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18 points
Also free RW/C for ECL and all upcoming tournaments. Mainly elite. Contact me on discord or psn dzouvi_15 points
NOSTREETSPORTS (PRO) We are looking for: - Starting C for FCL and ECL 25 Spring - Starting LD/RD for upcoming tournaments Atleast pro experience is prefered but if you think that you might be guy who haven’t got a chance to show up in pro feel free to contact us! Contact: bot_HENE (psn & discord) or Meemi_ (psn or discord)15 points
9 points
Free G for SCL I don't mind what role. Contact me anywhere7 points
Free F for SCL/GCL, backup role is fine also. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/29566 points
Jurricanes rekrytoi – Liity joukkueeseen! Etsitkö joukkuetta, jossa pelataan tosissaan, mutta ei totisena? Missä kiekko ei aina tottele, mutta läppä lentää ja joskus myös hanskat? Jos kuulostaa hyvältä, Jurricanes saattaa olla juuri sinun uusi kotisi! Etsimme aloittavia pelaajia (ei backupeja!) pelipaikoille C/LW ja LD. Osallistumme FCL- ja ECL Lite-sarjoihin ja tavoittelemme voittoja – tai ainakin sitä, että matkalla naurattaa. Mitä odotamme sinulta? ✅ Olet täysi-ikäinen – Joukkueemme ikähaarukka on noin 30 vuoden molemmin puolin. ✅ Sinulla on kokemusta – Mielellään ECL Core- tai Lite-tasolta. Tiedät, miten syötetään ja vielä tärkeämpää, ymmärrät joukkuepelin merkityksen. ✅ Olet aktiivinen – Treenaamme 3–4 iltana viikossa arkisin, joten jos saavut paikalle harvemmin kuin meidän oikea puolustaja pistää lämärin maalia kohti, tämä ei ehkä ole sinulle. ✅ Sinulla on pelisilmää ja huumorintajua – Emme ragequittaa, vaan nauramme virheille ja jatkamme eteenpäin. ✅ Puhut suomea – Kommunikoimme joukkueessa suomeksi ja joskus myös tunteikkailla äännähdyksillä tai muilla kehon äänillä, joita ei voi eikä kannata kuvailla. ✅ Viikonloppufiilis – Pelaamme myös viikonloppuisin, mutta rennommin – joskus myös aikuisten juoman kera. Jos uskot sopivasi joukkoon (ja kestät meidän läpänheiton), laita viestiä PSN Joniner ja Unmd Jurricanes Recruiting – Join the Team! Looking for a team that plays seriously but doesn’t take itself too seriously? Where the puck doesn’t always obey, but the banter flies—and occasionally, so do the gloves? If that sounds like your kind of hockey, Jurricanes might just be your new home! We’re looking for starting players (not backups!) for C/LW and LD positions. We compete in FCL and ECL Lite, aiming for victories—or at least for some good laughs along the way. What We Expect from You: ✅ You’re an adult – Our age range is around 30-ish. ✅ You’ve got experience – Preferably at ECL Core or Lite level. You know how to pass—and more importantly, you understand that hockey is a team sport. ✅ You’re active – We practice 3–4 evenings per week on weekdays, so if you show up less often than our right defenseman lands a slapshot on target, this might not be for you. ✅ You’ve got hockey sense—and a sense of humor – We don’t rage quit; we laugh at our mistakes and move on. ✅ You speak Finnish – We communicate in Finnish (and occasionally through untranslatable sounds and other noises best left undescribed). ✅ Weekend vibes – We play on weekends too, but more casually—sometimes with an adult beverage in hand. If you think you’d fit in (and can handle our banter), send us a message PSN Joniner and Unmd!6 points
Free Rw/Rd For next ECL Contact me here or on dc: xroot89_ psn: xRoot89_6 points
The downside of that change would be too big I think. With this games randomness you can’t quarantee yourself to score with even 99 shooting stats, but with 85 speed you are quaranteed to be late from every situation😅 I would’t mind seeing just the golden traits to be banned if it goes to that😊5 points
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4 points
4 points
I think if we want to talk what’s realistic and what’s not we need to also acknowledge the fact that there’s only a handful players in the NHL that can shoot a 1T even close to the likes you get with the gold xf in this game. Not commenting on anything else. For me it really doesn’t matter if all, some or no xfs are banned. Just wanted to throw that in there.4 points
A one-timer is the most effective way to score in real life. Why shouldn't it be the case in this game as well? Sure, variation in scoring would be nice, but the game mechanics are what they are4 points
