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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/22 in all areas

  1. Free D Looking for Lite team... or it doesn't really matter at what level you play. Old Slow No time to play Not even a particularly good company Here you can see my "achievements". Contact me here or Discord: iRSPe#6973 if there is a need for a substitute.
    35 points
  2. Free C/Rw/Lw. Also Ld/Rd works, but it might take more than 3 weeks to get used to playing D again. Handedness doesn´t matter. Elite only
    17 points
  3. Bump. Primarily looking for a LD. We are now also looking for a starting goalie.
    17 points
  4. They already had an advantage when they were allowed to play against a lower seeded team but were unable to take advantage of it. This has been a practice for as long as I can remember and how the teams will be seeded for the coming season has been known to everyone. So I think there is nothing unfair in the situation, the team that wins more games in the playoffs will end up higher.
    13 points
  5. Free RW for upcoming tournaments. Prefer Lite div. Contact in PSN OMG_ImSoBad or here. Thanks.
    9 points
  6. NHLGamers, Today we saw a very tough best-of-five series concluding the ECL '22 Neo Winter season and with that a new Champion! After four games in total, HC JEUSSEN came away with the 3-1 win against Old Hogs. The team put forth a great effort all season long, with several players chipping in on multiple positions, including strapping on the pads and guarding the crease. Once again, a great success story and hopefully the beginning of a long journey for HC JEUSSEN.   HC JEUSSEN's s road to the championship: #9 seed from group 3 with the record 12-3-1 Round 1: vs Absolute 3-0 Round 2: vs The Black Pirates HC 0-3 Quarterfinals: vs Uudenmaan Oilers 0-3 Semifinals: vs Latvian Hockey Federation 0-3 Finals: vs Old Hogs 1-3 The winning roster: @Victorh (C) @Acciii (A) @Batti93 (A) @Tjockis Leif (sjolindd) @RAMBOS1234 @Scurre (maxmies) @KONOPLY- (ALEX_DIR007) Congratulations to the winners on behalf of the entire community!
    9 points
  7. Kymmeneltä baariin etsii aloittavaa Ldtä ja veskaria Pelataan ecl litee ens kaudella ja tarkoituksena on menestyä pleijjareissa, joten etitään pakkia jolta löytyy tumput ja hullu luuta ja veskaria joka pystyy ottaa jengin sitten reppuselkään. yhteyttä voi ottaa pleikarilla joko sirLateksi tai punt1la98
    8 points
  8. Lassen Lampaat (core) - Searching goalie. Playtime quaranteed, clubs and ECL. - Mainly finnish. - Come and feel the joy. This team is full of hermetic players. - Contact me here or PSN: Jeskamareee
    7 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Free C/RD(LD) for upcoming tournaments Backup role is also fine, division doesnt matter. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/519#nhl Contact here or psn: Narsku-
    6 points
  11. Capetown Kings (ECL core) We are looking for a all-around forward who can play C and both wings. We also might need RD if we found the right guy for us. If interested, contact me or Beeoo87 here or psn.
    5 points
  12. Bastu (Lite) We are looking for a backup D for the ECL Spring. (Huge plus if you can play both sides) Contact me here or PSN: juusto18
    5 points
  13. free backup player for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7168#nhl contact me on psn koivisto81_
    4 points
  14. Honestly doesn't seems too fair, the regular season rank must have the priority..
    4 points
  15. Up. Hartsport united is still looking for a solid starting goalie
    4 points
  16. United Finns looking second G (50/50) and one F who can play C and both wings. We are going to ecl core. We have very experienced team(pro,lite,core) avarage age is about 40. If you think that you are ready for tryouts contact me here or psn: oku83
    4 points
  17. Tampere Taisto is looking for a G & LW We will be playing in Core next season. We are looking for players who communicate and focus when playing. Player needs to be good at passing the puck and playing for the team💪. Players need to be commited and wanting to become better everyday. We have are own tactics and systems which we are looking to use in the next season. Pls message me here so we can look in to tryouts oneday. iNummi
    4 points
  18. New team Jyki is looking Goalie for Ecl Neo Contact me or @kuningasmasa97 for tryouts
    4 points
  19. SAWO ESPORTS (Elite) looking for a backup goalie. Contact me here
    4 points
  20. Shameful Knights The rebuild down memory lane with a couple new potential guys is now done, welcome everyone! 😎 In: Ollizhki HappyMack29 iRewmix Shegolenok7 Malkin71rus Dismall_ Devilfish333
    4 points
  21. Be a Bro in: @Niskalaukaus @XAPPN Welcome boys ❤
    4 points
  22. Technical Disaster Team is ready now! IN: @Pedro-11 from The Last Line @Jokke from Loimaan Rockets @Tuuski_36 from Toxicity WELCOME!
