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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/25 in all areas

  1. Free RW for upcoming tournaments, preferrably in Pro. Hit me up on any media for tryouts or questions. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7081 /Axelzonee
    14 points
  2. Free Ld for upcoming tournaments Can switch to RD if necessary. Contact me on discord 🤙 Adamalk02
    11 points
  3. these results from the vote shows it all. imo this is the best nhl since 2020 if you think only chel so why would change something what is working.
    8 points
  4. I asked from 6s draft channel what people think about ability bans and here are results.
    8 points
  5. 🟪 🟪 🟪 NOVA 🟪 🟪 🟪 Time to continue our journey in Elite but we have to part ways with couple members. Out: @KingOfApes_ to ROBE Esports @Nester4343 to Rusty X Always sad to part ways but no can do. Players come and players go. Ape helped us big time - we will keep him in our Hall of Fame for sure. As well as our top scorer for multiple seasons - Nester. He chose another path and we have to respect his decision. All the best, boys. Lets move on.
    7 points
  6. Free Lw for upcoming tournaments. Contact here or Discord: Curhed https://sportsgamer.gg/players/13958
    6 points
  7. I'm just learning to play goalie in the current iteration of the game right now. From my perspective as someone who has played plenty of G in the past before all these shooting abilities were a thing, I quite like the challenge they bring to the goaltending position. Without the abilities, it's adequate to be somewhat careless with your positioning and whatnot. It's just a very forgiving position to play without skaters having those abilities. With them, there's a lot more to account for, you have to be more precise with positioning, and there are more factors that play into the goalie's decision-making in various situations. If you rely on the animations, you do get burned a lot as a goalie. I kind of suck for now so it happens quite a bit, but to me these goals aren't as unfair as a lot of people make them out to be. If you get your goalie's actual body in front of the puck, like the center of the torso, it pretty much never goes in no matter the shooter's abilities (unless you leave your five-hole open by not dropping into the butterfly when the puck is near the crease). You can't always do that, obviously, which is where decision-making and these instinctive split-second risk vs. reward calculations come into play. So all in all, I think the abilities just make goaltending a whole lot more interesting. I also don't think they are random in the sense that outcomes occur without any rhyme or reason. There's pretty much always some kind of internal logic to each outcome in my opinion, and something you could have done differently to produce a more favorable outcome. It's just that sometimes, you make a good decision in terms of risk vs. reward and still get beaten as the goalie because the risk that was objectively worth taking ended up materializing in that situation. Goalies who have more experience with the current meta may well disagree with me, and they would probably be right as they a lot more hours playing against the shooting abilities, but this is how I see it right now.
    5 points
  8. Free D for upcoming tournaments 🙂 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5671
    4 points
  9. HC Vadelma 🦄 is looking for starting RD/LD. FCL (Perhaps ECL Lite too) contact me here or: psn and discord: Awesome_Zone_
    4 points
  10. Free F for SCL/GCL, backup role is fine also. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2956
    3 points
