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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/16 in all areas

  1. Hello NHLGamers, The regular season is at an end and the ECL 3 playoffs loom large. Who will be the last team standing this time and join the ranks of Nordic Blizzard and MUKIMIEHET as ECL Champions? It all starts in this Round-of-16 where the 32 best teams on the European side of EASHL do battle in grueling Best of-7 series. As I've stated in previous articles, I do love a good preview/review/prediction/analysis when it comes to EASHL so this is an article I've been looking forward to writing. To create a more nuanced approach, I've enlisted the help of SIKA Captain and Truth of Hockey podcast host, @vSilenttio. If you haven't gotten around to checking out the podcast yet, make sure to do so. I have no idea what is being said as the podcast is broadcast in Finnish, but from what I've been told, it's a fun ride with lots of opinions, controversy and analysis. Also, please note that these are just supposed to be fun, speculative predictions from two members of the community. These predictions do not in any way reflect the official opinion of the NHLGamer staff or the website as a whole. The predictions were written yesterday, before the start of the playoffs, without discussing the series' with each other beforehand. Anyway, without further ado, presenting... the ECL 3 Playoff Preview: Northern Stars - Free From Rodents Alpha: To me, this series is pretty much a lock. Northern Stars had an incredibly impressive regular season (better than I thought they would have even), have crazy chemistry built up over almost a decade of playing together, plus one of the best goalies in the league right now in MZK-TrophyHunter. Free From Rodents made the playoffs by winning 10 games less than they lost (atleast in the final standings, not counting the deleted teams). It is impressive for this team to have made the playoffs amongst many tough teams in Group 2, but sadly for them I predict their journey ends here. 4-0 NOS. Silenttio: One of the best teams from ECL 3's regular season faces team that I personally never thought that could make it to the playoffs. Journey to the finals begins easily here for NOS, as they win this series. 4-0 Northern Stars. Written In The Stars - Nordic Nosebleed Alpha: Same case here as the series above really. I believe the offensive firepower of the Bugimir - ADETIKKI - FlyerKungen line will be too much to handle for Nordic Nosebleed. Written In The Stars had the 2nd most goals for in Group 1 and NNB allowed the 5th most goals in Group 2... I think this one could be a bloodbath. 4-0 series win for Written In The Stars. Silenttio: Written is still Written here, as they have their top forwards still in the game with them. Their forwards combined together are one of the most skilled and dangerous trio offensively in the whole Europe. You dont wanna give space to those guys. NNB started well this season, but something happened as in my view their status dropped from surprising challenger, to team that almost didn't even make the playoffs. 4-0 SKY. X Factor vs. Kattiautomaatti Alpha: This is an interesting one. X Factor certainly were impressive during the regular season but Kattiautomaatti is a decent team that I think has another gear. If Kenu manages to take a break from sipping on banana-flavored cocktails - maybe Katti can pull off an upset. X Factor does have very good chemistry though and will most likely take it, not without a fight though. Final prediction, 4-1 X Factor. Silenttio: Oh boy, oh boy. Kids of new era facing the old, legendary Xbox team which used to go far in playoffs - not even long ago. X Factor is a Top 3-team on my list. Huge skill, huge awareness of the game, and lots of games under their belts. I'm afraid that this series will turn ugly after first couple tighter games. Katti has good players, for sure. I'm just not quite sure if are they playing? After tbnantti went to Finnish Roosters, Katti haven't been the same. They have the top Finnish defensemen of the Xbox Era out there in Slaivonen and Sumppi, good chemistry between the wingers but I gotta ask; Who is their leader? Or brick wall goalie? Haven't seen none of these two guys in months - that will be the key differencemaker in this series. Also, I gotta' say that I've heard that Katti has stood up well recently in the EASHL games. Lets hope so. 4-2, X Factor Finnish Roosters - Alliance HT Alpha: The Roosters were always good (they certainly showed me that personally - eliminating the Coal Miners 4-0 in the ECL 2 playoffs' first round) but the addition of tbnantti really pushed them into "Top Team-territory". With tbnantti setting up the always dangerous sniper pleemaker, the Roosters have one of the most dangerous 1-2 punches in the league. However, Alliance have certainly impressed me. As one of the few russian teams in the league, I didn't know what to expect but they've proven their mettle through this tough regular season by downing some big teams. As I said, impressive. Still, 4-2 Roosters. Silenttio: Just like Nordic Nosebleed, Alliance started well as they were one of the best teams of Group 2 in October and November. What happened? All I can say is that they know how to play D, they have a very impressive goalie but guess they haven't found their chemistry in the offensive zone yet. On to FR then - one of the best teams right now. In my honest opinion, they have Europe's best goalie and a Top-5 offense as well. These guys know how to score goals! You turn your back for them for one second and they will score - just like that. I would like to see AHT challenging FR with their defense but after thinking about it - no chances. 