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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/25 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Liebe GCL-Gamer, es ist soweit! Wir starten in die 12. Saison der German Championship League hier auf sportsgamer.gg und freuen uns auf die competetive Ausgabe in der DACH-Region! 1 Jahr ist vergangen zur letzten Ausgabe ,es gab neben personellen auch strukturellen VerÀnderungen seiten's der Organisatoren der GCL,über welche wir euch natürlich ausreichend informieren wollen. Die GCL LL bedankt sich außerordentlich bei: @Mitchell @XxManU8311xX Für ihre geleistete Arbeit in den letzen Ausgaben der GCL, ihren professionellen und kollegialen Umgang intern, die vielen gemeinsamen Stunden um die Organisation der GCL auf die Beine Stellen zu kânnen, dies taten beide mit unermüdlichen Einsatz und voller Tatendrang. Wir wünschen beiden alles Gute für die Zukunft und hoffen das sie auch weiterhin mit der gleichen vorgetragen Leidenschaft auch von außerhalb fleißig Feedback und VerÀnderungen mit anschieben werden. Im Zuge dessen haben wir intern die personellen VerÀnderungen besprochen und haben uns überlegt zukünftig alle Ressourcen strukturell, wie auch personell in einer neu gegründeten regional tournaments League Administration zu bündeln, alle regionalen Turniere zukünftig gebündelt zu organisieren. Folgende Mitglieder sind Teil der neuen regional LA: CMB-wf eswahn Kenu MartindalexC Moneygunx Pekidepeks Vamoux wobfighter In den einzelnen Turnieren selbst werden in Zukunft Community Admins der erste Ansprechpartner sein, für die Kommunikation, den reibungslosen Ablauf sorgen und die Einhaltung der Regeln überwachen. in der GCL 12 werden @Yasu39x @Yak_mholb @wobfighter als GCL Admins für euch da sein. Wie aus den letzten Spielzeiten bereits bekannt, werden wir auch dieses Mal die GCL, vorallem in der Div2 diese in 2 Divisionen aufteilen, der Pokal wird im Bo1 Modus gespielt und ihr kânnt euch auch im 1vs1 Mode sportlich miteinander messen. Wie bereits gewohnt, stellen wir euch nun alle relevanten Informationen zur Verfügung: Die neue Saison startet am 10. Februar und endet am 20.4.2025. Die Sign up Phase geht bis zum 8. Februar 2025. Division 1 -Informationen ( Spieltage sind Dienstag,Donnerstag,Sonntag) Sign UP für GCL 1 ---->Anmeldung für GCL 1 Regular Season: 10.2 - 23.3.2025 Playoffs: 24.3 - 20.4.2025 Pre Playoffs:24.3 bis zum 30.3.2025(BO5) Viertelfinale:31.3 bis zum 6.4.2025 (BO7) Halbfinale:7.4-13.4.2025 (BO7) Finale: 14.4-20.4 (BO7) Playoff Format: Platz 1-6 sind direkt im Viertefinale, Platz 7-10 spielen die letzten beiden PlÀtze aus in den Pre Playoffs. Trade Deadline: 3.3.2025 Divisions Aufteilung für Division 1 siehe unten ( ECL Elite bis ECL Lite Teams) 16 Teams in einer Gruppe Div 2 Informationen -Einteilung alle Teams ECL Core und Neo( Spieltage sind immer Dienstag, Donnerstag, Sonntags) Sign UP GCL 2 Regular Season: 10.2-16.3.2025 Playoffs: 17.3-20.4.2025 Pre Playoffs:17.3-23.3.2025 (BO5) Achtelfinale: 24.3-30.3.2025 (BO7) Viertelfinale:31.3-6.4.2025 (BO7) Halbfinale:7.4-13.4.2025 (BO7) Finale:14.4-20.4.2025 (BO7) Playoffformat: gespielt wird in 2 Gruppen bis zu 12 Teams je Gruppe, Platz 1-6 ist direkt im Achtelfinale beider Gruppen, Platz 7-10 spielen die beiden verbleibenden PlÀtze über die Playoffs aus, gespielt werden die Pre Playoffs über Kreuz Gruppe A 7 gegen Gruppe B 10 Platz usw. danach wird per Seed im Achtelfinale fortgefahren. Trade Deadline: 3.3.2025 Sobald der Signup geschlossen ist ,werden die Gruppen für Division 2 ausgelost und verâffentlicht. GCL Pokal ( Spieltage sind immer Mittwochs) Auch im dieser Ausgabe gibt es wieder den GCL Pokal, jedes Team was sich anmeldet nimmt automatisch am Pokal teil. Modus gespielt wird BO1 Modus. GCL 1vs1 Sign UP GCL 1vs1 Weil es einige Anfragen gab, bieten wir den 1vs1 Modus erneut an, welches abhÀngig sein wird von der AktivitÀt und die Anzahl der Anmeldungen. RegelÀnderungen zur neuen Saison: Lizenzspielerregelung Im Lineup müssen immer mindestens 4 DACH Spieler aufgestellt sein, 2 Lizenzspieler sind erlaubt auf dem Eis. Für die Division 1 gilt