  11. Jurricanes rekrytoi – Liity joukkueeseen! Etsitkö joukkuetta, jossa pelataan tosissaan, mutta ei totisena? Missä kiekko ei aina tottele, mutta läppä lentää ja joskus myös hanskat? Jos kuulostaa hyvältä, Jurricanes saattaa olla juuri sinun uusi kotisi! Etsimme aloittavia pelaajia (ei backupeja!) pelipaikoille C/LW ja LD. Osallistumme FCL- ja ECL Lite-sarjoihin ja tavoittelemme voittoja – tai ainakin sitä, että matkalla naurattaa. Mitä odotamme sinulta? ✅ Olet täysi-ikäinen – Joukkueemme ikähaarukka on noin 30 vuoden molemmin puolin. ✅ Sinulla on kokemusta – Mielellään ECL Core- tai Lite-tasolta. Tiedät, miten syötetään ja vielä tärkeämpää, ymmärrät joukkuepelin merkityksen. ✅ Olet aktiivinen – Treenaamme 3–4 iltana viikossa arkisin, joten jos saavut paikalle harvemmin kuin meidän oikea puolustaja pistää lämärin maalia kohti, tämä ei ehkä ole sinulle. ✅ Sinulla on pelisilmää ja huumorintajua – Emme ragequittaa, vaan nauramme virheille ja jatkamme eteenpäin. ✅ Puhut suomea – Kommunikoimme joukkueessa suomeksi ja joskus myös tunteikkailla äännähdyksillä tai muilla kehon äänillä, joita ei voi eikä kannata kuvailla. ✅ Viikonloppufiilis – Pelaamme myös viikonloppuisin, mutta rennommin – joskus myös aikuisten juoman kera. Jos uskot sopivasi joukkoon (ja kestät meidän läpänheiton), laita viestiä PSN Joniner ja Unmd Jurricanes Recruiting – Join the Team! Looking for a team that plays seriously but doesn’t take itself too seriously? Where the puck doesn’t always obey, but the banter flies—and occasionally, so do the gloves? If that sounds like your kind of hockey, Jurricanes might just be your new home! We’re looking for starting players (not backups!) for C/LW and LD positions. We compete in FCL and ECL Lite, aiming for victories—or at least for some good laughs along the way. What We Expect from You: ✅ You’re an adult – Our age range is around 30-ish. ✅ You’ve got experience – Preferably at ECL Core or Lite level. You know how to pass—and more importantly, you understand that hockey is a team sport. ✅ You’re active – We practice 3–4 evenings per week on weekdays, so if you show up less often than our right defenseman lands a slapshot on target, this might not be for you. ✅ You’ve got hockey sense—and a sense of humor – We don’t rage quit; we laugh at our mistakes and move on. ✅ You speak Finnish – We communicate in Finnish (and occasionally through untranslatable sounds and other noises best left undescribed). ✅ Weekend vibes – We play on weekends too, but more casually—sometimes with an adult beverage in hand. If you think you’d fit in (and can handle our banter), send us a message PSN Joniner and Unmd!
    3 points
  12. Free LD/C contact me here or dc itzporo
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Also free RW/C for ECL and all upcoming tournaments. Mainly elite. Contact me on discord or psn dzouvi_
    2 points
  15. Free Rw/Rd For next ECL Contact me here or on dc: xroot89_ psn: xRoot89_
    2 points
  16. Free RD For upcoming tournaments Message me here/dc/- or PSN Kahvinpapu😄
    2 points
  17. Almost Famous💎 IN: @Ikavalko @Jalkkin- @xrikardo55 @Valee__ @Jemmuuu @kkostiiii @jezbaru
    2 points
  18. NOSTREETSPORTS (PRO) We are looking for: - Starting C for FCL and ECL 25 Spring - Starting LD/RD for upcoming tournaments Atleast pro experience is prefered but if you think that you might be guy who haven’t got a chance to show up in pro feel free to contact us! Contact: bot_HENE (psn & discord) or Meemi_ (psn or discord)
    1 point
  19. Free lw/ld/c for fcl msg here or dc konsuc https://sportsgamer.gg/players/10931
    1 point
  20. Well, we can dig deeper if you want to. To begin, we’ll simply look at the shot and shot-on-target shooting percentage of each shot type we have recorded data on. Observe the below tables. What we quickly see is that one-timers and deflections see the largest rise in shooting percentage if they are on target. One-timers especially are difficult shots to pull off so a larger percentage of them miss the net or are blocked, more so than any other shot type. So, one-timers, when on net (42% of the time compared to 50% of the time for all others) are an incredibly dangerous shot, second only to deflections. Of course, which shot types are repeatable for players? Which ones can better predict the rate at which they score goals? That’s what we want to know. The above table shows the single R values for each shot type’s repeatability and the relationship between each shot type and future goal-scoring. I show these values to indicate the size of the relationship whereas a R^2 value can obscure a negative relationship. I also didn’t want to include twelve scatter plots where one table would do. The sample size was 157 forwards with at least 200 minutes in each half of the sample.