4-1, FR. Nordic Blizzard - Murohoki Alpha: Murohoki perplexes me. In the EASHL games I've played against them, they've crushed my team 7-0 one game with impenetrable defense and quick zone exists, only for the next game a few days later to end with us winning 5-1. This could of course have to do with different lineups, or it could have to do with the fact that muro has a very high "top level" as a team... If that is the case, they need to make sure they're firing at that level all playoffs long to be a challenge for Nordic Blizzard. NBz, former champs of ECL 1, delivered a solid regular season and will be looking to once again conquer the crown. Lots of talent and routine in this team and when the stakes are high - this should be the deciding factor. 4-1 Blizzard. Silenttio: Uhm, I gotta admit that I haven't seen these teams play much recently but on the paper - should be all Blizzard here. Muro lost their best player to Nordic Lightning, and that is big kick to the nuts for Muro when the game gets tougher. Even one win for Muro would be surprise here but not impossible. Still, Blizzard should take this home easy with routine effort. 4-0, Blizzard. Dynasty - Knight Aces HC Alpha: One of the very top defensive squads of the league (Dynasty) versus a fast, dynamic, agressive team like Knight Aces is a fun matchup. The expression "Offense wins games, defense wins championships" seems appropriate here, even if I don't always subscribe to that theory. If the Aces can get their offense going they have a shot here but thats easier said than done with Haldeem and Snapu patrolling the blueline (like they did every game of the regular season). However, I just got this feeling and I think we might have the first upset of the playoffs here. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say; 4-3 Knight Aces HC. Silenttio: Not even long ago, I liked Dy... excuse me - I played there. If some finnish team is built for playoffs, it's Dynasty without a doubt. What they have is defensive line-up with touch of smooth skill and great goaltending as they have not only one, but two top goalies. I'm too lazy to check stats as I write this but didn't Dynasty have one of the best GAA on ECL 3? Sums up their team pretty good. Knight Aces HC is smart and fast team. They dont maybe play the most beautiful hockey there is but hey, who cares? Shoot, skate and hit - oh and little bit good luck and Knight Aces might have chance to make this series one of the best in round 1. Just because Aces stole 3pts from SIKA in the regular season, I'll go with.... 4-3 Dynasty. Refuse to Lose - TIKI TALK Alpha: Refuse To Lose will have to shut down TIKI TALK captain and leading scorer, itspardytime, in this series to be successfull. If they can do that though, they should be able to advance past this round. RTLs first line of ShaneC27 - RedMisti - Hanssoni has been dynamic and really carried the team while their defenders have focused on defending and shut quite a few teams down. However, rumors say that Hanssoni might miss the first round of the playoffs... Lets see who comes out on top, TIKI TALKs fast transition attack or Refuse To Loses puck possession game in the offensive zone. 4-2 RTL. Silenttio: Very interesting match-up again, I'm thinking about Game 7 already! Both teams have offensive upsides in the game - then again I'm not so sure about their defenses as units. If RtL controls the cherry picking TIKI forwards, they should be fine here. Hard to say which team will take this as I see it very even match-up on the paper. Game 7 decision here but for who? I'll go with RtL. 4-3, Refuse to Lose Fat Cats - Inter Iceland Alpha: I really like Inter Iceland for this one. I know very little of them but what I have seen when playing them is a team that could surprise greatly. Fat Cats is a good, disciplined team but somehow I just got a strange feeling for this one. 4-2, Inter Iceland. Silenttio: If the date would be somewhere in October, I'd go all in with Inter Iceland but damn that Fat Cats has improved during this season. I really like their team and see them as one of the dark horses of these playoffs. Many have spoke about them being aggressive, playoffs-looking team and I have nothing against that. Inter Iceland - I see them as other version of Nordic Nosebleed - started well but long season has done its job for these guys as well. Even though I prefer Fat Cats here, I wouldn't be surprised if we see another long, tight series here. 4-2 Fat Cats. White Trash - Northern Ascendancy Alpha: White Trash is a good team - they proved that by positioning themselves well in Group 1 - but will not be a match for the skilled playoff performers of Northern Ascendancy, IMO. 4-1, Northern Ascendancy Silenttio: Have to say that WT is full of question marks to me. I only know couple skilled players from there and that's it. Have also heard that they've been annoying opponent to play against so there is that. NOR, on the other hand, is full of experience and that's something you cant just underestimate. Foppatofflan is the ultimate forward, one of the best ever, and I think that this is going to be his show. NOR didn't play that good regular season when you look at their roster but that team is built for playoffs and we're going to see that in this series. 