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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/19 in all areas

  1. I'm setting up a team with my former teammates kinnune and epelis. Our vision is to create a team that is active and also fun to stay and play with in the upcoming nhl games. We will try to win as many games as possible but we don't (and we wont) have to be the best team around. So therefore we're looking for players with some requirements: You need to be able to play on multiple days in a week between 20 – 22ish finnish time. We're aiming for roster of 7-8 active players where everyone shares gaming time in tournaments if all them players have about the same activity level. So you have to be okay with sharing icetime if everyone is active and wants to be on the ice (some can also be backup players if theyre fine with the role and ready to step in when needed). Will to learn and improve teamplay on the ice We hope that you're kind of person that shows up next day if there has been rough last night games (hope there won't be) We hope you play focused and relaxed If you like and agree with our vision and are okay with our "requirements" please leave me a message and we can talk more after. We will try to get games going on as soon as we are able to find some additions to our core. Currently we're looking for: Goalie RD LW or C and one or two utility player who can play on multiple positions Sincerely yours, kjkj
    10 points
  2. NHLGamers, Although the ECL season is in the books, this past weekend has still been full of excitement and drama for NHL gaming fans around the world. That's because the NHL GWC is rolling on and this Saturday marked the date for the European Play-In Bracket that determines which gamers are punching their ticket to the regional finals at Viasat studios in Stockholm on May 18th. The games started Saturday afternoon and although they are something of a grind - the format this year was a single elimination bracket which resulted in the day progressing rather quickly. The single elimination format has been criticised heavily on social media due to the harshness and the nature of the game in its current state - meaning it allows for uncontrollable bounces and unfortunate goals to happen on the regular. Regardless of this, a good player can always create their own luck and at the end of the day we're certainly seeing some top notch gamers grabbing their spot in the regional finals. Here are the gamers moving through at the end of Saturday: PS4 Saku @Sagee95 Björn, Kristian @kriketski17 Veijola, Risto @Dominointi Järvi and Paul @PleeMaker Arontie. Xbox Erik @Eki Tammenpää, Eilung, Hannes @Hansulinho Kettunen and Joonas @SUPERVIRTA Virta. Check Eki's reaction to making the regional finals: The defending champion didn't beat around the bush when asked about the NHL GWC format this year: "I don't like the format, you simply need to have more shots at making the biggest tournament of the year than one. One and done isn't the way to do it. It's the same for everyone but at the end of the day think we're going to see some players at the finals who probably wouldn't deserve to be there." It's great to see a few names making their presence felt, although it means a few established players have to face disappointments. Some of last years regional finalists including @Artuzio, @Darkic01 and @FlyerKungen fell short this time, being eliminated in the earlier stages of the brutal single elimination bracket. One of the new names included is Saku @Sagee95 Björn, who we reached for some comments about the NHL GWC so far: "There's certainly some positives and negatives about the format this year. I like moving over to HUT in the sense that you're seeing some diversity in the teams which wouldn't be there if it was versus. The single elimination bracket is rough, since one mistake could cost you the whole tournament." "I don't want to put down my opponents, but I think I had an easy way to the regionals. None of my opponents so far really tested me too much. The upcoming draft is going to be interesting, I'll try to build a team with big bodies and Zdeno Chara is a guy I hope I can secure in my lineup.", Sagee continues. Joonas @SUPERVIRTA Virta is another new name, who's been one of the fastest growing NHL streamers out there recently: "It feels amazing to qualify for my first bigger tournament. What makes it extra special is sharing those moments with all the people in my stream and getting all the support from there." The NHL GWC will continue with the Canadian Play-In Bracket next weekend and the US Play-In Bracket the weekend after that, so there's still lots of action to go around before the grand finals. Remember to tune in and watch the regional finals on May 18th. Who will you be cheering for? @jahajaha93 NHLGamer Editor
