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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/18 in 2b3857dcbd9626b06ec45dac54c68673 Comments

  1. The Frostbite-hype started years ago. It's always the players, not the devs, who talk about it and seem to wait it like it was the next Santa Claus. At best, you might have read or heard some EA-guy say "we'll look into it", which in PR-language translates to "No". As noted above by Pschibra, a new engine doesn't guarantee a better game-play. Especially in a title that is recycled yearly it will probably cause a lot of bugs and glitches. Why change the cow when you can still milk the old one? I believe the main reason why many players would like to see a new engine is that it would offer something different. The game would change without a doubt. After nth year of the same power forward meta many players would just like to have something different, and I can't blame them. The changes could be made without a new engine but it would take deliberate decisions and actions from the dev-team to do so, whereas with a new engine it would merely be a consequence. To me, the changes and new features look very cosmetic. If that stuff took a year to develop, I wouldn't hold my breath for a new engine within the next decade.
    5 points
  2. Don't understand all the hype for the Frostbite engine, it is great for large-map shooter games like battlefield but not so much for sports titles. The visuals are greatly improved, but in NHL they are almost irrelevant, especially using the overhead camera. You never know how it might change the gameplay that is not even amazing at this point (many people blame the engine for ruining the fun and arcadey style of FIFA games of the past). If midway through the dev cycle they find out they can't make Frostbite work, we might end up getting another NHL 15. But if it makes the game better, I'm all for it.
    2 points
  3. Meanwhile in Janbos garage ;).
    1 point
  4. New feature, puck pickup. Or am I hoping too much, its ea so lets not go too crazy with our wishes.
    1 point
  5. https://www.google.fi/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://stevivor.com/features/interviews/nhl-18-ea-canada-working-closely-partners-make-jump-frostbite/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiG3sD_8-TbAhWBIJoKHRKHAPEQFjAOegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw1jm4xyo9iEVCOyY9naaLMj&ampcf=1 I was only able find this article from last year. But I remember a twitter tweets about it. They apologized that they couldn't bring the new game engine to the NHL 18 because they had so little time. They add to it then that they are working on it so that they can bring frostbite to the NHL 19. I searched the net though but can't find that tweet..
    1 point
  6. It's not often you can put a world champ on the bench as a healthy scratch. The level of play in Kannunkulma is so high that in yesterdays games Eki did not make it to the starting lineup.
    1 point
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