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Around three weeks ago LA received a report that @Keuschemisch was adding additional points to game reports that were not present in-game. After investigation, here are the findings: In order to carry out the investigation we cross-referenced SportsGamer match results with EA API metadata from seven tournaments stretching across two EA NHL titles. By comparing what we have on record vs. what EA says happened we can see if the stats line up. For instance, in the screenshot below we can see what it looks like when the stats between the two sources line up. All of the players listed have the same number of goals and assists on both the EA API, as well as what has been reported on the SportsGamer site after the games were finished. Generally speaking, people seem to be doing a pretty good job at maintaining the balance between accuracy and speed at which the reports are completed – so to the captains of the SportsGamer community, good work! That said, mistakes do happen and there are times when an extra assist gets added to one player that should have gone to someone else, however as shown in the screenshot below Keuschemisch is a major outlier. No other player across the seven tournaments worth of data is even close. To make matters worse, those 25 points came over the course of only four of those said seven tournaments. For completeness here is the list of players who have had points deducted by accident over those same seven tournaments. Furthermore, as seen in the overview below, a number of Keuschmisch’s additional points come by way of assists being granted when the EA API does not note one being recorded. In order for this to occur when reporting, the individual must edit the EA readout at the bottom of the page before then going back up to the dropdown box to select their name as one of the assisters on a goal. This means that it changes from a potential ‘misclick’ to a two-step process as seen below. Finally, when a game report is completed, it saves the username of the individual who did it, and in these games Keuschemisch was the user who completed the game reports. Therefore, we believe with the evidence listed above that the increase in stats seen on Keuschemisch is not by chance or an error and is in fact a conscious effort to boost their point totals artificially. Keuschemisch claims that the reason for this stats increase is a box score glitch. It is worth noting, that we have also seen video evidence of games where the alleged assists have taken place and been able to confirm that the player in question was nowhere near to getting an assist. Due to the scale of the stats manipulation across multiple tournaments and EA NHL titles, we have decided to suspend Keuschemisch from all SportsGamer tournaments from today’s date (10/01/2025) up to and including 28/02/2026, furthermore, Keuschemisch will receive a captaincy suspension that will run from today’s date (10/01/2025) up to and including 10/01/2030. Finally, for full disclosure, LA received the original report regarding this on the 20th of December 2024. To facilitate this investigation we had to create from scratch a tool to ingest and transform the data from EA’s API into a viewable account of all games from any tournament played on the SportsGamer platform, which we will now be using going forward to proactively scan for players manipulating statistics in a competitive environment. (Update: It should also be noted that from this investigation and the evidence gathered, LA is confident in saying that captains @Toneee9, and @Timasy were not aware of the stats manipulation that was going on, and as such should not face any public (or private) backlash.) League Administration35 points
Free G for upcoming tournaments psn: Ricco21-- Discord: ricco21_21 points
Free RW/LW for upcoming tournaments dc: hopeakypara9918 points
FALUN COAL MINERS (SCL & ECL ELITE/PRO) Hello boys, girls and bots - the Coal Miners of Falun are looking for reinforcements! After recently having our starting RD and G move on (thank you for your service Söder & Elie! 🍻), we are on the hunt for, you guessed it, a starting RD and G. We'll be participating in the SCL first and then ECL Elite or Pro, depending on how we fare in the Elite Relegation Series. ***** RD We are looking for a two-way defender who is comfortable with the puck and has a good eye for the game, but also knows how to cover for their D partner. This is important. Also important to be able to listen to instruction and execute plays and systems when called upon. Swedish-speaking preferably, but if you absolutely blow us away with your play you can speak Klingon for all we care. Pro-level experience is required, at a minimum. G We are looking for a sharp goaltender who excels at reading & anticipating the play and is quick laterally (cross-crease movement). Pro-level experience (or higher) is encouraged, but not a deal-breaker if your gameplay is at a higher level than your current division. Swedish-speaking preferably, but if you stop the puck and get along with the group, language isn't as big of a barrier as with the defender. ***** Contact me & @Buffy here (please include both of us in the message) through DM if you're interested.12 points
