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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/15 in all areas

  1. Both ways should work just fine. It doesn't matter if you are not in the top20 monthly as long as there is some seeding before teams will be randomized. Every team starts still from the same line, but this way there won't be all top15 teams in one group (A) and that way teams 9-15 would be out of playoffs as they might have been able to be #1-2 in other groups (B, C or D). What I'm trying to say, is that I prefer any kind of seeding before groups are made, as long as groups are still equal in the first tournament. I would also like to play few more games before x-mas, but it is you who knows it best how we should do it. If you feel like you aren't ready with the site before 14th, it's ok to for me to wait. I rather play the games when everything is completely ready than rush. We all should be thankful for you guys, that we will even be having this site.
    2 points
  2. What is this question? Of course All-time. Not every team has been playing 24/7 since for example our team has been only waiting for ECL to play because our teams only motivation to play is ECL. I believe we are searching the best 6v6 teams to seed, not teams which have played the most this month. Basically if you want to be TOP-20 in monthly leaderboard, you just have to grind games. It doesn't matter if you win, all you need is to play for example 100 games and win around half of them and voilá you are TOP-20. And you can correct me but I think that doesn't make you ''TOP-20 team of Europe''. EDIT: Actually checking TOP-20 monthly leaderboard now. You don't even need to win half of the games to get into it. Around 40% winning rate will make you into TOP-20, so I find this question very amusing. Of course if you want this kind of teams to be seeded, be my guest.
    2 points
  3. Looking club i play rd/ld and if team needed i play also lw and rw.contact me psn:konartis26
    1 point
  4. Nice kenu !! Yeah i voted "its too late" because if we start 14th, christmas break comes too soon... so maybe 7th would be better so we can play couple of weeks and then go and have christmas in peace ?
    1 point
  5. I think we could start a week earlier, that's 3 days to setup your team then. Should be enough time for everyone.
    1 point
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