    8 points
  3. Search is still open! Extending our search for players to every position due to inactivity and few "transfers". Lots of playtime guaranteed and a spot in starting line-up in future tournaments if the stars are aligned. Hit me up with PM here or PSN 😘
    6 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Check psn Check psn Im interested in RD. Hit me up
    3 points
  6. Hej NHLGamers! Vi är glada att kunna presentera våran nya intervjuserie inom SCL. Vi har satt os ner tillsammans med några av de allra främsta svenska spelarna inom NHL communityn, bland dessa även några kanske inte så välkända spelare. Intervjuerna kommer att släppas en efter en unders SCLs framfart och den första spelaren vi kommer att intervjua är @iSvamp. Tjena Svamp, hur är läget? - Hej, i skrivande stund är det bara bra med mig. Pollen i luften och en 10 dagars ”arbetsvecka” framför mig, finns väl absolut ingenting att klaga på? Låt oss börja. Vem är killen bakom spakarna? - Bakom spakarna och bakom skärmen sitter en kille som känner att han varit med i gamet alldeles för länge, men som fortfarande tycker att det här med ”tävling” är fantastiskt kul, även fast det i dag inte är lika allvarligt så som det var för några år sedan. Yrkesmilitär, studerande och bosatt på 3 adresser fram till sommaren. Sportnörd, brinner för Brynäs och blåvitt och mår oftast så som lagen spelar. Lugnare, mognare – men fortfarande inte konflikträdd. Mycket trevligare än vad jag utåt kan se ut att vara, men ibland vill ”trollet” i mig fortfarande krypa fram. Varför började du spela NHL? - Hockey har alltid varit en av favoritsporterna, och när jag var 6 år gammal kom jag i kontakt med det första hockeyspelet på någon gammal Nintendo konsol. Sen fortsatte det under flera år på PC (NHL 99 är fortfarande ett av de bästa spelen som skapats). EASHL kom jag i kontakt med på en seriös nivå i slutet av NHL 10. Jag hade i flera år ensam spelat mycket offline, versus och enstaka drop-in matcher, men aldrig riktigt hittat in i ett lag där jag fastnade. Det var egentligen via jobbet som det satte igång ordentligt. Min kollega hade i NHL 10 vunnit det svenska mästerskapet i EASHL och var otroligt kaxig över detta. Under den tiden spelade jag mycket ”klan-spel” i Modern Warfare och senare Mw2, nyss tagit studenten och gjorde väl det som alla ”gamers” drömde om, spelade otroligt mycket tv-spel. Jag fick gästspela som back i deras EASHL-lag ”KOW” och efter flera månader med sena nätter och tusentals matcher hade jag spelat upp mig så att jag fick chansen i ett av de svenska topplagen i skiftet mellan NHL 11-12. Vilka tror du vinner SCL? - Du menar vilka jag ska lägga pressen på? Nåväl. Det finns många starka lag där ute, och än är inte alla trupper officiella. Northern Ascendancy är absolut de största favoriterna, oavsett om @Foppatofflan spelar eller inte spelar, så sitter de på en bra bredd i truppen blandat med rutin. Det har ju även kommit spelare till det laget som gått dit för att de vill vinna och så finns det ”Svenska legoknektar” där ute just nu som letar den självklara klubben att gå till för att ha störst chans att plocka hem prispengarna – och en fågel viskade i mitt öra att de under helgen provspelade i just NOR. Så de får absolut leva med ett favoritskap, och får väl egentligen se det som ett fiasko om de inte skulle lyckas. För mig är dock SPARTANS en outsider. Jag vet att Synergy kommer göra bra ifrån sig med, sen finns det klubbar där bakom så som Bucketeers och AIK Hockey som också bör känna lite prestationspress. Jag säger ändå NOR – de kommer dock att få kämpa för det. Ovan: iSvamps statistik på NHLGamer Det har gått rykten om en typ av bibel inom NHL communityn och du verkar