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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/21 in all areas

  1. Free LW Cama🌲🌲 Taas ois yks ecl takana ja tällä kertaa Dikin kovassa kiekkokoulussa. 💪 RIP moti ajan jälkeen rupee taas tuntuu siltä, että hokit vois taas ruveta maistumaan ja takan päältä puuttuiskin vielä Neon ja Eliten maalipörssin pytty, kumpaas lähtään jahtaan😆 Tommonen backuppi hommelikin sopii kyllä ihan hyvin, koska aina on Tinder😜
    38 points
  2. Olitko ulkojäiden Wayne Glensky? Oletko edelleen velkaa hävityistä kiekkolitoista? Onko sinulla edelleen vaikeuksia saada luistimien nauhat riittävän kireälle? Koskettaako nilkkasi jäätä ennen luistimen teriä? Rokkasitko Tim Stutzleja ennen Tim Stutzlea? Are you Lutunilkka? Mikäli vastasit useampaan kuin yhteen kysymykseen kyllä, olet todennäköisesti etsimämme pelaaja. Lutunilkoista lyhyesti jep ECL 11 kausi oli tälle Tamperelaisista nuorista miehistä koostuvalle kaveriporukalle ensimmäinen laatuaan. Kauteen lähdettiin luonnollisesti takki auki näyttämään muille Lite joukkueille, että millaista on Itä-Tampereella Hursunsuon Ulkojääradalla opittu orgaaninen luomulätkä, joka pitää sisällään alimpana kikkailua, avojään jalkahyviä ja läpiajossa maalivahdin pilkkanaan pitämistä. Yllämainituista arvoista Lutunilkat piti visusti kiinni koko kauden ajan ja tuloksena oli muutamalla pisteellä playoffeista ulos jääminen, eniten jäähyminuutteja ja ylivoimasesti kauden hienoimmat maalit. Opittiin nopeasti myös, että se ei valitettavasti Litessä riitä, että viidestä kenttäpelaajasta hyvänä päivänä kaks keskittyy puolustaan ja kolmas tulee just ja just siniviivan alle. Kokonaisuudessaa huomattiin, että meiltä puuttui tasainen suorittaminen ja ehjät 60 minuuttiset. Hyvän ja huonon päivän ero oli Lutunilkoille aivan valtava. Hyvänä päivänä meidän maalivahti Myllys naureskeli paskasesti ohjain pöydällä, kun sarjakärki hakkas päätänsä kivimuuriin, kun taas huonona päivänä Myllys ei saanu edes silmiänsä kiinni edes nukkumaan mentäessä. Kenttäpelaajat oli hyvänä päivänä pelottavan tehokkaita. Niemellä jalat ja pää kävi, Epillä jalat kävi, Mikkola teki ihan mitä halusi ja Mäkinen piti vastustajaa pilkkanaan vetämällä kaunoluistimet jalkaan ja pistämällä hyökkäyspään siniviivalla sellaset tanssit pystyyn, että vastustajan kärkikarvaaja ole vieläkään löytänyt reittiä pukuhuoneeseen ja huhujen mukaan se pyörii Hervannan jäähallissa sinisen tuntumassa vielä tänä päivänäkin. Ahlberg C rinnassaan toimi puolustuksen quarterbackina blokkaamalla kiekkoja kaikilla ruumiinosilla ja siihen kylkeen heitteleli aivan saastaisia passeja. Viisikkopeli lähenteli kaunista sinfoniaa, jossa orkesterin jokainen jäsein oli just eikä melkeen kartalla ja peli toimi molemmissa päissä. Kiekko liikku ja laitettiin kauniisti lötää nyssykän pohjalle. #luomu Huonona päivänä nuottivihkot oli jääny kotiin, soittimet oli rikki ja kapellimestaria vitutti. Ei osuttu edes kaatuessa maahan ja sinfonia jäi soittamatta. Valtava turhautuminen paistoi kotikatsomoihin asti Lutunilkkojen kymmenille faneille. Huonoja päiviä tälle joukkueelle sattui valitettavasti enemmän kuin hyviä päiviä. Quo vadis, Lutunilkat? Mihin menette, Lutuilkat? No näillä näkymin päästään pelaan viimeisiltä sijoilta karsintasarjaa Liteen, josta luonnollisesti kävellään jatkoon ja dominoidaan Litessä