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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/25 in all areas

  1. UP can also play C or D If the team is right
    10 points
  2. Ismon Valinta =>>> Onse Esports Looking LD for Fcl and next ecl pro season🤝
    9 points
  3. Almost Famous💎 IN: @Wpaanane Welcome🔥
    7 points
  4. Free D maybe C🤔for upcoming tournaments! top Lite/Pro https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11177
    5 points
  5. Toukokuu is looking for a new goalie. We participate in FCL and ECL. Msg me or @terrowristi here! Cheers, Teemu
    5 points
  6. KARMADILLOS are still looking for a couple of players, primarily for RW and LD positions. Tryouts and games are running almost daily now. We will try to participate in FCL to build team chemistry before the next ECL season. We have LITE license from our achievements in Core last season, so thats taken care of financially already.
    3 points
  7. Free RW for upcoming tournaments. Contact here or psn xMossee
    3 points
  8. HC Vadelma (Lite) We are looking for back up defender (play time is negotiable). We prefer Finnish players. If you are interested send a message in here or in discord Fidelww
    2 points
  9. Free LW C LD preferably right handed stick but can play RW RD aswell Left handed. Free for any current tournaments in march and April. Discord Manual8Maestro PSN Manual8Maestro Will check this website sporadically But get hold of me on PSN or discord for quicker response
    1 point
  10. Pelikirja (Core) etsii riveihinsä taitotason mukaan: -aloittava tai 50/50 RD -50/50 tai backup maalivahtia. Olemme aktiivinen joukkue (pelaamme lähes joka ilta) eli odotamme puolustajalta aktiivisuutta, sekä halua kehittyä. Meillä on kopissa hyvä ilmapiiri ja emme pelaa verenmaku suussa, mutta tottakai pyrimme tietenkin voittamaan😉 Jos kiinnostus heräsi, niin ota rohkeasti yhteyttä🤝
    1 point
  11. **Bl4ck Aces** On this way we are looking for new players. Our goal is to constantly improve, have fun as a team and celebrate successes together. **We are looking for the following positions:** - G **Requirements:** - Experience in NHL - Willingness to communicate (communication via Discord) - teamplay - Ability to take criticism **What can you expect from us:** - Experienced management - Participation in the GCL and in the next ECL season. - 3-4 training sessions per week - A motivated team If we have aroused your interest, you are welcome to contact me here or in Discord: rir_donnik
    1 point
  12. Free W/D Lite/Core very handi on both sides pm here
    1 point
  13. Free G upcoming tournaments Lite/pro msg here or psn Thejoppi
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Free LW, C, RW Looking for FCL team Backup is fine Contact here or psn:Fin_torspo
    1 point
  16. Hello everyone. Golden Sticks are looking for LD or RD position player for the next ECL Pro season.Player level - PRO/Elite.Communication on Russian or English.Training schedule - Monday till Thursday,sometimes Friday and Saturday/Sunday If You are interested, please write me here in sportgamer or reach me in discord - artjoms89. Will be happy to observe all applications. With best regards, ZiGi_LV_
    1 point
  17. After a few days of reflection... I decided as former captain to recreate the team that won the ECL 23 CORE vs Ismon Valinta FRENCH EAGLES is back. since I played various tournaments with foreigners whether ECL, ITHL, or others.. with players level from LITE, PRO and ELITE. I've decided to recruit only foreigners. The team will be renamed EAGLES LEGION. QUALIFER PRO / LITE div. -Objective, to move up to ELITE in 2-3 ECL. contact me of you are interested by the Project. (Only ELITE/PRO & High LITE players level)
    1 point
  18. Pelikirja (Core) etsii riveihinsä toista maalivahtia. Olemme aktiivinen tiimi, joten pelejä on varmasti tiedossa. Meidän tavoite on kehittyä yhdessä ja saada myös kokemusta enemmän divari sekä ECL peleistä. Odotamme: -Omistat mikin -Olet mukava -Olet aktiivinen Ja mielellään hieman elämää nähnyt Tarjoamme: -Kivoja pelihetkiä -Tavoitteellisuutta -ECL peliaikaa/clubi pelejä -Uusia pelikavereita Jos edes 1% verran heräsi kiinnostus, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä, niin keskustellaan lisää🤝
    1 point
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