vara väldigt involverad i dess tillverkning. Berätta. - Ja, hur sammanfattar man detta? Efter att vi vunnit dåvarande ECL (EC) på PS3, så gick vi över till xbox360 för att utmana dåvarande storlaget Northern Stars som då hade svept allt motstånd i turnering efter turnering på den sidan av EASHL-världen. Vi slog ihop oss med våra finalmotståndare på PS3 ”Synergy Hockey” och skapade klubben ”Sons Of The Morning”, någonstans i mitten av den första turneringen var vi väl ett gäng i det laget som var missnöjda med mycket, och valde att hoppa av det tåget. Jag, @Lainzndr och @anrh17 påbörjade då ett projekt med ett lag känt som ”Unknown” där vi samlade ihop ”bänkade” spelare från Sons, och andra svenska spelare som inte riktigt hade kommit in i något svenskt topplag de senaste åren. Laget Unknown gjorde väl ett okej gruppspel i den turneringen, hade egentligen ingen som helst spelidé utan spelade egentligen enbart på intuition och individuell skicklighet. När slutspelet sen lottades så fick vi den absolut värsta nitlotten, Northern Stars direkt i första rundan. Ett lag som vi ändå hade spelat jämt med i både gruppspelet och EASHL, men ett lag som ALDRIG förlorat en turnering, och knappt hade förlorat en match i ett slutspel förutom några enstaka här och där. Det var egentligen här som ”bibeln” kom till. Jag satte mig ner veckan innan kvarstfinalen mot NOS och studerade exakt ALLT material jag kunde komma över via @cHIIMEERas twitch, analyserade hur lag hade spelat mot dem, vad de hade gjort för fel och hur Northern Stars byggde upp sina anfall, och vem och vad som var deras styrka. Det hela slutade med att jag i mitt huvud började se mönster och efter det började jag även få lite små idéer i hur vi skulle kunna lösa det. I det stora hela kan man väl säga att: En bra offensiv kommer göra att du kör över motståndare som inte har disciplin, men bäst försvar kommer alltid att vinna mästerskap (så var det i alla fall då). Tampa Bay spelade ju någon form av fegt trap-spel med en 1-3-1 uppställning något år innan detta, där de helt struntade i forecheck när de tappade pucken, och jag tänkte att – fan, vi borde testa det här i EASHL och se vad som händer. Unknown hade absolut inte de bästa spelarna på varje position, men vi lärde oss att spela efter den här taktiken ut och innantill via hårt arbete i EASHL, det samt en jäkla vilja att alltid vinna och att alltid släppa in så lite mål som möjligt gjorde att den här ”bibeln” blev framgångsrikt för vårt sätt att spela. Trap, backup, alltid minst 2 mot 1, helst 3 mot 1 överallt på isen. Med det spelet svepte vi NOS i kvarten, och plockade sen 4 raka europamästerskap med Unknown/Northern Ascendancy. Jag har sen kommit i kontakt med lag som jag vet kommit över någon ”taskig” version av denna bibel, och det är kul att det uppskattas i dag, det jag själv tog fram för några år sedan. Sen tror jag inte alls på den fullt ut i dag, då jag inte spelar mitt lag helt och hållet på det sättet. Sen finns det vissa grundidéer i den som fortfarande är applicerbart, spelen har ju ändrat sig sen det begav sig, men det är helt klart någonting att luta sig tillbaka mot för lag som kanske offensivt inte är lika tunga som topplagen, då defensiv fortfarande är den viktigaste byggstenen i ett lagbygge. Sammanfattnigsvis - Den riktiga bibeln finns, men den har arkiverats. Sedan ECL 3 så har du som back mäktat med 86 poäng på 112 matcher vilket är ett bra poängsnitt för en back. Du har under åren huserat i tongivande klubbar såsom Northern Ascendancy och Team Frosty. Vad är det som krävs för att kunna hålla en sån hög nivå? - Först och främst, så anser jag inte själv att jag håller den nivå i dag som jag gjorde mellan NHL 13-15. Mitt break i NHL 16 och comebacken i 17 med en ny spelmotor gjorde mig mycket ont, då jag hade otroligt svårt att anpassa mig till den stela hockeyn, långsammare tempot och "glitchigare" skridskoåkning än de spelare som var med från start i NHL16 och next gen. Men ja, jag spelade i Elite de följande säsongerna, och min styrka har väl alltid varit blicken för spelet, att stå rätt, kunna kombinera tufft spel med snabba passningar - i stora drag ”speluppfattning”. Sen har jag själv de senaste åren haft motivationsdippar, svårt att hitta tid till att spela så mycket som man