4-1, Northern Ascendancy. Warriors of Kongo - Nordic Nightmare Alpha: Warriors of Kongo had a good performance in the games I played against them, so I am high on their chances in this series. However, Nordic Nightmare was one of my predicted top teams before the start of the tournament and I stand by that - despite their somewhat uneven regular season (by their standards). NN steps up and wins this one 4-2 NN. Silenttio: Warriors of Kongo has surprised everyone. Going from low tier team to dangerous mid-level team is something we dont see happen that often. Nordic Nightmare had problems during the regular season keeping their level after great start. However I see them as better team here, and by playing his with routine they shouldn't have any problems. Suutu_jo is their leader off and on the ice, and he will be the difference maker in this one and make things easier for NN. 4-1, NN. HC Checkmate - MUKIMIEHET Alpha: Another former champion in MUKIMIEHET looking to reclaim the ECL title, up against surprise team HC Checkmate with ECL Summer Cup leading scorer Selanne8. On paper, this looks like a MUKI win. They have the experience, they have the skill, they have the passion. However, Checkmate have proven resilient, overcoming many teams towards the end of the season to secure good playoff positioning. I expect MUKI to struggle more than they think this series. 4-3, MUKIMIHET. Silenttio: One of the least interesting pairs in first round as I dont see anything in CM that could even try to turn this series. Muki is solid, experienced, skilled... well, everything. Plus they have two elite goaltenders so, yeah... this one will be: 4-0, Muki. Sjukstugan - Nordic Lightning Alpha: THE series of Round 1 - I know for sure I will be watching this and I am sure I'm not alone in thinking that. Two of the best Swedish teams out there do battle! It's a bit of a shame that it had to happen as soon as Round 1, but what a matchup it creates. The speed and skill of NL versus the toughness and defense of 112... look for this one to go 7. In the end I think it will come down to a battle of wills between the two captains, Bjono and JaromirSniper68. Sniper is the stronger offensive performer but the leadership and iron will of Bjono cannot be underestimated. Still, I will go with... 4-3, Nordic Lightning. Silenttio: Then we have the biggest pair of first round as two traditional swedish teams face eachothers in big rivalry series. Huge match-up to start with. 112 has the defense where NL has the offense. If you want to watch just one series in the first round, watch this. Goalies have big roles as well here, and I see 112's robbin974 winning this series for them. C'mon boys, show us some love. 4-3, Sjukstugan. Rynnäkköviikset vs. SIKA Alpha: SIKA has impressed me during ECL 3 - it seems like their game is finally firing on all cylinders, both offense and defense, which should make them a dangerous contender in these playoffs. Rynnä had a strong start to the season but faltered a bit towards the end. Still, they are a skilled team with the capability to surprise. 4-1 SIKA. Silenttio: First two games have been played while I'm writing this, and the series is 1-1. Earlier I guessed that this will be 4-2 for us, SIKA, and I still do believe so. We have our problems in starting our engines and it did happen tonight again so no surprises here personally. Rynnäkköviikset play fast and simple, and that it all you need to know about them. Their goalie is underestimated, as I see juha96 as their best player who can turn this series for them. 4-2, SIKA. Silver Sword Griffins - Synergy Alpha: Tough series to predict containing two very tactically skilled teams. Every player from both squads understand the game extensively and we will likely see two teams that are very well-prepared, having scouted their opponents before game time. Synergy is another team that has impressed me this season - they have always been good but I'm not sure I would have pegged them to finish 3rd in the very competitive Group 2. This gives me confidence they could turn in their best playoff performance yet and go far this tournament. 