myös ensi kaudella, mutta sen kunnianhimoisen suunnitelman saavuttamiseksi täytyy organisaation sisällä tapahtua hieman muutoksia. Haemme ensisijaisesti hyvää tyyppiä, joka on pelipaikaltaan maalivahti. Myllys haluaa päästä kokeilemaan välillä kenttäpelaajan tehtäviä, sekä kahdella maalivahdilla otteluiden sopiminen helpottuu. Voimme taata sinulle runsaasti peliaikaa ECL peleissä ja scrimmeissä. Tämän lisäksi haemme rightin veijaria, joka hallitsee sekä hyökkääjän, että puolustajan tontit. On myös suotavaa, että vastasit kyllä vähintään kolmeen kysymykseen tämän puheenvuoron alussa. Haluamme, että ymmärrät mitä #luomu tarkoittaa ja pystyt sisäistämään sen pelityyliisi. Lupaamme sinulle runsaasti peliaikaa ja paikan kehittyä pelaajana ilman mitään suorituspaineita. Molemmille pelipaikoille on täysi-ikäisyys on ehdoton, koska kaikki muut joukkueessa ovat aikuisia ja saunailloissa ei mitään Grandia vedetä. Lisäksi sinulta tulee löytyä mikrofoni ja valmiudet liittyä joukkueen WhatsApp ryhmään. Katsomme myös etuna jos et näe ongelmaa siinä, että kaikki ottelumme suoratoistetaan Twitchiin. Lutunilkat tarjoaa sinulle erinomaisen alustan kehittyä pelaajana. Saat otteitasi näytille hyvässä seurassa Lutunilkkojen massiivisille fanilaumoille ja tarjoamme sinulle oikeasti hyvää peliseuraa. Pelilähetyksiemme taso on noussut jatkuvasti ja viime kaudella tehtiin tätä vasta ensimmäistä kertaa. Tulevalla kaudella lähetyksissä tulee olemaan studio ja hikihaastatteluita, joiden viiltäviin kysymyksiin ja analyyseihin sinun tulee kyetä vastaamaan. Kaiken tämän lisäksi saat itsellesi Lutunilkkojen pelipaidan haluamassasi koossa. Sinun ei tarvitse olla se kaikista paras pelaaja välittömästi. Kunhan olet aktiivinen, kehityksenhaluinen ja haluat voittaa, niin sovit joukkoomme mainiosti. Mikäli mielenkiintosi yllämainittuja pelipaikkoja kohtaan heräsi, niin tavoitat minut parhaiten Discordissa Nikke#2083 tai PSN-ID lutuniemi. Kerrothan hakemuksessa hieman itsestäsi, ikäsi, ECL-historiastasi, joku hyvä vitsi ja lempi NHL-joukkueesi. - Lutuniemi Ps. alla olevista klipeistä saat vähän ideaa millaisia idiootteja me ollaan. https://www.twitch.tv/lutunilkat/clip/AmusedPerfectAubergineCclamChamp?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/lutunilkat/clip/LivelyRefinedSageUWot?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/lutunilkat/clip/SecretiveFancyPicklesBrainSlug?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time
    27 points
  3. TIKI TALK (Pro qualification Series) Looking for Center and both defenders for next ECL season. welcome to tryouts! Contact on psn: Jullee99
    15 points
  4. Arkham Asylum In: @ReDMisTi @Kefleri Great pleasure to have you in Arkham, welcome guys! 👊🏽😎
    13 points
  5. Menace (LITE/CORE) Looking for starting LD Finnish only🇫🇮 Welcome to the tryouts! Contact here or PSN: @Mister ”linuseliel” @Nagyttaja ”nukutttaja”
    10 points
  6. Free LW/RW My Player Profile -->https://nhlgamer.com/players/3018
    8 points
  7. Dark Zone looking for starting goalie and defender. Planning to participate upcoming tournaments. Next ecl we are playing in lite or core division. Contact psn: Bloodymess_666 or jarnosa
    7 points
  8. Rpeat Esports (PRO) We have decided to select @IKarkkiI as our new team captain! We are also looking for LW/RW and a goalie. Contact only @IKarkkiI here.