måste göra för att orka hålla sig kvar i toppen, samt att jag personligen inte brunnit lika mycket för att ”vinna”, så som jag gjorde när vi var det absolut bästa laget i turnering efter turnering. Och det är väl just detta som är svaret på din fråga. För att hålla sig i toppen, måste man göra som toppspelarna i SKY och FILA gör i dag – man måste vid sidan av EASHL spela så mycket VS och HUT man bara kan, man måste lära sig spelets svagheter, spelets hemligheter och bli bättre på dessa än sina motståndare. Vill du vinna, måste du orka lägga ner 4-5h varje dag (minst) på spelet, du måste våga ändra saker med din build, testa nya saker och bara nöta. Jag personligen orkar inte detta i dag, 2-3 matcher räcker sen tappar jag fokus. Förr kunde jag utan tvekan spela från 16 till 02, 6vs6 match efter match, och när det inte spelades i klubben, så byggde jag om min spelare, eller spelade VS. Och det är väl kanske lite det som gör att man fortfarande kan hålla sig kvar och kan spela mot toppspelare. Men jag är absolut inte idag vad jag var för flera år sen och det gör inte så mycket, ingen kan någonsin ta ifrån dig de titlar du vunnit – oavsett om vissa andra vill det. Sen är du aldrig bättre än dina medspelare, vilket också är en faktor. Vem är den bästa spelaren du har spelat med? - Jag gissar att folk redan vet svaret på den frågan. @Foppatofflan, utan tvekan. Det finns ingen spelare där ute i dag som har fler turneringstitlar än mig och foppa, även fast ingen av oss har plockat något ECL än. Men det finns heller ingen spelare där ute som legat kvar i toppen så länge som han har gjort. Från NHL 11 och till i dag har han år efter år varit en toppspelare, kanske inte alltid den bästa, men alltid med i snacket. Individuellt finns det säkert bättre spelare offensivt eller defensivt, men han har hela paketet, kan spela överallt, är en 2vägs-spelare som alltid är farlig framåt, och när han blir förbannad så är han riktigt farlig. Jag har spelat 288 matcher med honom i EHL/EC/ECL genom åren, gjort 77 mål, och 339 assist med en total på 416 poäng bakom honom på samma kant, det är svårt att hitta någon annan som varit bättre - och jag har hunnit med att spela med en hel del. Det var en lyx att kunna kasta hårda pass i sargen, från alla håll och kanter och veta att han skulle förvalta den, och ge dig en gratispoäng, och det hände ju uppenbarligen 339 gånger. Vilket är ditt bästa tips för att bli en bra back? - 1. Stirra dig inte blint på de backar som ligger högt i poängligan. Utan titta på de backar som defensivt är briljanta, se vad de gör, och gör det bättre. 2. Fokusera aldrig på poäng, poäng kommer gratis om laget vinner. Felet många gör är att de blir väldigt baktunga, när backar som är duktiga försöker lösa forwards jobb i offensiven. Jag själv har aldrig varit någon dangler, men jag lyckades trots att jag var en ”stay-at-home” back vinna 4 backligor, och det med 15-30 poäng, för att mitt lag jag spelade i fungerade framåt utan att vi hade backar som var uppe och kladdade för mycket. 3. Spela forward med andra lag, spela versus eller HUT, lär dig hur du vänder på det snabbaste sättet, från vilka avstånd du kan slå vissa passningar, och öva in timing och avstånd i tacklingar/pokes. I stora drag, spela mer än den du tävlar mot. Men glöm inte att defensiv alltid är viktigare än offensiv. Tänk 2-väg, men med 60/40 fokus. Gör du detta, så är du en god bit på vägen. Där har ni det! Vi tackar Mattias för att han tog sig tid att svara på dessa frågor och önskar honom lycka till i SCL. På återläsande, @Willander97 & @mayX-swe
    2 points
  7. Yo im interested in a tryout with you! I play mainly RD
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Free LW/C/LD  Pref finnish team. Msg me here or psn: lozt_amigo
    1 point
  10. "nyss tagit studenten och gjorde väl det som alla ”gamers” drömde om, spelade otroligt mycket tv-spel." Haha underbart trevlig läsning
    1 point
  11. Hey guys! Im interested to begin my nhl journey as a rd/ld doesnt really matter. I played alot in nhl 17 and had a break in 18 but im back again. You can reach me here or at my psn Andre_24x. Iv played some games im lvl 20 on my acc but im really looking for a team and league to play with. I play competitive 11v11 fifa atm in a league called VPG.