Can we just enjoy when we finally have good 6s gameplay. Big tipper is only must ban ability and its already banned. There is no need to fix something what is already working.4 points
3 points
Well, we can dig deeper if you want to. To begin, we’ll simply look at the shot and shot-on-target shooting percentage of each shot type we have recorded data on. Observe the below tables. What we quickly see is that one-timers and deflections see the largest rise in shooting percentage if they are on target. One-timers especially are difficult shots to pull off so a larger percentage of them miss the net or are blocked, more so than any other shot type. So, one-timers, when on net (42% of the time compared to 50% of the time for all others) are an incredibly dangerous shot, second only to deflections. Of course, which shot types are repeatable for players? Which ones can better predict the rate at which they score goals? That’s what we want to know. The above table shows the single R values for each shot type’s repeatability and the relationship between each shot type and future goal-scoring. I show these values to indicate the size of the relationship whereas a R^2 value can obscure a negative relationship. I also didn’t want to include twelve scatter plots where one table would do. The sample size was 157 forwards with at least 200 minutes in each half of the sample.3 points
Well, when playing competitive, everyone wants the best possible chance to win so they end up copying something or everything from top players builds it doesn’t make the game ”broken”. Actually I think we have not seen this much variation in builds in a long time. For example forwards; someone uses trucu and someone stick ’em up and someone might use even beauty backhand, someone uses golden cq and someone uses golden 1t and someone uses golden puck on a string or even stick ’em up if playing with PMD. And these were just the first that came to my mind, there might be even more. Also the players types can vary at the moment, someone has sniper, someone has dangler and someone has PMD or even a two-way forward, because you can get different traits for each player type. This leads to a conclusion that nothing is really that broken at the moment, because if something was broken like trucu or tipper few years back, 95% of the players would be using it with almost no exceptions. If something was broken there would basically be one copy of each positions build which everyone who wanted to compete for a win would use. This being said, banning all traits would actually lead to a lot less variation with no trait to choose from, everyone will keep looking at top players builds and making their owns based on those. And after a while there would be 1-2 identical copies of a build that everyone would use.3 points
I don’t know do any elite wingers even have shooting stats below 80? Of course, centers and defensemen tend to have lower shooting stats since speed and other key stats are crucial for their positions. I personally use the Sniper build, with 86 shooting stats. Sure, I could boost it a little, but Close Quarters and One-Tee balance it out. In general, almost every elite winger uses the Sniper build, with an average of around 87 shooting stats (based on what I've seen) When comparing this to the goalie build, there’s a clear imbalance. Goalies have glove high, low, and other key stats going above 90. Nobody really knows how much shooting perks boost shots, just like nobody knows how much goalie perks affect their stats.3 points
This game engine is essentially built around perks, which is EA's fault. The older NHL games had their issues, but I think the best ones were the ones without the BS X-Factors. But at the same time, comparing this NHL to the older ones is pretty pointless, as the game engine is completely different. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing what gameplay would be like with only silver abilities. Maybe it’s worth trying? Shooting perks are a must-have, sad but true. Of course, everyone should have their opinion, but banning everything would be the wrong decision, 100%. Banning every ability would be a problem if the players we use in clubs were a lot better than they are3 points
