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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/24 in all areas

  1. Team ( dont have name yet ) Looking for starting LW, RW and G our target is pro qualifiers, so pro experience or higher is huge plus! Contact us on discord/psn: Jonetzkyy, Kim_Johan or Janzuh
    22 points
  2. Free C for upcoming tournaments. LW can be option also.
    9 points
  3. Free c/rw/rd for pro/top lite contact here or psn: pikkuhape https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8936
    5 points
  4. Free c/rw/rd /ld for upcoming tournaments. contact here, psn or discord 🍺
    5 points
  5. We’re excited to share a first-hand look at NHL 25, featuring raw, unedited gameplay footage from various modes of the game. Whether you’re a veteran HUT player or just curious about what’s new this year, these videos give you a clear sense of how the game plays. All footage was captured on the Xbox Series S in 1080p, and while the visual quality may not represent the full experience on more powerful consoles like the PS5 or Xbox Series X, the focus here is on gameplay, not graphical fidelity. From creating my first HUT team to exploring the Wildcard mode, you’re getting an unfiltered, commentary-free look at NHL 25. The gameplay was recorded on Superstar difficulty, and it’s worth noting that some of these games were played in the early hours of the morning, so my performance might not be top-notch! Regardless, it’s a great chance to get an authentic first look at what NHL 25 has to offer. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to play World of Chel, nor games against any human players in Europe, so it's hard to judge that part of the game yet at this stage. Thank you to EA Sports for granting early access to the game. Stay tuned for more videos, including additional game modes and pack openings!      
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Free C/RW for ECL Pro—> Contact here or in Discord: Lekxsa
    2 points
  8. Free Lw/Rw in upcoming tournaments Contact here or Discord Easychasniper2
    2 points
  9. Perjantai-iltojen pelätyin porukka etsii kilpapeleihin puolustajaa sekä hyökkääjää. Tykkäät pelailla n. klo 20-22 aikoihin (arkisin), viikonloppuna mukista löytyy toisinaan muutakin kuin Noccoa, osaat liikuttaa hahmoasi ylös sekä alas kentällä, sivuille liikkumisesta toki plussaa. Sarjataso Lite. Vapaamuotoinen ilmoittautuminen tryoutille suoraan GM postilaatikkoon osoitteessa psn/discord tonijei Pelejä on 3-5 iltana viikossa, osallistumispakkoa toki joka ilta ei ole, GM myöntää vapaita samalla tavalla kuin laukoo, eli löysin rantein.
    2 points
  10. Blackbirds (formerly xBots) looking for a 50/50 (or backup) G. We're in Pro qualifiers, looking to be a pro contender playoff team. WE OFFER YOU A FREE PLAYER LICENSE FOR THE SEASON. Looking for someone with experience in pro/elite, preferably finnish. For more details contact me here, psn or discord: PSN: sopulii_ Discord: sopulii04
    2 points
  11. Free rw/c for next season contact here or psn Vehnis-
    1 point
  12. Ismon Valinta (Pro) looking for starter Ld contact here or dc/psn Jusu121
    1 point
  13. Free C/RW for upcoming tournaments. Looking long-term team. Lite/Core Contact here https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11285
    1 point
  14. Puck Over Glass looking for long term first goalie for lite. Pro in sight in the near future. We prefer finnish goalies but are open for anyone that catches the pucks well 👍 Dm @knuzon in discord for try-outs. We try to play every night! 😊
    1 point
  15. Taskubilis (Core) is looking for 1-2 player(s). We are looking for all-around players (still mostly in D), ice time guaranteed in ECL. We play in NE/North server. Roster is easygoing and the most important thing is to have fun atmosphere. We are primarily looking for finnish speaking players. If you are interested in playing ECL Core with us, please contact Jalitmane10 (PSN) or here.
    1 point
  16. Free RD for upcoming tournaments & ECL I’m looking for a Central European (English speaking) or Finnish club, currently playing from the Netherlands.. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/15461 Contact here or psn: Maltsevii
    1 point
  17. Kymmeneltä Baariin Looking for starting RW/LW, LD, Starter G/ 2x 50/50 G’s Our goal is to make pro qualis! Contact us via discord: hopeakypara99, aaro47 or sirlateksi
    1 point
  18. Black Sharks 🦈 Hi, NHL 25 is coming soon, we will close our squad planning shortly with the release. If you are still looking for a new team, then this is interesting for you 👇🏽 - D - LW/C What we are looking for: - Experience ECL Lite - Reliability - team player - Ambition - Loyalty - Headset (speaking English) What we offer: - GCL / ECL Lite - Adult squad 25-55 years - Good atmosphere within the team, no room for egoists - long-term cooperation, main part of the team has known each other for a long time - A healthy will to win, ambition to achieve something If you are interested, please contact me for a tryout 🙂 Discord / PSN: saschayeahh_98
    1 point
  19. Hi! This post is regarding my services of commentating games in Finnish. This is why the rest of the post is in Finnish. Oletko joskus lähettänyt ECL-pelejä Twitchiin? Kaipaatko niihin lisää tunnetta? Harmittaako, kun vodit eivät jää talteen? Moi, Mkine tässä! Selostin viime kaudella Almost Famousin pelejä Twitchin puolella, ja osa teistä varmaan kävi katsomassa lähetyksiä – iso kiitos siitä! Pelejä yhdelle joukkueelle tulee harvakseltaan, joten tulevalla kaudella voisin ottaa lisää selostuksia, vaikka juuri sinun joukkueeltasi! Tasolla ei ole väliä, kunhan netti kestää ja lähetys pysyy ylhäällä. Hinta selostuksille? Huokea 0€! Kiinnostuitko? Laita yksityisviestiä, niin katsotaan, miten aikataulut saadaan sovitettua. Jos useampi joukkue haluaa selostuksia samalle päivälle, arpakone ratkaisee, minkä niistä valitsen. Selostukset tulevat suomeksi ja minun kanavalleni. Aikaisempia matseja voi käydä katsomassa täällä: https://www.youtube.com/@Mkinee Olkaa rohkeasti yhteydessä! Edit: Discord: .kalervo X: @twitchmkine
    1 point
  20. Purification (elite) in: @Snus97_ Welcome to puri!🤝🐐
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Looking for team to play with as a G ! Im not going to say how good i am and how long i have played this game , or even going to say why u might want me. My stats are in here : ( please tap this txt ) And if u wnt to try me out, just send me msg here or via dc: Jiihoo86 JiiHooo86 (im playing with xbox series s)
    1 point
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