    1 point
  12. Team name: Minotaurs Team Abbreviation: MIN Team captains (PSN IDs): RPH__95 (C), RPH__75 (A), BennKu (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): RPH__95 🇨🇭 RPH__75 🇩🇪 rammstein-bob 🇫🇷 RonnieGreen76 🇫🇷 Drunken_Goood 🇩🇪 BennKu 🇩🇪 Julleonparas1 🇫🇮 Ionisus-sam_moth 🇩🇪 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.easports.com/nhl/clubs/ps4/Minotaurs Team Logo: 
    1 point
  13. POGGERS IN: uhNikke (G) from Distopia OUT: ZPalffy
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Team name: Power Of Diesel Team Abbreviation: POD  Team captains (PSN IDs): IIVAPOR100II (C), (A), xxairmax1oo (A)DripTrip87 Team roster (PSN IDs): IiVAPOR100iI xxairmax1oo armani-code1904 I__BoRnToBeWiLd_ Flo_Lomp Maveriick947 L DripTrip87 C4__N4R__V4 L CRYONIIX_2 caboli30 L Monschder https://www.easports.com/de/nhl/clubs/ps4/Power of Diesel/match-history
    1 point
  16. NHLGamers, With this season review, we'll be able to put yet another ECL Pro season in the books! After an unfortunate delay due to ISP issues, we were able to crown POGGERS the new champion and congratulate them for a guaranteed Elite spot for ECL 9. Without further ado we want to conclude a season review in traditional fashion: Top 8 teams of ECL 8 Pro: POGGERS - The new champion had an outstanding playoff run (16 wins, 4 losses) which wasn't easy. In the first round they only needed 5 games to top the most liked mascot of Raccoon Rampage, 6 games to destroy the hopes of the contender Gotham Knights and 5 games against the very well defending team of Checkmate. In the finals POGGERS faced the team to beat - TIKI TALK ran by veteran @itspardytime who were the favorites all across the board. POGGERS regular season wasn't that pretty, as they finished only 5th in Group 1 which resulted in the 9th seed overall. After rotating a little bit in the regular season, POGGERS sticked with their starting 6 for the playoffs. @Chafak led the team in points all season long but don't sleep on the nice defensive pair of @Speedy104 and @Wickedtah69. It will be interesting to see, how they will perform in the Elite next season. TIKI TALK - The runner-up was the favorite coming into the season and didn't disappoint. They dominated their Group 1 with their high-scoring offense around top-scoring captain @itspardytime. They were no slouches on the the defensive side either and these two factors certainly made them into real contenders this season. TIKI TALK didn't hesitate to make their presence felt in the playoffs as they swept Bellizzi and SIKA in the first two rounds. They had to pay attention in the semi-finals against Black Horse as they beat the 1st seed of The Next Gen, but as it seemed it wasn't too hard to deal with as Pardy and his guys only needed five games to secure their finals spot. Quite disappointing that they fell short against the later champions but TIKI TALK will have a shot at the highest division in their promotion battles against Synergy Hockey. Will there be a joyful ending to their cinderella story? Checkmate - The defensive minded team built around @TackleControl had a pretty shaky line up during the regular season where they used 9 skaters and 2 goalies. This wasn't the case for the playoffs as nearly all of the games were played by their starting 6. Checkmate's way to the semi-final was built up by a pretty good 3rd place in Group 1 which lead to a first round matchup against Speedy Bros Hockey (win in 5 games) and a quarterfinal against Mentula SKA (win in 6 games). They didn't flaunt their offensive guns that much but are very good at shut down defense and very dangerous in the counter attacks. Their effort wasn't enough in the semis against the later champs POGGERS, but you will see them in the Elite next season, as they were able to beat