    7 points
  9. Reign Academy etsii maalivahtia! ECL Core on tähtäimessä ja tämänhetkinen maalivahti ei voi olla varma osallistumisestaan, joten toinen kassari ois tarpeen! 50/50 todennäkösesti pyritään peliaika jakamaan. Yhteyttä voi ottaa täällä ja psn xBulis- Rennolla meiningillä lähetää liikenteeseen. Nimi hämää, joukkue on ehkä vanhojen lupausten hautausmaa pikemminkin 🤪
    5 points
  10. Team name: EV Duisburg Team abbreviation: EVD Team captains (PSN IDs): ShawnMcNeil (C), Typolino79 (A), NoelsieW (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): GreatOne139 ShawnMcNeil (C) Aris2605 fabgo32 klinki_hh Stefan1pro NoelsieW (A) Typolino79 (A) Nail_o_Mat perrygetzy1015 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=1332&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): - Team Logo: same as last seasons Division: 2 Anmeldung für das Qualifikationsturnier für die Division 1: Ja Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Nein
    4 points
  11. Teamname: Mega Teamabkürzung: Mga Team captains (PSN IDs): Soccerist (C), SUBR76 (A), Vitalilalujev (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): Ich-Vik 🇩🇪 AlexW1985 🇩🇪 sinoo126 🇩🇪 Vitalilalujev 🇩🇪 SUBR76 🇩🇪 Soccerist 🇩🇪 jurij44 🇩🇪🇱🇻 vursta1972 (L) 🇱🇻 SteBastian (L) 🇫🇮 JuliaAnime808 🇩🇪 besrig 🇩🇪 Puls_70 🇩🇪 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=325820&platform=ps4 Previous team name(s): - Logo: - Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Ja Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Ja
    4 points
  12. Now, when Frosty Kiekko-Vantaa time is over, I decided to move play next season with my friends. Thanks for Team Frosty and everybody, who played with me last ecl season. Project X is looking two defenders and goalie! We build team in long run. We start with the lite season. Come try it! We talk finnish. Feel free to contact us! Psn: JesseL2002 or fin_torspo
    4 points
  13. Takapatja Esport, nuori, nälkäinen ja voittava, etsii joukkueeseen vahvistusta seuraavaa ECL kautta silmällä pitäen. Tavoitteena tietenkin Coren voitto. Etsimme kiekkoa jakavaa sentteriä, joka omaa myös maalinteon maagisen taidon, sekä nälkäistä laituria vasemmalle laittamaan limppua pönttöön Ovechkinin tavoin. Oman pään puolustustaidot katsotaan plussaksi. Jos kiinnostelee, laita pleikkarilla viestiä PSN: Miettinen14
    3 points
  14. Free RD/LD from Finland looking a LITE/PRO team for next ECL and upcoming tournaments. I'm an active player and can play both handed but i think RD spot is stronger for me. I prefer Finnish teams. Contact me on PSN: semiseko
    3 points
  15. Free RD looking for team to next ECL lite/pro https://nhlgamer.com/players/3772
    3 points
  16. Rpeat Esports IN: @IKarkkiI Out: @selänne8 @Timotei97 @TeikDaun Ruandalaine @bot_dole Thx guys and see you on the ice! 🖤💛
    3 points
  17. Free G looking team for next ECL and upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn:KASIINELONEN
    3 points
  18. Teamname: Hyperion Teamabkürzung: HYP Team captains (PSN IDs): heaventhegreat40 (C) CashAllGreen (A) CCBow-501 (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): heaventhegreat40 The_Rayman80 CCBow-501 CashAllGreen schmid0_55 otaconsbest X_Chewiee_X sternchen3_11 thesaw83 OiDM04ZzTA EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=285786&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): KSE Teutons Logo: siehe Unten Division: 1 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Nein Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Nein
    3 points
  19. Free RW Looking for a new team as I parted ways with RCTIC recently. I have competitive mindset, I know my strengths/weaknesses on ice and always trying to improve my game. As a person I'm loyal teammate and easy-going overall. I have played over 200 games in Pro div and been quite consistent there, so primarily looking for a good Pro team at least. https://nhlgamer.com/players/1901 PM me here or PSN: Pursuitti
    3 points
  20. ⭐🦌Taavetin Starat 🦌⭐ Out @Empuuz_24 to Herlev Eagles 🦅 @Idko123 to FA Thank you guys and all the best for the future 💙
    2 points
  21. Free rw/lw looking for team to next ecl lite/pro https://nhlgamer.com/players/5541 Psn: Kuningastony