Moro! Golden Whalers on tehnyt paluun kaukaloon 3 vuoden tauon jälkeen ja etsii 1-3 täytepelaajaa tällä hetkellä käynnissä olevaan ITHL -turnaukseen ja myöhemmin alkavaan ECL:ään. Tarkoitus olisi lähteä Neoon haistelemaan tunnelmaa ja kehittää niin omaa kuin joukkueen pelaamista. Hyvänä päivänä pärjätään low-lite porukkaa vastaan ja huonona päivänä otetaan selkään Neon porukalta. Eli potentiaalia on kunhan saadaan tasaisuutta otteisiin, virheet minimoitua ja kaikki samalle sivulle mitä kukin tekee yms. 😗 Elikkä haussa olisi: 1-3 lähtökohtaisesti täytepelaajaa ja mitä useampi pelipaikka onnistuu sen parempi. Lähtökohtaisesti pelipaikat missä eniten peliaikaa on tarjolla on LW sekä C. <- Hyvillä näytöillä ei tarvi istua penkillä. Suomen kieli on vähintään ymmärtämisen tasolla, muuten ei kansalaisuudella väliä. Avaussyöttö napsuu mieluusti oman pelaajan lapaan Näet muutakin hyökkäysalueella kuin sen oman löysän etukulmarannarin Pääset peleille 3-5 kertaa viikossa -> Ns. 1 treenipäivä ja 2 pelipäivää Kunnioitat muiden aikatauluja ja joukkuetta -> Et kesken sarjapelin lähde avaamaan ovea pilveä polttavalle serkullesi Tarjolla: Peliaikaa Rento ilmapiiri Rahaa !!!!!!! (Jos teet ratkaisevan maalin millä pääsee pleijareihin niin pistän euron mobilepaylla) Viestiä voit pistää joko täällä, pleikkarilla tai discordissa. Näistä pleikkari ja discord on parhaimmat tavat saada nopea vastaus. PSN: Rairama Discord: rairama3 points
Free lw/ld/c for fcl msg here or dc konsuc https://sportsgamer.gg/players/109312 points
Yea I get what you mean, but equipping some of the traits actually requires that stat to already be high, for example if I want to use truculence I have to put def awareness and stick checking to almost minimum because truculence needs hitting to be at least 84. And I think taking points from speed to increase shooting would not be an option for the majority of players and that’s why I think having some shooting traits is a must. This rounds up to the same conclusion I said before; banning all traits would be a bad option. But that is of course my opinion and everyone has opinions of their own😇2 points
Yeah, I don’t really know what I’m talking about even But Vattu and Sokkelo said it well atleast. nothing is really 'broken' so why change anything? Trucu it's own thing idc, it's annoying but 🤷♂️2 points
Elite players complaining that they cant score without scoring abilities while running defence build with -5 on all shooting stats 😀2 points
you can also tie up the opponent with gold big tipper in front of the net and yet you still want big tipper banned2 points
There is no reason to ban any shooting abilites since the goalies are so buggy that there is the floating pads bug that has nothing to do with abilities and they let in shots through them even without abilities all the time (everyone who plays hut/versus knows how common this is) this isn’t an ability issue, it’s a game issue. Good scoring chances should be rewarded and the shooting abilities are necessary for that. Trucu ban is obvious, there is no need for a player to be taking 5-10 seconds getting up after a hit as it ruins the flow of the game when teams have to rag the puck waiting for their teammate to get up, you can still do big hits without trucu but recovery time with trucu is too much. Polls are the best way to decide this (obviously)2 points
It is starting to become a talk without purpose here. Just choose the approach and announce smth in advance before the tournament, that's all. If Poll will help - lets do it. Separate poll is a good thing from one side but on the other hand - its better to have a basic structure for all of SGG as it was mentioned before in terms of growing the community. We already opened the era of Bans so now when we know it is possible to exclude smth from the game we start to decide what we should take out. But we forget that its always personal thoughts of different players\individuals. No sense in covering own wishes with some fancy words - it will end up in personal liking anyway. Most of the guys can play the game as it is right now btw, esp top guys. I personally don't care if there is CQ, 1T or whatever. Goalies are dependable position and rely on the team anyway. Any ban decision will change the game but top players will stay top players. So we getting down to just figuring out what approach here is reasonable. IMO if you wanna ban smth - it should be everything or nothing (Tipper stays banned), cause it would get down to a lot of crazy talks and there will never be a perfect outcome. Its funny how we talk about banning trucu but wanna keep stickemup, also forwards wanna keep 1T, CQ but drop stick and truc. P.S. Could be fun to cut the number of perks per team, so we don't see 5 trucu or 5 sticks, but its the whole different story. Offensive behaviour can lead to some ban time alongside big tipper, as we all know 😀2 points