Resurrection in the promotion battle. Black Horse - Going into the season in the role as their name would suggest, Black Horse struggled to show their talent in the regular season. Finishing 5th in Group 2 which resulted in the 13th seed overall, they showed their real potential finally in the playoffs. A contender like Silver Sword Griffins in the first round? Done in 6 games. The highest seed in the quarterfinals? C'mon, let's sweep them. The later runner-up TIKI TALK eventually beat them in 5 games, but nevertheless the team around @Tapparafan made some noise for sure. Unfortunately we won't see this team again as rumours about a breakup have been heard through the grapevine. Gotham Knights - The former Elite team wanted to play a bounce-back season and were an early favorite for sure. They rotated quite heavily during the regular season but top-scorer and captain @ReDMisTi kept his cool with his experience leading his team to a second place finish in Group 1 and the 3rd seed overall. Their defense was outstanding as they only conceded 42 goals in a total of 30 games. While continuing their good form in the first round as they beat the SPARTANS in 5 games, their season came to a quick halt in the quarter finals against the later champions POGGERS. As Black Horse left an open promotion spot by disbanding, the Knights out of Gotham had were given the chance due to their best remaining playoff record and PPG of the regular season. Unfortunately they lost to the Unlucky Boys HC and will remain in the Pro division for ECL 9. Mentula SKA - After they got promoted from Lite in ECL 7, Mentula SKA showed that they can compete also in the second highest division. An immediate playoff qualification with the record 20-8-2 resulted in the 3rd place of Group 2 and the 6th overall seed goes to show for that. After a tight battle which needed 7 games to see a winner in the first round against Rajatorpan Mafia, the team of @Niksu21 fell short against the later Elite qualifying Checkmate in 6 games. Nevertheless a pretty good debut season for the former Lite team and they will be in the mix of the favorites for further tournaments for sure! The Next Gen - The runner-up of the ECL 7 Lite division was on fire right from the get go. Leading Group 2 all the way, they ended up being the top seed overall for the playoffs. This team boasted top-scorers @kriketski17 and @NikkeDangles in their lineup and managed to be one of the defensive powerhouses of the league even with missing their starting goaltender and captain @ramseyy2. Easy tap in in a wide open spot for ECL 9 Elite right? Playoff hockey is a different story - that's something that will be hard to swallow for The Next Gen. They needed 7 games against the GHETTO FIREBIRDS in the first round and guess what? They got swept in the quarterfinals against Black Horse. Pretty disappointing end to an otherwise outstanding season. We're hoping for these guys to be back, that's for sure! SIKA - After a very bad season in the Elite division of ECL 7 it was a team defining season for SIKA. They had some problems adjusting their style to start the season in the Pro division but eventually finished the group stage at 7th in Group 1 and 11th seed overall. This squad is experienced and that ended up paying off in the first round as they beat Born With It, who where the 2nd seed of Group 2, in 6 games. Unfortunately the Hogs weren't quite strong enough to hold up against the later runner-up TIKI TALK in the quarter finals. Can they make a deeper playoff run in ECL 9? AWARDS Playoff MVP: @Chafak Most Points: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Goals: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Assists: @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games Most Hits by a Forward: @Enerfity, Speedy