    2 points
  22. NHLGamers, after a regular season for the ages and last Wednesday's ECL El Clasico in recent memory, we are now ready for the postseason, where the stakes are as high as ever and almost nothing is sacred when it comes to what you'll do to grab those required wins. There's been countless success stories written over the years and we've seen two teams reign supreme for the past few seasons, but each postseason is an equal opportunity for the eight best teams in the business, and here we are yet again. From this point on, 12 wins is all it takes to be the one to hoist the cup at the end of the season. Joining the ECL Champion's club is something every player dreams of achieving at some point of their career, so now is the time for these guys involved to step up. As the USA U20 squad put it - one barrel at a time. (1) FILADELPHIA vs Northern Ascendancy (8) TOP SCORER Erik @Eki Tammenpää (22+46=68) vs Juho @RutonMosse Kinnunen (23+26=49) GOALTENDER Casper @ICappeI Lundgren (80.11 SV%, 1.23 GAA, 12 SO) vs Ville @Supreex Korhonen (80.59 SV%, 2.43 GAA, 1 SO) So far this season, FILADELPHIA have made it clear that no one will be stopping them from reaching their third ECL title since starting their journey with the lineup (barring minor changes) as we know it back in ECL 7. A record breaking regular season (highest point total ever, most shutouts ever) puts them at the #1 seed and we all know that if anyone, these guys will be able to handle that pressure. Eki has been the teams leading scorer this season but it should be noted that finding secondary or tertiary options is no problem for the FILADELPHIA team that looks as strong as ever. Their fiercest rivalry against HAVU Gaming looked like child's play in the second last round of the regular season, where FILA dissected HAVU and walked away with two routine wins out of the normally so tough matchup. Some questions were looming before the season about whether Northern Ascendancy would be able to handle seeing a high percentage of player turnover over the offseason, but long time captain Connor @MartindalexC Martindale has been able to pull a rabbit out of his hat and push his team to their absolute maximum performance - unless they still have some tricks up their sleeve. What clouds the sky is the fact that NOR is heading into the playoffs with a cold streak, having grabbed only 3 wins and a total of 7 points out of their last ten games, albeit most of them being matches against playoff bound teams. NOR is also by far the most penalized team heading into the playoffs and can with their 15th ranking penalty kill in the league by no means afford to sit in the box against a lethal offensive team like FILADELPHIA. Prediction: An interesting dynamic to this matchup is brought by the fact that just a few months back, Eki spent the SCL with MartindalexC and his NOR, despite NOR having almost a completely different roster by now there could be some strategic takeaway from that time spent together on both sides of the puck. Statistically, the outcome in this series is very clear - Northern Ascendancy haven't beaten FILADELPHIA on ECL ice since back in ECL 7 (in 2018) when the two teams met in a similar setup in the quarterfinals. Then, the series ended 4-1 in favor of FILADELPHIA, which I believe will be the result this time too. (2) HAVU Gaming vs Roots Gaming (7) TOP SCORER Tuukka @FlyerKungen Kuha (25+50=75) vs André @Foppatofflan Liljegren (19+34=53) GOALTENDER Oskari @SibeIius Grönroos (78.2 SV%, 1.53 GAA, 7 SO) vs Kasper @Kaz_zu Ramstedt (79.87 SV%, 1.88 GAA, 2 SO) HAVU Gaming saw some changes to their roster for the first time since ECL 8, when Kristian-Mikael @Nassustelija Katajisto joined the squad, forming their well-known championship machine. The loss of Ilmari @Buantso Lehkonen stings, but at least based on what we've seen so far, Hannes @Hansulinho Kettunen has done well in filling those boots. The thing is, Puantso has always been at his best in the playoffs so now is when the real test for Hansu starts. Team captain FlyerKungen is having a career season if that's even possible for a man who's seemingly won it all, so he can definitely be counted on even this season