bei Transfers maximal letzte Saison ECL Pro Level als hâchste Division. Für die Division 2 gilt bei Transfers maximal letzte Saison ECL Lite als hâchste Division. Spieler die bisher als Lizenzspieler gelten aber bereits seid 3 Seasons inklusive GCL ,bei einem Team konstant spielen , kânnen als DACH Spieler anerkannt werden, wenn sie einen Antrag an die GCL LA stellen. Maximal im Kader sind 3 Lizenzspieler erlaubt. Perks Die Resonanz an den Umfragen , der Diskussion in der Community auf sportsgamer ist relativ deutlich ausgefallen- unter dem hashtag #banthemall, gab es eine starke Befürwortung hinzu ohne Perks Liga spielen zu wollen. Bisherige Turniere wie SEC die bereits gespielt werden ohne Perks gaben uns auch positives Feedback zurück. Daher haben wir uns dazu entschlossen in der GCL 12 Ausgabe XFactor und Superstar Abilities ( Gold und Silber) zu verbieten, Boosts sind erlaubt ( Bsp. Pass Boost, Stick Boost . Mit dem Verbot fallen auch die Pre Builds dementsprechend weg weil diese X Factor Perks benutzen. Dies gilt für Skater und Goalies gleichermaßen, die Regel gilt für beide Divisionen 6vs6 und für den Pokal ebenso. Sollte ein Gegner im Ladebildschirm trotz des Verbots ein X factor Perk benutzen,so ist das Spiel umgehend zu verlassen ,der Gegner schriftlich unverzüglich darüber zu informieren das ein Verbot der Perks besteht, weigert sich das Team anschließend dies zu Àndern oder das Spiel kommt nicht mehr zustande erhÀlt das Team mit dem erbrachten Nachweis der Kommunikation ein walkover Sieg. Einfach das Spiel trotz Kenntnisnahme das X factor Perks benutzen durchspielen und spÀter auf den einfachen walkover Sieg hoffen, werden solche AntrÀge im Vorfeld bereits abgelehnt, da die Bedingungen mit dem fortfahren des Spiels akzeptiert worden sind. KÀmpfen KÀmpfen ist in allen Wettbewerben der GCL 12 verboten. Wir wünschen allen teilnehmenden Teams viel Spaß und Erfolg, ebenso wie eine spannende Season auf dem virtuellen Eis. Sollten irgendwelche Probleme auftreten oder ihr Fragen haben solltet, so kommt bitte pro aktiv auf die GCL LL zu. Wir versuchen uns schnellstmâglich um euer Anliegen zu kümmern. Eure GCL LL @Yasu39x @Yak_mholb @wobfighter
    4 points
  3. Free f/d for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn Kansan-edustaja
    3 points
  4. Technical Disaster All stories come to an end, and so does the story of TED. Thanks to everyone who was part of the team, this season or in the past. The captain thanks you and signs off. OUT: @Kaapo13 @Tecena @wrlster @Juhis_K @RollingStomper @Fin_Alien @Danskuz- @tipsd @Rapanaama @ZNKK
    3 points
  5. πŸ›‘Ressut rebuilding from ground to up and looking core players and captains!πŸ›‘ Hi everyone. Im trying to find couple of active players to build a team with me. I will be playing as a G or D , so it is up to you guys who you want to be your teammates on the ice. My preferred pos is G but im thinking also maybe trying to play as a D. And if it comes to participating in ecl , i will be covering the team license for the upcoming ecl. This is a opportunity for you to have open hands and make your decissions to have a best possible line up. Contact me here or dc ( Jiihoo86 ) if interested and lets get to work πŸ’ͺ
    2 points
  6. Looks like this time the results are in the wrong order even when looking through the schedule, so it is what it is, but anyways I’m sorry to say SSK went from 1-2 down to a 3-2 lead & then 4-3 in the Otukset series So no 1-3–>4-3 this time
    2 points
  7. Free LW for next ECL Starter only Pro/Elite Contact me here or discord: cryxzq PSN: I-Cryxz-I
    2 points
  8. Hi! Old hockey club called PeliKirja (founded in 2014) is making comeback for following spring season. We are planning to start at core and aim to reach lite spot at the end of season. We hope that you are humble person, love to move puck and you understand how to play in both ends of the rink (good dad jokes is bonus). Don't hesitate to contact us for try out. Finnish speaking player Positions needed: Starter RW Starter RD 2 Goalies And couple backup players
    2 points