    1 point
  21. Free G for SCL I don't mind what role. Contact me anywhere
    1 point
  22. Well, when playing competitive, everyone wants the best possible chance to win so they end up copying something or everything from top players builds it doesn’t make the game ”broken”. Actually I think we have not seen this much variation in builds in a long time. For example forwards; someone uses trucu and someone stick ’em up and someone might use even beauty backhand, someone uses golden cq and someone uses golden 1t and someone uses golden puck on a string or even stick ’em up if playing with PMD. And these were just the first that came to my mind, there might be even more. Also the players types can vary at the moment, someone has sniper, someone has dangler and someone has PMD or even a two-way forward, because you can get different traits for each player type. This leads to a conclusion that nothing is really that broken at the moment, because if something was broken like trucu or tipper few years back, 95% of the players would be using it with almost no exceptions. If something was broken there would basically be one copy of each positions build which everyone who wanted to compete for a win would use. This being said, banning all traits would actually lead to a lot less variation with no trait to choose from, everyone will keep looking at top players builds and making their owns based on those. And after a while there would be 1-2 identical copies of a build that everyone would use.
    1 point
  23. Devilz IN: @afc_Tschitsch @riegel29 @CuteTerminator7 @no-man-ger @DaFeila @Tron1x90 (GCL) @Kakao @iWeeb22 (GCL) Welcome to the Team 🔥💯 OUT: @Chara 33 @Nagneigel @Fin_S1su all to carnages @KinQjuusto to ? @xcurhed to vnexs Thanks for the amazing time and good luck 🔥💪
    1 point
  24. There is no reason to ban any shooting abilites since the goalies are so buggy that there is the floating pads bug that has nothing to do with abilities and they let in shots through them even without abilities all the time (everyone who plays hut/versus knows how common this is) this isn’t an ability issue, it’s a game issue. Good scoring chances should be rewarded and the shooting abilities are necessary for that. Trucu ban is obvious, there is no need for a player to be taking 5-10 seconds getting up after a hit as it ruins the flow of the game when teams have to rag the puck waiting for their teammate to get up, you can still do big hits without trucu but recovery time with trucu is too much. Polls are the best way to decide this (obviously)
    1 point
  25. I’m not sure why there is a need to change anything when almost no one is complaining at the moment🤔 of course tipper has to stay banned and trucu and stick ’em up divide opinions and I think it could be either way for those. But banning all traits would take away the variety of scoring goals and making great plays unrewarding😅 But at the end of the day I think the most fair way would be to organize a vote for each division where every team would have 1 vote, then the games could be played the way the majority agrees.
    1 point
  26. Im not sure are you trolling or not Just make a poll for each division. Why SG should make the decision since players are actually paying to play in ELITE, just give players what they want.