Maybe everyone just dont dare to say their opinions in public because this scene is kinda toxic nowadays. And if you are not having some kind of status in this scene and you say something different like this scenes cream there is big risk to get kinda offensive behaviour back from this scene2 points
tätä just tarkotin :DD ja tässä yks esimerkki jos "omalla nimellä" sanois jotaki VÄÄRÄÄ, nii het tulloo paskaaniskaa valoja ny tauluu2 points
Player application - Iserlohn Roosters Esports is looking for you! You love NHL Esports, play at a high level and are looking for an ambitious team? Then we have just the thing for you! We are looking for: - Offensiv for the attack - Defense (both sides) What we offer: - an experienced team with clear goals - training units on Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20 CET - Participation on the leagues ITHL, ECL Lite and GCL You suit us if: - you are reliable and bring team spirit - you are ambitious and want to improve - you are ready to be ready, with to fight us for success? Join the Iserlohn Roosters Esports and write with us history!2 points
Well a slapshot is a completely different thing than a one-timer so that data is kinda irrelevant.1 point
i don't recall any one timer goals without the one tee ability in years and cq gives a shooting boost to almost any shot close to the net which of course would reward you for getting in to a scoring position in the first place, im not saying you cant score without abilities but with abilities you get rewarded more often for getting into good scoring positions and helps negate the crazy saves goalies make when out of position1 point
What kind of good scoring chances are being discussed that don't go in without traits? One-timers from a longer distance? As a lower-level Tapani myself, I experience many good scoring chances where these traits don't even activate, and the puck still goes in, even with bad shooting attributes.1 point
naurettavaa ja säälittävää jos elitepojat(ja tytöt) saa päättää kaiken, "jOo KuUnELkAa MiTä ToI SaNoO jA oLkaA HiLjAa! EuRoOPaN PaRaS PelaAjA KuN PuHuU nIiN MuuT On HiljaA!" tommone nuoleskelu ei oo mistään kotosin 60%lla elitepelaajista kusinoussu päähä ja esittää ny jotaki mcgregorii gamerissa.... ja samaan aikaa nää huutelee N pommeja(esim drafteilla) ja haukkuu "alasarjan" pelaajia paskaks.. koko touhu menossa alaspäi täällä.. ei voi muuta sanoo ku nauraa...1 point
1 point
I'll also add this. Elite broadcast viewership seems to hover around 90-150 viewers or so every time I happen to open Twitch. That's basically nothing, and I'd wager most of the people watching are either current or aspiring Elite players. We can listen to the top players and make the game play how they want it to, so that it's the most enjoyable for them to play and watch. But if someone thinks the viewers will automatically follow... Just take a moment to reflect on the overall state and health of this great game made by our beloved friend EA Sports. Growing the viewership has to come from outside the Elite bubble, so don't y'all think listening to those people as well would be appropriate? Also, from what I've gathered, seems like a huge chunk of players below the Elite level see those players as arrogant and full of themselves. Take a moment to reflect on that as well. What do you think you are doing about that appearance in this thread for example? Try to look at it from the outside, if you read these messages and didn't know yourselves and your peers at all, what would your perception of them be like? Would it make you want to watch them play this state of the art video game product? If you actually explain