Finally Janikka got his justice, now he can go to sleep at night without having to think about those who doubted him! "Never give up when you know you are right. Believe in yourself and you will reach your full potential" #JusticeForJani8 points
Free G for upcoming tournaments. Ready to grind and enough experience in Elite/Pro/Lite. Looking for top lite and above level, starter role. Hmu here or on psn for tryouts7 points
5 points
Free lw upcoming tournaments contact here or psn snippystatue4 points
RW/C Lite/top core, mielellään suomalaiseen jengiin. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/53183 points
That time of year again! free agent goalie looking for Pro+ in upcoming tournaments etc. discord or psn : Stenborg431 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/58173 points
3 points
Free G upcoming tournaments contact here psn:Fin_Alien Discord:Fin_alien.2 points
BOOMERS We are looking for G DM here or discord IKarkkiI#41652 points
Hey Everyone! Team Devilz (ECL Pro-Q) After an insightful and educational ECL-Pro Winter season—where we came so close to making the playoffs but faced a streak of bad luck—we’re determined to rebuild and come back even stronger. We’re sure that we’ll qualify for the ECL-Pro Spring. To make it happen, we’re looking for: 🎯 Starter LW 🏒 Starter D or C ➡️min.Top-Lite Lvl or higher+ We’re looking for teammates who are motivated to grow and value team success. What’s in it for you? A C' who’s fully committed to the team. A sponsor who’s invested in the project: ➡️covering team licenses. 🆕️benefits for the Players. Teamspirit: Your input, ideas and preferences matter here! Interested? Drop me a message on Discord or right here! @LTorro Let’s build something great together. 🚀2 points
What a stupid thing to do really))))1 point
What's the point with this kind of cheat? It's so useless, damn!!!1 point
Free LD/RD for upcoming tournaments Contact here or psn: Juhis_K https://sportsgamer.gg/players/76111 point
Free Lw/C for upcoming tournaments. Pro/Elite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8822 Contact here or psn: Aarons__1 point
1 point
Hello SportsGamers! We're super excited to announce the SG World Cup 2025! The SG World Cup marks our first test of a global, national-team eHockey 6v6 format! The tournament will feature 16 national teams from Europe and North America. The action starts on May 6th and the event culminates with the finals just under two weeks later on May 18th. Which nations are represented? Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and USA. These 15 will be joined by team SG World, which features the best players from the rest of the world. How are players chosen? Players for each team will be chosen by the team captain. Team captains are voted on by a selected group of the best players from each nation. Example: for Finland's captain vote, all skaters that play in a starter role in any ECL Elite playoff team will have a vote in the captain selection - for most smaller nations, the vote will be held amongst a few players deemed "most qualified" for the position. How can I get in to represent my country? On January 18th the tournament's Discord server will become public. Before then, each nation will have a dedicated text channel, on which the captain selection will take place. After this, the captains will have months to scout test players for their team. We encourage discussion on these dedicated text channels for everyone in each nation's community to be heard and help team captains make informed decisions by April when the final rosters are revealed! Umm... What about the ping from Europe to North America? This is a very valid question. There is no way to guarantee a good connection across the pond, but as this is the first installment of the tournament and all games will be played online, we're giving all teams an equal amount of opportunities to succeed on their home server. Throughout the tournament, all games and playoff series will be decided by the aggregate score from two games - one home, one away for both teams. Is there a prize pool? This tournament is a first of its kind and runs primarily with the aim of testing out the new format. At the moment this tournament is free to play with the honour of your nation on the line. At this stage, there is no further prizing. For more details check out the full rulebook here: SG World Cup Rulebook The full tournament schedule can be found here: SG World Cup 2025 Schedule1 point
Free LW/C/LD for upcoming ECL. Contact me here or in discord: Leiskaviis71 point
Free g for next season. Lite/Pro . Lite team only starter, pro team can play 50/50 if you think your team goalie is better. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/14945 Still looking for new team.1 point
Free LW for next ECL Contact me here or discord: cryxzq Pro/Elite1 point
Free f for upcoming tournaments Mainly looking for elite1 point