Bros Hockey, 227 Hits in 26 games Best +/-: @kriketski17, The Next Gen, +74 in 30 games Most Points by a Defenseman: @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 35 Points in 30 games Most Goals by a Defenseman: @Drunkendefender, SPARTANS, 11 Goals, 23 Assists, 34 Points in 30 games Most Assists by a Defenseman: @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 35 Points in 30 games Most Hits by a Defenseman: @Lurkins, SIKA, 228 Hits in 22 games TOP 3'S OF ECL 8 PRO Top 3 Forwards Regular Season: 1. @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 47 Goals, 48 Assists, 95 Points in 30 games 2. @kriketski17, The Next Gen, 47 Goals, 35 Assists, 82 Points in 30 games 3. @NikkeDangles, The Next Gen, 38 Goals, 44 Assists, 82 Points in 30 games Top 3 Defenders Regular Season: 1. @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 8 Goals, 35 Assists, 43 Points in 30 games 2. @Drunkendefender, SPARTANS, 11 Goals, 23 Assists, 34 Points in 30 games 3. @oGBioLan, The Next Gen, 6 Goals, 26 Assists, 32 Points in 30 games Top 3 Goaltenders Regular Season: 1. @Masapunda, Born With It, 21 Wins, 86.47 SV%, 1.82 GAA, 5 SO in 29 games 2. @PeeloJombb, Mentula SKA, 20 Wins, 84.07 SV%, 1.66 GAA, 4 SO in 30 games 3. @Joshua Plattner, Silver Sword Griffins, 18 Wins, 80.78 SV%, 1.58 GAA, 8 SO in 30 games Top 3 Forwards Playoffs: 1. @itspardytime, TIKI TALK, 28 Goals, 27 Assists, 55 Points in 18 games 2. @Teme, TIKI TALK, 21 Goals, 24 Assists, 45 Points in 18 games 3. @Jirsimarco, TIKI TALK, 10 Goals, 23 Assists, 33 Points in 18 games Top 3 Defenders Playoffs: 1. @Thewix93, TIKI TALK, 6 Goals, 21 Assists, 27 Points in 18 games 2. @Savinaainen, TIKI TALK, 3 Goals, 13 Assists, 16 Points in 18 games 3. @Wickedtah69, POGGERS, 3 Goals, 12 Assists, 15 Points in 21 games Top 3 Goaltenders Playoffs: 1. @Janne Hietala, POGGERS, 16 Wins, 86.34 SV%, 1.47 GAA, 5 SO in 21 games 2. @PCJP, TIKI TALK, 13 Wins, 83.53 SV%, 1.50 GAA, 3 SO in 18 games 3. @villamies95, Black Horse, 9 Wins, 80.23 SV%, 2 SO in 15 games The controversial 'Top 6' of the season is making a comeback! What this means is a selection of six players in a starting lineup, that have showed exceptional skill and played a good season. Please note that all selections are subjective and they are made by community members who have been keeping an eye on ECL 8 Pro. Without further ado, here's the top 6 of our Pro division in ECL 8: @Chafak (POGGERS) - @Jirsimarco (TIKI TALK) - @itspardytime (TIKI TALK) @Thewix93 (TIKI TALK) - @Speedy104 (POGGERS) @Janne Hietala (POGGERS) We're happy to conclude the season with this review. Once again, thank you all for your participation and congrats to the promoted teams. See you next season! @jahajaha93 & @Mannheimer1938
    1 point
  17. Team name: The Black Jacks Team Abbreviation: TBJ Team captains (PSN IDs): Orignal-Snus (C), AFC_Tschitsch(A), Freeman7187 (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): NHLDennis86 Bille1990 Cami__7 BUrban__ Haldeem Freeman7187 AFC_Tschitsch Original-SnuS Tron1x90 Kevin_Romy_88 EA SPORTS club overview: https://www.easports.com/de/nhl/clubs/ps4/The Black Jacks Team Logo:
    1 point
  18. Butterfly Effect 🦋 In: NikkeDangles from The Next Gen will_yo7 from Unlucky Boys HC
    1 point