  9. Hello again. Just checking back in here with the same humble request I had back in September of last year: Now updated with regard to the upcoming National Cups (SCL, FCL, GCL etc.) and ECL '25 Spring. Is there a direction in which LA/SG is leaning this time? We already know the SG World Cup will have no perks/traits, thanks for an early heads-up there!
    2 points
  10. Okey. Free RW for future tournaments. I really don't care witch div I'm playing. I quess that's it. Contact here or PSN OMG_ImSoBad
    2 points
  11. Wida academy is looking backup or 50/50 goalie! Core Send me message for tryouts!!! here or psn id: Dexu95 Pref. Finnish players
    1 point
  12. Refuse too lose looking for starter RD and LD for (ECL Lite) also G Right now we are Lw papapunisher_xx C Sonnysprofil Rw tolliikkii Ld? Rd? G? We looking for a defensive defensmen Who can move the puck fast and make good decitions. Experience from pro is huge plus but not REQUIRED. If you are interested then contact me Sonnysprofil or tolliikkii on PSN or discord
    1 point
  13. What a great playoffs it has been and now it's time to decide the champion. Both of the finalists have been playing against all of the previous predictions and for that reason, there won't be any predictions from us for the Finals. Will it be the young guns of the Blackbirds or will SSK ESPORTS continue their miracle run from the last seed? We welcome you to join the live broadcast of the finals at twitch.tv/SportsGamerGG on Monday the 27th at 19:15 CET and on Wednesday the 29th at 21:15 CET. The Road to Finals Blackbirds Round 1: 4-0 vs Aspyre Quarterfinals: 4-1 vs Ismon Valinta Semifinals: 4-1 vs NOVA SSK ESPORTS Round 1: 4-2 vs NOSTREETSPORTS Quarterfinals: 4-3 vs POGGERS Semifinals: 4-3 vs Otukset (10) Blackbirds - (16) SSK ESPORTS Predicted lineups LW @aomyo6195 - C @I0LL1 - RW @sopulii04 LD @Kibeeex - RD @ONN123 G @Jeerik17 LW @PSchibra - C @Rubituss - RW @zuppe_29 LD @Janikka - RD @pakjiz G @Brokenrice2000 / @Jonte05_ I think most of us knew the potential of Blackbirds but for them to cash it out this way on their first season together with this lineup was not something many had in their cards. They had a good regular season finishing fifth in Group 1 but as the year changed something must have clicked within the team and in the playoffs we've seen the team on a whole another level. Through the first three rounds, they have only lost two games and within the 14 playoff games they've only allowed 22 goals while scoring 50 themselves. The biggest change I see is in their offense. @aomyo6195 (15+21=36) was their leading scorer in the regular season and scored half of the team's goals. He has still kept his numbers up leading the team but @I0LL1 (14+21=35) and @sopulii04 (17+13=30) have stepped up big time when it matters the most. Especially @I0LL1 has caught my eye scoring 6 game-winning goals in the playoffs and almost matching his point totals from the regular season with half the games played. @ONN123 (1+20=21) and @Kibeeex (3+10=13) have been great on both ends of the ice and have given @Jeerik17 (87.13%, 4 SO, 1.57 GAA) a chance to put up great numbers. He has definitely stolen quite a few games for this Blackbirds team and is high on my list for the "MVP race". To quote my fellow writer @Pekedipeks before the playoffs "SSK is an alright team despite their seed" and well they've definitely proven to be much more than just that. Comebacks have been the story of the playoffs for SSK ESPORTS. They were 0-2 down in the first round before winning four straight, came back 1-3 down against POGGERS, scoring the winning goal in the last minute of game 7, and were down 1-2 against Otukset winning the series eventually in game 7 overtime. They have one of the most experienced teams in the division and that has definitely shown in the playoffs. @zuppe_29 (22+16=38) leads the league in playoff scoring and has been their most important player. @PSchibra (15+13=28) has been a big addition to their scoring power after playing just 10 games in the regular season. Their center @Rubituss (9+8=17) hasn't quite kept up with the scoring but has scored some big goals for the team, including