your viewpoints in a calm manner, maybe the authority of being a top player with tons of hours put in the game will do you something. Not explaining anything, just saying "we're the best so we know the best + we don't actually care what bans you peasants down there play with, just don't come here affecting our experience". Does that help with one of the main points that shows up here, growing the scene and making Elite viewership skyrocket? Does that make these lower level players, prime target customers for watching you play, want to share their opinions on things? How do you reach these people if you aren't willing to listen to them, just straight up attacking their persona and skill level?1 point
Free G for upcoming tournaments I would like to be starting G I have experience from lite Sportsgamer stats:https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15296 Contact me here or on discord if you are interested1 point
Free rw for FCL, Backup fine Contact here or psn: Riskzky1 point
1 point
Uusi tiimi etsii Rd ja G paikalle pelaajia. Ollaan pelattu Prossa aiemmin. Katsotaan millasia seppiä saadaan mukaan, et mennäänkö Pro-qualeihin vai Liteen. Jos et ole toksinen kitisijä ja haluat tulla testaamaan niin nakkaile yv:tä. Täällä tai disordissa. Rd paikalle haetaan kiekkoa liikuttavaa pelaajaa, joka osaa kierrättää ja laittaa ristisyöttöjä. Joka EI vedä viivatillikkaa joka paikasta ja omassa päässä pitää maltin ja paikkansa fiksusti. G tontilta taas perus varmaa pelaajaa, johon voi tarvittaessa luottaa. Ei pelata verenmaku suussa, mutta aina kuitenkin voitosta. Jos moteilet tai tiriset yleensä, niin skippaa suosiolla. Aikuisia kuitenkin ollaan.1 point
Maitojuna is looking for starter G for FCL & ECL (Lite) Message me here or discord feikkinambo1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Saucer Hockey is looking for a forward and a defender for the ECL Lite Spring season. We are also participating in the FCL. The core of the team consists of friends who have played together for years, and we usually have a great atmosphere. We'd like you to be over 20 years old, own a working microphone. You also need to speak Finnish fluently. Our goal this season is to secure home advantage for the playoffs and make deep run. If you are interested, contact me or @Mazu_Pizu via PMs here, discord or through PSN @RonttiSakke Thank you.1 point
Salaseura [core] etsii tulevalle ECL kaudella pari pelajaa tiedossa vähintään 50/50 pelipaikkaa Tietoa meistä: • Olemme suomalainen joukkue, joka koostuu pääasiassa vanhemmista pelaajista (30-40+ vuotta). • Joukkueemme pelaa jokseenkin organisoitua, joukkuekeskeistä jääkiekkoa. Jos sinulla on hyvä pelikäsitys, vankat taidot ja halu kehittyä joukkueena, sovit hyvin mukaan. • Arvostamme aktiivista osallistumista, mutta ymmärrämme, että elämä menee edelle—sinun ei tarvitse pelata joka ilta. Ketä etsimme: Hyökkäys • Double threat hyökkäyspäässä, ensisijaisesti maalintekijänä. • Vahva kiekonhallinta, kykenee pitämään pelin käynnissä ja ylläpitämään syöttöpeliä. • Armoton karvaaja, joka pystyy painostamaan vastustajaa tehokkaasti. VP Tyylillisesti puolustava tai kahden suunnan puolustaja. • Hyvä sijoittuminen ja gäppi. • Fyysinen läsnäolo oman maalin edessä. • Vahva pelinavaus ja luotettava ensimmäinen syöttö. • Tappavan löysä ripuliranne Jos tämä kuulostaa yhtään sinun joukkueelta laita viestiä tulemaan. Cheers velmu21 point
Hi free player for the next ecl season as a position I have rw c or goalkeeper and I've also played defender so that's fine too, diviri doesn't matter if I get to play and I can be a starter or a 50/50 player (backup) hit message here or discord Tepanzki#9897 ☺️1 point
🛑Ressut rebuilding from ground to up and looking core players and captains!🛑 Hi everyone. Im trying to find couple of active players to build a team with me. I will be playing as a G or D , so it is up to you guys who you want to be your teammates on the ice. My preferred pos is G but im thinking also maybe trying to play as a D. And if it comes to participating in ecl , i will be covering the team license for the upcoming ecl. This is a opportunity for you to have open hands and make your decissions to have a best possible line up. Contact me here or dc ( Jiihoo86 ) if interested and lets get to work 💪1 point