4-2, Synergy. Silenttio: Oh boy, oh boy. SSG got Synergy with their last minute walkover situation and I have strong feeling this might turn ugly. Synergy has turned better and better, week by week. SSG has one-timers, Synergy has the whole package. Not gonna say more than this. 4-1, Synergy. Falun Coal Miners - Aapon Taikasauva Alpha: They say that hope is the last thing to leave you before you die, and maybe thats true here as well. Regardless, I wouldn't be much of a captain if I didn't atleast believe in my teams ability to win so I will ruffle some feathers here and predict another upset. One that will consist of a 7-game series where Aapon wins one game 6-2, we win next 1-0 in OT and on it goes like that until FCM's #1 Defensive defenseman, Meeertz, scores on a shot from the point in Game 7 OT. 4-3, FCM. Silenttio: This is pretty much like NOS vs. FFR, even though FCM has better upside to turn this series to game 7 showdown. These guys have playoffs experience from earlier years, and by defending Aapo's super offensive gameplan well, who knows if we have biggest surprise in this series? Then again, we're talking about Aapo. They have Joukki, they have Puantso, they have Indi. Tough, tough boys to defend against one time per night and I can just imagine what FCM D has in their minds facing Aapo for several games in a row (Note from Alpha: Nightmares...). However, Aapo's D-men are their weakspot but gladly they have elite goalie between the pipes. So yeah, might turn ugly again. I'm very excited to see Aapo's playoff journey and this will be good test for them. 4-1, Aapon Taikasauva. No Guts No Glory - Laser HT Alpha: Laser is, to me, without a doubt the best team in this tournament and the world right now. I predicted them to win the entire tournament before it started and I stand by that. Regardless of lineup, Laser is a force to be reckoned with and unless No Guts pull off a miracle here - this will be the first step of a long playoff journey for Dominointi and crew. 4-0 LHT. Silenttio: No glory here for NG2, for sure. Laser is definitely in the overall Top 3 of on-going season and they will handle this series, even with their lefties. Good luck, NG2... 4-0, Laser HT. Pheeew... That's all from us, for now. Feel free to leave any and all feedback in the comment section below. Let us have it! Good luck in the playoffs to all teams and have fun out there. // The_Alpha_Furyan & vSilenttio
    4 points
  2. " Another former champion in MUKIMIEHET " -And still ruling Keep it together Alpha_dawg !
    4 points
  3. Oli kyllä niin uskomatonta herkuttelua että huhhuh...
    2 points
  4. After too long stupid ass bitch regular season
    2 points
  5. Worldgaming $10K Faceoff Quarterfinals vs x0diee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SoRAK_e_yk
    1 point
  6. Well played Seppo!
    1 point
  7. Worldgaming $10K Faceoff Saturday Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-2dJy6J2sM&spfreload=5
    1 point
  8. In light of the recent events I feel like it's time to take a closer look at the current regulations and their purpose. As Finnish Roosters demonstrated, there are still some cancerous teams in this community that will try to further their cause at all costs. Their lack of class, sportsmanship and fair play is evident to everyone. As seen in their post-game comment - they have the "if it's not in the rules, it's a fair game" mindset. To keep teams like this in check we need to refine the current rulebook and the way it's used. Rules should be considered as a tool that the staff can use in order to enforce basic standards and behavior. Not "be all, say all" kinda deal. The final decision and authority should still come down to the staff. In unique circumstances where there are no rules covering the specific situation, they should still have the ability to make a ruling that the teams are required to follow. A recommendation that they can just ignore - that's not good enough. Currently it looks like the staff's hands are tied by the very same rules that are supposed to be there to help them. The result? A situation where a team(Finnish Roosters) essentially can chose whichever solution suits them the best, completely ignoring fair play, sportsmanship and the core goal of the regulations - providing fair, competitive environment. As seen, our community clearly isn't mature enough to be able to look at these things objectively and come up with a reasonable solution. The glitches will come and go and the staff needs to have the ability to react on the fly, implement new rules if required and enforce them accordingly. It's a game, there will be bugs. Same with the rulebook and loopholes in it. The community clearly isn't able to deal with it and seeing how some people behave - simple A-Z regulations in my eyes don't work. As such I urge people to start an early discussion about the current rules and the potential changes to them for the upcoming ECL 4. For example, a thing that somehow slipped everyone - Gs bunny hop bug(https://clips.twitch.tv/thecreasetv/CalmDogUnSane). If something like this happens, will it be treated the same as the situation between SSG vs FR where it's up to the opponent to decide what they want to do? All down to whenever or not the other team is understanding and values sportsmanship/fair play enough to clear the puck? Seems a bit fucked up, especially when we've seen what Finnish Roosters would do with the "read the rules, it's not there" mindset.
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