    1 point
  27. Nyt sitten heitetää pikku ajatus ketju tähän hommaan, tuntuu menevän niin laukalle nää jutut tänne. Perustellaanpa nyt tätä keissiä. Elite on sportsgamerin lippulaiva tuote aivan selkeästi, sen näkee lähetyksien määrästä ja panostuksesta finaaleihin (assyt). Elite ukkojen päämäärä näissä (muutamaa sankaria lukuunottamatta) on aina ottaa kaikki irti joka änäristä pelillisesti. Kyse ei ole siitä että halutaan pelitapa etua tai muusta salaliitosta vaan yksinkertaisesti siitä että saadaan näyttävä kokonaisuus tonne geimerin lähetyksiin. Ei kukaan jaksa katsoa 0-0 nyhjäämistä vaan annetaan tilaa taidolle siellä. Paljon maaleja striimipeleille olisi gamerille parasta tuotetta switchiin. Gameplay ilman mitään traittejä ois aivan järkyttävä ratkasu. Niiden arvo tässä pelissä on niin suuri että koko homma menis ihan uusiksi. Pelien maali määrät tippuisi aivan selkeästi, ja se ei palvele ketään. Tosi kiva katella maalin pelejä. Jes! Mitä noihin bänneihin tulee, niin big tipper on aivan ehdoton. Se rikkoo peliä niin paljon jos viivasta voi sokea seppokin paiskata kiekkoa maalille ja kalevi ohjaa hattu tempun maalin edestä. Kukaan ei siitä nauti. Trucu bänniä olen itse pitkään lobannut mutta jostain syystä porukka haluaa joka toiseen vaihtoon 2-3 jacob troubamaista tappotaklausta. Harva näkee tässä mitään ongelmaa. Kumma juttu. Taklaukset ja isot pommit kuuluvat lätkään mutta aika harvoin änäri pelissäkään niitä nähdään lukuisia. Toisaalta trucu on huonomman pelaajan paras kaveri. Taklaus nappi pohjassa on kiva luistella vastustajaapäin. Tällä hetkellä muiden traittejen bännääminen ei ole mitenkään ajankohtaista. Jos liteen tai muuhun halutaan kaikki kieltää niin siitä vaan. Rahaa on maksettu niin tottakai peliä voi muokata vaikkei varsinaista syytä olisikaan. Siinä kohtaan mennään kyllä ajatuksissa mielenkiintoiselle polulle kun lite tai neo määrää miten elitessä pelataan. Onhan se hauska ajatus kieltämättä että perheen isä tapani tulee sanelemaan euroopan mestaruutta havittelevalle esim nikkedanglesille että sinä et muuten siellä elitessä closua käytä. Huom yhtään väheksymättä toisen oikeutta mielipiteeseen. Tiedän että tämä postaus nyt jonkun mielen pahoitti ja lauantai alkoi nyt huonosti, mutta kuitenki oli pakko ottaa kantaa kun keskustelu tuntuu menevän niin oudoille raiteille taas kerran.
    1 point
  28. Kerroppa mulle mitä mä voin oppia pelaajilta joille kahden syötön saaminen lapaan hyökkäysalueella tuntuu olevan vaihdosta vaihtoon mahdotonta. Tosi kaunis ajatus mutta kun taso ero on niin järkyttävä niin tulee vaan koomisia piirteitä tähänki postaukseen.
    1 point
  29. We have always get best gameplay when we have done this (banned trucu and tipper) doesn’t really people not remember how much better and funnier game we was playing when truculence was banned
    1 point
  30. I think the best thing to do is to run a poll for every division in the ECL about this topic.
    1 point
  31. Free C/Ld for next ECL Starter only Pro/Lite Contact me here or discord: nichoosekin; or PSN: NI-ChooseK-IN-
    1 point
  32. Free LW for next ECL Starter only Pro/Elite Contact me here or discord: cryxzq PSN: I-Cryxz-I
    1 point
  33. Why would there need to be variations with the player builds? Ofc people are gonna play with the meta builds cuz this site is made for competitive gaming.
    1 point
  34. free g for lite/pro https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14945 lite starter pro can be 50/50
    1 point
  35. Free D for upcoming tournaments. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3323 Contact here or psn: Kaalepp
    1 point
  36. Free C/RD/RW for all upcoming tournaments, contacts preferably via Discord
    1 point
  37. Free G for FCL starter or backup contact psn or discord jubeex0r
    1 point
  38. Free backup g for ecl, fcl and scl. Looking for pro in ecl but the rest I don’t care what level hit me up here, dc or ps :XD_Jacke
    1 point
  39. Free G Lite/pro Looking for a new team. Hmu here or on PSN Aker36
    1 point
  40. free rd for fcl contact here , psn- vlxddyy, discrod
    1 point
  41. CARNAGE IN: @Jamboo (jambolow13) welcome ☆
    1 point
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