the game 7 OT winner against Otukset. He's also been stellar in the faceoff circle winning 55% of the faceoffs. The Finnish defense duo of @Janikka (3+14=17) and @pakjiz (0+20=20) are second and third in scoring for defenders and have been a crucial part of their great defensive play through the regular season and playoffs. The least experienced players in the team are between the pipes as @Brokenrice2000 (84.09%, 3 SO, 2 GAA) and @Jonte05_ (81.19%, 2 SO, 2.38 GAA) have been sharing the playtime all season long and will be seen if that continues in the finals. Both of these teams' seasons have already been a great success story but only one of them can be the champion and claim the direct spot in Elite for the spring season. It will come down to small details in the finals matchup as both teams have the tools to finish the job. If the series goes all the way it will be interesting to see how Blackbirds will react as they've managed to win all their series quite early on. SSK is coming off of two cruelling games sevens where they've shown their clutch factor. Experience can be the key in those moments but this Blackbirds team has surprised us so many times that you can't count them out at any point. Follow the Finals broadcasts: You can watch SportsGamer's live coverage of the semifinal matchup between Blackbirds and SSK Esports on Twitch, YouTube, and X. Monday the 27th at 19:15 CET | Games 1-3 Wednesday the 29th at 21:15 CET | Games 4-7 Who do you think will win each series? Let us know in the comments!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Wida (Lite) Looking for players for FCL and ECL What we looking for? -Starter LD or RD -Backup C/RW/LW What are we looking for? Primarily, we are looking for players with Lite experience but everyone will be considered. We also hope for activity and a willingness to grow both individually and as a team. Contact me here, discord or psn: nikitikitin
    1 point
  16. The SportsGamer Wraparound looks to bring you weekly conversations around the league, recapping some of the events around the divisions throughout the week. Remember to post your highlights on socials using the hashtag #ECL25Clips and reach out if you would be interested in appearing on the Wraparound in the form of interviews or additional content. We’re thrilled to launch a special perk for our valued ECL License holders: 🎁 3 Months FREE Membership to the SportsGamer Health & Performance Program! This program is designed to support your journey toward enhanced performance and well-being—both in and out of the game. Gain access to tools and resources aimed at improving your performance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and staying at the top of your game. To claim your free membership as an ECL '25 Player License, simply check your email - we have sent you an email with the link and code to start your your journey. In case you can't find it - be sure to check your spam folder just in case. Non-license holders can use the code SPORTSGAMER1 for 1 month off!   Limited Time Offer: Get a free ticket to Assembly Winter 2025 on Thursday, February 20th! Come and enjoy the ECL ‘25: Winter - Elite Finals and hang out with the community. Once you’ve purchased your ECL license, fill out this form to apply for your free ticket. Act fast—tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. https://forms.gle/eZdDm63kdv3ksa4L9
    1 point
  17. Free RD (LD) for upcoming tournaments msg here or discord
    1 point
  18. Free LW/rw (C/ld/rd) Upcoming tournaments DC psn or here tzon93
    1 point
  19. Free RW for upcoming tournaments Contact here or psn xMossee
    1 point
  20. Taskubilis (Core) is looking for players. We are looking for starter F (LW/C) and D for upcoming ECL Spring. Also 1-2 all-around backup player(s). πŸ’πŸ›’ We play in NE/North server. 🧭 Roster is easygoing and the most important thing is to have fun atmosphere. πŸ’ͺ We are primarily looking for finnish speaking players. 🌍 If you are interested in playing ECL Core with us, please contact Jalitmane10 (PSN) or here. βœ‰οΈ - Litti
    1 point