when the going gets rough. What raises some eyebrows is the fact that in the recent HAVU-FILA regular season matchup, HAVU didn't show up to play like they use to. The games were seemingly kept close, but the eye test indicates that they were outplayed by their sweet rivals. It might just be a night off and even if they would have needed to make some fixes, they've had a weeks time to do so. Now is the time to be at their best and that is what HAVU is known for in the playoffs, bring it on, they say. Roots Gaming is "the other green team" in the Elite division, but despite being overshadowed by the HAVU powerhouse, we're talking about a definite Elite title contender who can dismantle just about any team if and when the stars align. The addition of Foppatofflan has given them an added level of creativity on offense and their quick puck movement can be tough to handle even for some better teams around. Väinö @vSilenttio Pietilä seems to be back in his prime and as we know is a vocal leader who can do good things for his team when he plays like he has been so far this season. When going up against a team like HAVU, it's always highly doubtful for the underdog to walk away victorious, but IF Roots were to do so, now is their time. Prediction: The black and green battle rages hard in this one and despite looking out of focus from time to time in the regular season, HAVU will be coming to play in the postseason as always. Roots is one of the few teams that managed to beat HAVU in the regular season, but wins against a team of HAVU's caliber come few and far between even for your regular ECL Elite squad. Roots are looking better than ever this season and that is why they will manage to challenge HAVU, but the defending champions will march on, 4-2 for HAVU. (3) hREDS vs Vesa Pompa (6) TOP SCORER Joakim @Joukki Nyholm (32+46=78) vs Jere @jergelii Jortama (20+20=40) GOALTENDER Mika @FinKonna Paasikontu (78.6 SV%, 1.73 GAA, 7 SO) vs Filip @Faze91- Azri (80.32 SV%, 2.03 GAA, 3 SO) It's been said multiple times and should be stressed ahead of every time hREDS take the ice. They are possibly the most skilled team out there at the moment. The offensive power that the squad possesses is nearly unmatched at the moment and with that Joukki managed to grab the regular season scoring title with a stunning 78 points to his name and beside him, Perttu @Beniittto Kemppainen tied for most assists ever (55) in a regular season whereas Tuukka @Tuukka.R Röpelinen set a new goal scoring high for defensemen in the regular season (16). It is clear that hREDS will be able to outscore just about any opponent in the league, but the difference in them compared to champions like FILADELPHIA and HAVU Gaming in their prime is defensive play. If hREDS wishes to win - which I believe they can - they will need to find a way to tighten up defensively without sacrificing their number one weapon, which is their lethal offense. Vesa Pompa were one of the most underestimated teams in our season preview, but it has turned out that has indeed gelled nicely and been able to perform at a high level - as their talent packed roster would suggest. The team, being led in scoring by Finnish imports jergeli and Vili @Vilupoika Häkkinen of former Butterfly Effect fame has aptly been able to climb into playoff contention in just their second season at the Elite level. Vesa Pompa has seen a lot of turnover over the years with the constant being captain Johan @Lehmannens Lehmann and winger Henrik @Eken45jr Eklund, who despite being widely considered as one of the most talented young players around is yet to truly make his claim as one of the very top players in the division. Maybe this playoff run is his time to shine? Prediction: It will be a warm reunion to start the series between former Butterfly Effect forward trio Niklas @NikkeDangles Tukiainen on the hREDS side, whereas Jergeli and Vilupoika will be representing Vesa Pompa. The trio has been apart on ECL ice since ECL 9, when they last wreaked havoc on the division in the old purple jerseys. The difference in this series will most likely be experience in playing together. There is no doubt in the world that Vesa Pompa wouldn't possess the skill