    3 points
  23. Offside lions looking for backup goalie for upcoming season. We participate lite qualifers. If intrested, contact psn id : idanpuliukko
    3 points
  24. Arctic Giants Looking LD and couple backup player We play in core spring season. We play usually every day and try evolve our game. Our goal is Lite in future, but first get playoff place in core playoffs. We are rebuild team at this moment. If you interest more let me know here or PSN: xBlakkix
    3 points
  25. comeback??♿ free f (prefer rw) for upcoming ecl core or lite. experienced player, former hut nerd and most hated player in facebook groups. contact here, on twitter: @ilikkaa or at psn: ilikkaa https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1699#nhl
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. All I want to say is that journey with BOOMERS was tough for me as mentally, but gave me lots of happy moments and awesome friends, thanks 🖤 Now it's time for me to play the best hockey as I can without captain duties. So... Free C/LW/LD, but this time I prefer C. (TOP LITE/PRO) Contact me here or discord: IKarkkiI#4165
    3 points
  28. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Mainly looking for starter role in Lite team, but I'll listen to all offers. I play almost every night. I prefer finnish teams. If you're interested, message me in here or psn jakee_53
    2 points
  29. Dynamo Dragons 🐉 is looking about a good C to join his team for the Relax Cup !!
    2 points
  30. Free LD/C - Top Core or Lite team I can play from 20h CET minimum 2 days per week and some weeks every day. I play NHL every day (HUT or as random) I'm from the Central Server but I don't have problems to play in the North Server. PSN: ANieves74 / Discord: ANieves74#1654
    2 points
  31. Hi, When will the list of eligible teams be updated? Registeration closes in 6 days
    2 points
  32. Free RD/RW/C for upcoming seasons and tournaments. Top Core / Lite / Pro Contact me here or PSN: valdmaar I prefer Finnish teams but i can also talk English. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4922#nhl
    2 points
  33. Free D for upcoming tournaments Top Lite/PRO https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5617#nhl
    2 points
  34. Yellow Jackets (ECL Core) is looking for a RD and a mainly 50/50 role G. Prefer Finnish and +18y players. Contact for tryouts here or PSN: samito97
    2 points
  35. Free LW RW Looking for team to play in Lite and higher top Core works too backup is fine too if i have playtime Have experiences from Lite and Pro I m very active can play almost everiday For or more Info contact me here or PSN i _Lykke_i
    2 points
  36. Free C/Rw looking for a new team for upcoming tournaments. Top Core/Lite I can also play G but mainly looking for a opportunity to play on the field https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8155#nhl HIt me up on Psn: Hokiboi18 or here
    2 points
  37. Since the team broke up (LIKE THAT NEVER HAPPENS RIGHT?!) I am free for upcoming tourneys, backup is more than fine since I work quite alot. Played with Örebro for eSHL and got a taste for playing/practicing at a higher level than I’m used to and did quite fine, so PRO/Pro qual as LD/RD would be preferable. Could also play C/RW but I’m 100% better as defender and would be more comfortable in my skillsets. People who have played/been in the same team as me would mostly describe me as a funny easygoing guy that tries to have a good atmosphere, no ikävä tunnelma, but also very competetive when needed. (People who have never exchanged a word with me would describe me as toxic but thats fine) Fluent in English/Swedish and know a lot of key words (and very bad words) in Finnish due to playing with finns for like the last two NHL’s. SIDON! HATA! PASKA TILLI PÖNTTÖ! https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5030#nhl msg me here
    2 points
  38. Free LD looking for a competetive and long term team for upcoming tournaments. Contact here or psn: Aaronss__
    2 points
  39. Yo! Free F for upcoming tournaments. PREFER WINGER over CENTER. Had a break last season because of army. Now ready to grind and get better. Looking for mainly PRO team, but good LITE teams are under consideration still. Mainly want to get games to get better. Finnish 21y guy with maybe a some sense of humour😃
    2 points
  40. TeQuila SunRise In: Randomjanne HatsiGaboom Rollingstomper Jormatsefiina Hugobolt Bot_hene Tonezki-_-89 Kivikova34
    1 point
  41. SSKA HC is ready to compete next ecl spring lite qualifiers (lite)! IN: @Juhis_Kfrom Its a nice city @Atzimm_from Its a nice city
    1 point
  42. VISU Gaming (PRO) We are looking for long term RW or D to our starting lineup. Our only goal is win the PRO next season and get promoted to ELITE! What we expect: - you can play like 4-5 days a week - you are able to communicate in games - you have competitive mind set - experience from PRO or ELITE What we can offer: - 100% games in clubs and tournaments - Chance to be part of the great organisation - group of great guys with good sense of humour If you think that you will be the player what we are looking for please contact me here or discord Saviinainen#2716
    1 point
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