  21. The ECL '25: Winter - Lite Playoffs have reached the thrilling semifinal stage, where only four teams remain. After an exciting quarterfinal round filled with surprises and dominant performances, the race for the Lite championship intensifies. The quarterfinals saw top-seeded Project X (1) continue their impressive run with a convincing 4-1 victory over Including Me (22). Sunne IK Esport (4) also impressed, dispatching Seinajoki Noms (21) by the same margin. The biggest upsets came from some lower seeds, as Setelikerho (18) triumphed over Kertoimia Vastaan (7) with a strong 4-2 series win, and Farmalaget (16) shocked Six Sticks Misfits (8), advancing with another 4-2 result. The semifinal matchups now feature Project X (1) taking on the underdog Setelikerho (18), while Sunne IK Esport (4) faces the red-hot Farmalaget (16). Both series promise thrilling battles as these teams fight for a place in the grand finals, set to take place on February 4th – 5th. In this article, we’ll break down the key matchups and what to expect as the ECL '25: Winter - Lite season reaches its crescendo. Semifinal Matchup:  Project X (1) vs. Setelikerho (18)  An All-Finnish Battle Path to the Semifinals: Project X has dominated every stage of the tournament, starting with a 4-0 sweep of Coup de Grace (32) in Round 1. They followed it up with a commanding 4-1 victory over Kolikot Esports (24) in Round 2 and dismantled Including Me (22) 4-1 in the quarterfinals. Their journey has been marked by clinical execution and consistent performances. Setelikerho started as the 18th seed but quickly showed they were more than capable. They edged out Macho HC (15) 4-3 in Round 1 and then shocked MoDo Hockey (5) with a 4-2 upset in Round 2. In the quarterfinals, they overcame Kertoimia Vastaan (7) with a convincing 4-2 win, solidifying their status as a dangerous underdog. Project X enters the semifinals as the undisputed top seed, having dominated every round so far. With a high-powered offense led by Konsuk05 @Konsuk05(39 points) and JesseL2002 @JesseL2002(37 points), their ability to control the puck and overwhelm opponents has been unmatched. Their defensive stability, anchored by the consistent play of Fin_torspo @Fin_torspo90 , ensures they rarely give their opponents opportunities to capitalize. Add to that the stellar goaltending from niebulaa @Niebula, who boasts a 2.08 GAA and an 82.99% save percentage, and you have a team firing on all cylinders. On the other side, Setelikerho has proven to be the dark horse of the tournament. Starting as the 18th seed, they’ve taken down higher-ranked opponents with their tenacity and balanced play. Their offense is driven by tbnantti @tbnantti (49 points) and Timotei_97 @Timotei97(46 points), who have been dynamic in creating scoring opportunities. Goaltender Jugi9 @Jugi9 has been their backbone, delivering an impressive 2.11 GAA and an 83.26% save percentage. Setelikerho’s resilience and discipline make them a dangerous opponent for the tournament favorites. This matchup features the clinical precision of Project X against the grit and determination of Setelikerho. While Project X is the clear favorite, Setelikerho has shown they thrive as underdogs, making this an intriguing battle. Key Players to Watch: Konsuk05  (Project X): With 39 points (22 goals, 17 assists) in 14 games, Konsku05 is the engine of Project X's offense, constantly creating scoring opportunities and finishing with precision. Timotei_97 (Setelikerho): Timotei has been a revelation for Setelikerho, with 46 points (19 goals, 27 assists) in 19 games. His ability to control the pace and find teammates makes him a critical player in this matchup. niebulaa (Project X): The goaltender for Project X has been stellar, with a 2.08 GAA and an 82.99% save percentage, providing the backbone of their defense. Jugi9 (Setelikerho): The Setelikerho goalie has been equally impressive, with a 2.11 GAA and an 83.26% save percentage. His ability to keep them in games has been vital to their Cinderella run. Prediction: While Setelikerho’s journey has been inspiring, Project X’s depth, firepower, and defensive consistency make them the favorites. Expect Project X to advance with a 4-2 series win.   