to beat hREDS, but due to the fact that hREDS have so much more time together, they will win this series 4-1. (4) Farjestad BK vs JYP Jyvaskyla (5) TOP SCORER Christoffer @I-Maise-I Berntsson (17+30=47) vs Antti @tbnantti Kuittinen (20+35=55) GOALTENDER Johan @McSavid Rundqvist (83.09 SV%, 1.9 GAA, 3 SO) vs Santeri @Sandr0hh Reijasalo (82.07 SV%, 2.06 GAA, 2 SO) Since last ECL, Farjestad BK has turned their roster into an all-Swedish machine and are currently the lone Elite team flying that flag proudly. We're all very familiar with their style of play, but especially with the addition of Anton @antoniomannen004 Svensander on the right wing the team has managed to diversify their game and give themselves more of a puck possession option whenever that might be required. Compared to the FBK we saw back in ECL 10, this team is considerably stronger defensively while being able to maintain their danger on offense, which could partially be attributed to good signings, but also simply due to evolving their play and finding better situational awareness in seemingly trivial situations on the ice. The worrysome part for them is that Andreas @affelj96 Ljungberg is their number one option and has scored over 40% of the goals for his team this season. Secondary scoring surely exists but it will be interesting to see whether they need to find it or not in this series. Last season has surely not been forgotten in the JYP camp. Their roster has seen some minor, but very meaningful turnover as mainly Kristian @kriketski17 Veijola suddenly left prior to the season, and was swiftly replaced by equally talented young gun Valtteri @Vattu__ Virtanen. The thing is, though, that Kriketski is an incredibly impactful player on the ice - most of the times for good, but sometimes for bad. Losing such a player has forced JYP to evolve, just alike their opponent and despite being outplayed in the playoffs last season, this time will surely look a lot different. JYP is boasting one of the most skilled defensive pairings in the league and will be utilizing both of them to create danger and odd-man chances on both sides of the ice, and their offensive trio can very well make things happen on their own if need be. Overall, we're looking at a JYP that is more balanced than last season, but do they have that extra something that will push them on to the next round? We'll see. Prediction: Despite there being a significant amount of turnover from last season in both teams, we all still remember what happened back in ECL 10 Elite, when FBK dismantled the #1 seed and caused an incredible upset. It'll surely be a factor that could have an impact on the first few games even in this series, but as play moves on, those memories will fade. We're looking at a tremendously exciting matchup that will extend into games 6-7, and I'm hoping for the latter. JYP will bounce back from last season and advance 4-3. Tune in for ECL 11 Elite Quarterfinals tonight!
    2 points
  23. RoKi Esports In: @Jobeyz - GIFU HOCKEY Out: Drippimehu93 - Free agent Thank you @Ihan pihalla Drippi for your services and good luck with the rest of your career ❤
    2 points
  24. Teamname: Crazy Capricorns Teamabkürzung: CAP Team captains (PSN IDs): ehcfrauenfeld (Captain), BomberMinion , HCTG2000 Team roster (PSN IDs): ehcfrauenfeld BomberMinion HCTG2000 smile-x- PapaKessel tolltroll8689 extrakto MTimonen-Nissi x_Fischtown_x Chris-at-Home EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=305549&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): - Logo: Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Nein Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Nein
    2 points
  25. Teamname: The Black Jacks Teamabkürzung: TBJ Team captains (PSN IDs): Cami__7 CuteTerminator_7 Red09Dragon08 Team roster (PSN IDs): Cami__7 CuteTerminator_7 Red09Dragon08 wobfighter KG12PK88 Sm0kez13_ SirScheissa1ot88 oveckin97 GregsonTV sebwies39 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=1851&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): --- Logo: siehe Anhang Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: ja
    2 points