  19. Cannonieris With some rally-english the year was 2011 and I was playing in one of the "top teams" at PS3. The GM we had wasn't satisfied with the goalie situation in the team and said that we needed add atleast 1 more goalie to even have a chance in the upcoming tournament. I said that I knew a guy who was talented in every videogame he could "stand still" in (he was a camper and a beast in Bad company 2, and some years before a semi-pro in CS 1.5 - probably camping there as well) - so I told this guy at work to buy NHL 12, and test to play goalie for us. We took him in on a tryout and he was bad as hell the in the beginning. But I convinced our GM to let him stay for some more days before he took a decision. It went well, he started to grind games in drop-in on his free time, he started to play with Americans with bad connection during the nights and slowly started to learn how to play goalie on a decent level. 3 months later was he one of the reasons that we had a record of 121-3-1 in EASHL and made it all the way to the final in EHL with the team called "IIONEII." How the final went isn't that important, but Foppatofflan (Grattis) and Willi won it for TUK in game 7. Later on did he won EC with us in OTP Heroes, and after the final did he followed us over to xbox360. He played 1 tournament for us in Unknown in NHL14, and was one of the reasons that we took our 4th straight EHL/EC-title that year. Last night did he played his last game for Checkmate (1 of 10 clubs during the years I have forced him to join), when they won the series against RES and climbed up to Elite (congratz boys). He's one of the goalies that have been in the top for almost a decade now, together with Dunza (from Synergy Hockey) probably one of maybe 4-5 goalies that have been in the top year after year, game after game - a true veteran so to say. We have had this old semi-fin on a tryout for over a month now, and after 36 games, with 28 wins, 11 shutouts and a saving percentage of 89% is it time to confirm him and say - välkommen tillbaka gubbjävel. FROM Checkmate (my hidden-gem) - Ranta83 ------------------- Some more confirmations will come during this week. But we're still testing guys at fw and D to find the best mix, so PM me or @KukaKaatoiJutin if you are interested. Xoxo
    1 point
  20. Cowabunga Hockey In: rjounila from The Everblades Jann3_67_ from Kanadan Majavat
    1 point
  21. Butterfly Effect 🦋 In: Vilupoika from Team Frosty 😍 Out: joukki13 -> 🤷🏽‍♂️ Crisu_rottis -> Free Agent
    1 point
  22. Just an FYI to the guys who make new clubs these days and plan on entering ECL with them: new clubs kind of defeat the purpose of the division system that the guys in charge may want to implement. There is a way around it (and I designed it, #humblebrag) but the staff is not exactly fond of this way and would rather promote long lasting teams (even though that is not really practical, exhibit A: this thread! Just sayin'...). Obviously there is no decision set in stone as far as divisions for the next ECL's but yeah... Basically there is a higher than 0% chance that making a new club might force you into the bottom division of ECL... Maybe... I dunno. More on this whenever we start talking about this topic.
    1 point
  23. Name: Northern Ascendancy Wants: Defensively minded players that will be playing defence more often than not Other info: We have 6 players at the moment (with room to move players around I'll add) but we're always on the lookout for more to add security to the team for game days. The team is mostly Swedish with a few Germans and one Brit (myself), but any nationality / language is more than welcome but please be able to communicate in English fairly proficiently. Contact info: I'm available both here and on PSN (MartindalexC) so I don't mind which contact method you use
    1 point
  24. 0 points
  25. Team name: DEG eSports Team Abbreviation: DEG Team captains (PSN IDs): Seibertus94 (C), cr1spy82 (A), DangerBrooklyn (A) Team roster (PSN IDs): Seibertus94 DangerBrooklyn Fischtown1988 KG12PK88 lx_RKO_xl ElementsOrange cr1spy82 ghostpaddy29 Bounty_Hunter220 anikanicklas2013 Hockeyboy1985 Mannheimer1982 typolino79 EA SPORTS cluboverview: https://www.easports.com/de/nhl/clubs/ps4/DEG eSports Team Logo: 
    0 points
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