Sunne IK Esport (4) vs. Farmalaget (16) An All-Swedish Showdown Path to the Semifinals: Sunne IK Esport opened their campaign with a convincing 4-1 win over Technical Disaster (29) in Round 1. They then defeated HC VADELMA (20) 4-2 in Round 2, showcasing their ability to handle adversity. In the quarterfinals, they continued their strong run with a 4-1 victory over Seinajoki Noms (21). Farmalaget, seeded 16th, has been the story of the tournament. After a 4-1 win over Wida (17) in Round 1, they shut out Ruuti (6) with a 4-0 sweep in Round 2. They maintained their momentum in the quarterfinals, taking down Six Sticks Misfits (8) 4-2. Sunne IK Esport has been a model of consistency throughout the tournament, utilizing their depth and strong defensive play to outlast their opponents. forreberra @forreberra leads the charge with 30 points, supported by Prolane @Prolane (28 points) and Svana_22 @Svana_22 (22 points). Their defense, led by 03_DAFA @DAFA_03, has been excellent at controlling the puck and limiting quality chances. Between the pipes, benjamint737 @benjamint737 has been a standout performer, boasting a 1.56 GAA and an 87.75% save percentage. Sunne IK Esport’s balanced approach and goaltending make them a formidable contender. Farmalaget, meanwhile, has ridden a wave of momentum to the semifinals, knocking out higher-seeded teams with their balanced attack and disciplined play. Disctrasan- @Disctrasan- (26 points) and Jarvinder_ @Jarvinder (24 points) have been the driving forces of their offense, while their defense has shown an ability to disrupt even the best offensive units. Their biggest strength lies in net, where sallee42 @Sallee42has been nothing short of spectacular, posting a 1.33 GAA and an 88.64% save percentage. Farmalaget’s ability to play a structured game and capitalize on their chances makes them a tough opponent. This matchup pits Sunne IK’s structure and goaltending against Farmalaget’s balance and momentum. Both teams have proven they can step up in critical moments, and this series could go the distance.   Key Players to Watch: forreberra (Sunne IK): With 30 points (17 goals, 13 assists) in 16 games, forreberra has been the driving force for Sunne IK, providing leadership and consistent offensive production. Disctrasan- (Farmalaget): The Farmalaget captain has 26 points (6 goals, 20 assists) and has been the anchor for their attack, combining vision with creativity. benjamint737 (Sunne IK): Sunne IK’s goaltender has been elite, with a 1.56 GAA and an 87.75% save percentage. His ability to make key saves has been crucial in their run. sallee42 (Farmalaget): With a 1.33 GAA and an 88.64% save percentage, sallee42 has been Farmalaget’s MVP, keeping opponents at bay with clutch performances. Prediction: This matchup is a battle of disciplined teams with outstanding goaltenders. While Farmalaget has the momentum, Sunne IK’s depth and balanced approach give them a slight edge. Sunne IK is predicted to win a close 4-3 series.   Looking Ahead to the Finals Both semifinals promise thrilling action as the teams battle for their spot in the finals, scheduled for February 4-5th. Will the top seeds, Project X and Sunne IK Esport, live up to expectations, or will the underdogs, Setelikerho and Farmalaget, continue their Cinderella runs? Only time will tell as the stage is set for two unforgettable matchups.
    1 point
  22. vNexs (Elite) is looking for a goalkeeper for upcoming tournaments. The role is initially a backup role, but we will be unpretentious to the attitude that the goalkeeper who has the best form for the day will also play when there are tournament matches. It is important that our goalkeepers can encourage each other to improve. Activity and availability are important to us. Your nationality does not matter to us. If you feel that you are ready to play at this level - please contact us via DM or Discord pappeen - antoniomannen_ - isvamp
    1 point
  23. CARNAGE IN: @Jamboo (jambolow13) welcome β˜†
    1 point
  24. 1 point
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