  26. Free lw/c/rw Hi! I'm looking for club that is willing to train hard and work their game open mindedly! I'm competitive person myself and I'm ready to do everything to be in a winning team. I am a team player that needs good company! Hit me up for tryout! (Core or Lite teams) (Preferred language finnish/english) Psn: xgame97
    1 point
  27. An experienced player is looking for a club playing GCL. Preferred position Lw / C Thanks. Psn: Gadzovec
    1 point
  28. Moro, Mystic Gaming laajentaa toimintansa nhl puolelle ja 5 rentoo mutta kovaa pelimiestä ois hakusessa paikat on -rw -lw rd ld g Tiimi tähtää korkeelle mutta pitäähän se jostaki aloittaa ei haittaa jos et ole pelikenttien loistepelaaja mutta kunhan intoa ja halua löytyy pelata se on pääasia tärkeintähän tässä on että on kivaa ja näinpoispäin eli jos olet se joka huutaa tiimiläisille 1 tai 2 virheestä et kuulu tänne Iällä ei ole väliä kunhan osaat käyttäytyä Jos kiinnostus heräsi pistäppä viestiä
    1 point
  29. HC Long Way looking for defender on next ECL and RCL PRO. Contact with me by PSN:ZiGi-LV or whatsapp number +34603354143
    1 point
  30. Hellou Im looking for GCL or ECL Lite team(C,RW,RD) ,defensive style skater playing with both handle ,but prefer left,good passing ratio,face off winner 57% .great looking for make it break away pass,easy understand rotation during the game and subsitute on position.if you like it i can join for try out games. Have a nice weekend ps4 nick:nexiaman
    1 point
  31. Someone in core or even lite pick this guy up! Just started playing 6s this year but could already handle that level. Has good hands and moves the puck
    1 point
  32. Teamname: The Black Pirates HC Teamabkürzung: TBP Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain 1(Geronimo1939), Assistant Captain 1(Doncastro1), Assistant Captain 2(Dump_n_Chase) Team roster (PSN IDs): Geronimo1939 Doncastro1 Dump_n_Chase butzikrieger82 OMorsbach1987 RAT_666 Stockalone thoeme_schwyz x_Ey_Du_Ja_Nix_x EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=18228&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): Logo: im Anhang Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: Nein Bereitschaft in der 3. Division zu spielen, sofern diese bereits gegründet wird: Ja
    1 point
  33. Free G for next GCL (fin) Contact here or PSN jeskamareee
    1 point
  34. Teamname: Swiss Seniors Teamabkürzung: SwS Team captains (PSN IDs): Captain: riffi4, Assistant Captain 1: hugolopes, Assistant Captain 2: Steff-der-Dude Team roster (PSN IDs): hugolopes 🇨🇭 xI_Somnium_Ix 🇨🇭 The_Betz_0116 🇩🇪 Greco81 🇨🇭 Steff-der-Dude 🇨🇭 kuglach 🇦🇹 x-bluewhite-x 🇨🇭 TIGERchneubi79 🇨🇭 riffi4 🇨🇭🇰🇿🇺🇿🇹🇲 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.ea.com/games/nhl/nhl-21/pro-clubs/overview?clubId=17469&platform=ps4&isLocalized=true Previous team name(s): - Division: 2 Teilnahme am Qualifikationsturnier zur Division 1: nein Teilnahme Division 3, falls bereits gegründet; ja Logo:
    1 point
  35. Free backup C/RD looking for team for upcoming ecl and tournaments. Contact me here or PSN: ssampee37
    1 point
  36. Free backup D looking team for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or PSN: OzziX35
    1 point
  37. Free backup rd looking team for upcoming ecl and tournaments Contact me here or psn Mikkok8ho_
    1 point
  38. Free goalie for ECL (and possibly for other tournaments). Really hoping for a chance to play and show myself in Elite, but also interested in Pro teams. I’m extremely active and experienced and I’d really like to find a team where I could stay for extended period of time since I tend to be extremely loyal for the team I play for. I’m ready to prove myself and open for any try-outs. Playercard: https://nhlgamer.com/players/23 Fluent in English and Finnish.
    1 point
  39. Free Rw/C/Rd Looking Ecl team I can play every day Psn Diktaattori62
    1 point
  40. Free RW searching team from top lite or pro. I have played a lot of 1v1s and eashl since 2015. I played in HotBox which is currently top 8 in lites playoffs but I was too good for there and did not get playing time because i would have destroyed lites scoreboards and also nih. Contact me on psn: Einari_99 niin saatanasti. Pitiköse?
    1 point
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