top teams like Valokuitunen and Tunnel Vision. Additionally, they have experienced unexpected losses to teams like Goons and Heimo. These struggles might be explained by the team's adaptation period or "growing pains," especially considering that V-V @cTunkeilija Lampela is potentially playing his first season as a center, and Aleksi @Mozjayh Kähkönen is on defense. Triple-champion Mozjayh has not yet shown the same impact as seen from his time as a center, with a stats of 16gp 4+10. High on the team's internal points leaderboard is Aapeli @Lxndstrom Landström, who also won last season's Defender of the Season award. This skilled defenseman has often been high up in the points during the regular season, but personal errors cost them in the last playoffs when Vesa Pompa capitalized on these mistakes. We will soon see if lessons have been learned from last season or if similar errors continue at the same scale. Heimo – excuses or improvements? I hope this veteran squad gets their game going, and we see them in the playoffs after a long absence. @Akunkku has made a successful comeback to the scene with a performance of 16gp 14+9p, 23 points. Roots is close to making the playoffs after a long time. The return of Santeri @xleksa_ Levänen has clearly made the team more cohesive and victorious. Perhaps this is the famous Sokkelo SZN, as Mr. Eemil @sokkelo__ Soikkeli scores goals and carries the team to higher standings. Polski Boys' early season has been terrible, with 18 games and 7 wins. Star player @jm98II promised me before the season that Polski would be seen in the playoffs. If so, the team needs to step up soon. Last season showed promise, so it would be a disappointment if they regressed. Goons, I'm not even sure what to say about you. Well, you got Kristian @kriketski17 Veijola back, and 7 different guys have been rotating on the ice. Their positions have also varied. The interesting part was when we, Unwanted, played against Goons, and Teemu @tkantola Kantola only passed to Krike. It was incredibly easy to defend this, and Goons had trouble keeping the mid of the ice closed. Even though last season's top defenseman in the points leaderboard, Tuukka @KingOfApes_ Ropelinen, has been acquired, the team’s gameplay hasn't improved. Maybe it's time for Goons to call it quits and for the players to seek fortune in other teams—or leagues? Gotham Knights got Joni @ReDMisTi Kaikkonen back on the field, and the team has started to improve a bit from this. However, everyone following Elite surely expects Gotham and Renascor to be facing relegation at the end of the season. Renascor found @riegeez in Free Agents as a starter. In my view (which might be a bit biased towards Unwanted), the top Rookie of the Season candidates are Adam @karlssonadam_ Karlsson, who despite his young age has performed excellently in goal, leading in save percentage across the entire Elite at 87.69%. It would be a significant achievement to win Rookie as well as Goalie of the Season. Another Unwanted player worth mentioning in this context is Eetu @Launonexx Launonen with a stats of 18gp and 14+33, 36 points. He is also currently fifth in the points leaderboard. @R1cco, who is also not old, is part of the discussion with a save percentage of 84%. From Purification, previously mentioned Marcus @Skumboo Erevik or Max @LaxenHD Söderström could also emerge. I am not entirely sure if Oskar @x-_-BoBi-_-x Hautala can be classified as a Rookie, since he previously played 8 games in the Elite with Reality Check. Keep your eyes on the field as strategies evolve and teams battle it out for a spot in the playoffs. Stay tuned for more action, unexpected turns, and stellar performances as we continue to bring you all the developments from the ECL '24 Spring season.
    3 points
  3. Compensation depends on the task. You can list your wishes/requirements in the application.
    1 point
  4. Free G looking club for evening games and future tournaments.
    1 point
  5. free LD/RD for Neo/Lite started in NHL 13 but haven't been playing a lot since now I bought the game first time in years. pref. finnish teams / suomi-tiimit ottakaa yhteyttä (Y)
    1 point
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