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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/25 in all areas

  1. Almost Famous 💎 We are looking for starting RD & G. Contact me on discord ikis or PSN Ikavalko. Top Pro/Elite talent is valued.
    15 points
  2. Free RW & (C) fcl and ecl https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11592
    11 points
  3. Free f/d for fcl! Full speed and good ice hockey https://sportsgamer.gg/players/682
    8 points
  4. Moikka! Oikea pakki etsii porukkaa mihi mahtuis pelailee. Raideri: Jos nyt unohdetaan viinat ja naiset, niin käydään nää muut asiat. Porukan tulis olla suht aktiivinen. Rosteri ei kuitenkaan liian levee, et harvemmin mahtuu peleille. Jos 3.erä menee pelkästään "moti" hyppien ni ehkä se ei oo mun juttu. Saa mennä pelit tunteisiin, mut koitetaan käyttäytyä aikuismaisesti. Olen tässä asiassa itsekkin kehittynyt ihmisenä. Ehkä... Taso olis core/lite luokkaa. Ylöspäin tosta, ni rupee olee kyl silleen et ei oo enää kellään kivaa. Peace❤️ -Jay Psn:Big81jay
    7 points
  5. Free C/lw/d for upcoming tournaments Msg here or discord
    6 points
  6. Free F/D for FCL Message on discord: pappeen
    6 points
  7. Free RD (LD) for upcoming tournaments msg here or discord
    6 points
  8. Free LW for next ECL Contact me here or discord: Sweini999 Pro https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14371
    5 points
  9. Time to try one more time to compete at the highest level so Free LW/C/RW for upcoming FCL and ECL Spring Elite teams only👀 dm here or discord wpaananen
    5 points
  10. Free lw for fcl. Psn: Beeoo87 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/699
    3 points
  11. Free LW/RW for all upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or discord https://sportsgamer.gg/players/13298
    3 points
  12. free F for fcl msg here or discord vilppijoona
    3 points
  13. Free, skater for ecl spring. Lw,rw, but i can play all positions lite or higher, contact me here. @Ttv_ahnbergs99 or discord/psn: TTV_ahnbergs99
    3 points
  14. Free rw for upcoming tournaments contact me in discord: faze_hagzy or psn faze_hagzy
    2 points
  15. Free G for all upcoming tournaments contact me here or discord
    2 points
  16. Free F for fcl Contact me here or Discord/ alphaboorje
    2 points
  17. Free LW (maybe c) for upcoming tournaments. You can contact me here, ps or dc: Jomppe78
    2 points
  18. Free RD for upcoming FCL and Spring ECL Season. Lite or higher🙂 MSG me on here, Discord or PSN Kahvinpapu
    2 points
  19. Free RW/RD for upcoming tournaments Pro or higher Contact me here or discord tihizu
    2 points
  20. Free G for all upcoming tournaments Looking for pro PM if you are interested
    1 point
  21. Free Neo C/RW for upcoming seasons. Contact me here or on discord: Zack1230149
    1 point
  22. Three Stars (Upcoming ECL Lite) A new team from Latvia 🇱🇻, just created and already have some good experience in the squad. However, we are currently short a couple of players. Our home server will be North or North-East (also depends on the opponent). Our main rule is to stay active and passionate, and avoid raging. We aim to support each other and grow into a better team together. Languages - English, Latvian or Russian Looking for 50/50 winger 50/50 defender PM here or on discord - jurajlv
    1 point
  23. Free rd/rw/c for upcoming tournaments. Lite/Pro. Msn here or Discord.
    1 point
  24. free G for next ecl and fcl contact me here or ps sportage14
    1 point
  25. Free C/Rw/D fcl Contact me here or psn ratamursu69
    1 point
  26. Carnage (FCL/Pro Qual) We are looking for a Starter C and Backup D&F contact Here or Discord @Fin_S1su
    1 point
  27. Free RW for future tournaments and offseason. Contact me here @xWilssoni or Discord/PSN: xWilssoni
    1 point
  28. The Oldtimers (ECL Pro) etsii oikeaa puolustajaa 50/50 tai backup rooliin tulevia turnauksia varten. Yhteydet täällä, Discordissa tai PSN: Werppi/larig92
    1 point
  29. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Ready to grind and enough experience in Elite/Pro/Lite. Looking for top lite and above level, starter role. Hmu here or on psn for tryouts
    1 point
  30. FALUN COAL MINERS (SCL & ECL ELITE/PRO) Hello boys, girls and bots - the Coal Miners of Falun are looking for reinforcements! After recently having our starting RD and G move on (thank you for your service Söder & Elie! 🍻), we are on the hunt for, you guessed it, a starting RD and G. We'll be participating in the SCL first and then ECL Elite or Pro, depending on how we fare in the Elite Relegation Series. ***** RD We are looking for a two-way defender who is comfortable with the puck and has a good eye for the game, but also knows how to cover for their D partner. This is important. Also important to be able to listen to instruction and execute plays and systems when called upon. Swedish-speaking preferably, but if you absolutely blow us away with your play you can speak Klingon for all we care. Pro-level experience is required, at a minimum. G We are looking for a sharp goaltender who excels at reading & anticipating the play and is quick laterally (cross-crease movement). Pro-level experience (or higher) is encouraged, but not a deal-breaker if your gameplay is at a higher level than your current division. Swedish-speaking preferably, but if you stop the puck and get along with the group, language isn't as big of a barrier as with the defender. ***** Contact me & @Buffy here (please include both of us in the message) through DM if you're interested.
    1 point
  31. Free RW/LW for upcoming tournaments dc: hopeakypara99
    1 point
  32. Free G for upcoming tournaments psn: Ricco21-- Discord: ricco21_
    1 point
  33. Free G upcoming tournaments contact here psn:Fin_Alien Discord:Fin_alien.
    1 point
  34. Free RD Free for the upcoming fcl or gcl Contact on discord or psn: JoakimOilers https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14575
    1 point
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