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  1. Allupekkaz



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/24 in all areas

  1. Mustaa Kultaa (Ecl Elite) looking for starting C/LW for upcoming tournaments Contact me here or dc: Allupekkaz
    18 points
  2. Bushwhackers (Pro Quali) We're looking for a center who has experience from Pro or at least top Lite, can communicate in Finnish and has a basic understanding of the game, can play 3-4 a week. Contact me on sportsgamer or discord
    13 points
  3. 8 points
  4. Almost Famous💎 (Elite) Looking for starting Lw and Rw for upcoming tournaments Contact psn/dc Jalkkin-
    4 points
  5. Free G for next ECL Elite maybe pro🫣 Ready to grind very much🫡 Contact me here or psn kaz_zu
    4 points
  6. ROBE Esports (Pro) We are Looking for starter rd Pro/elite experience Contact me here or discord tihizu
    3 points
  7. Free C/RW for upcoming tournaments Core/Lite Contact here https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11285
    2 points
  8. Strength of the pack is looking for: -Center that can play most games -Right side Defender that can play most games -Backup Goalie (This can be your secondary position if you fit either one of the above) We will most likely be playing in either Neo or Core division, the team is Based in Finland and all of the players expect for our Swedish starting goalie are Finns, thus Finnish speaking players are preferred but those with decent English are also accepted. We typically play 2-3 times a week around 20:00-23 CET We want active players with a positive mindset but with a healthy competetiviness that want to improve as individuals and as a team. This team was formed in NHL 24 and is intended to be a long-lasting project, with the goal of rising higher in the ECL divisions.
    2 points
  9. Moronmoro! Suomessa mennään kovaa vauhtia jo kohti kylmää ja pimeää talvea, se tarkoittaa sitä että änärin kusipäisin pelaaja Johtajan jälkeen etsii jälleen joukkuetta. Ikää 31v ja pelipaikka RW, mutta voidaan myös keskustella oikean pakin paikasta. Discordista tai pleikkarilta löytyy.
    2 points
  10. Naski Pro qualifiers Looking for starter goalie and maybe back up LD Contact me here or in Discord: Lekxsa Also you can contact Easychasniper2 In Discord
    2 points
  11. Free Ld/Rd next tournaments! Discord/psn: Rightinkarlsson
    2 points
  12. Free D for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11177
    1 point
  13. Polski Boys Out: @jm98II Tack och adjö🤝 IN: @cTunkeilija witamy, na zdrowie!
    1 point
  14. Free Agent! Pos: Goalie Age: 30 Psn id: Magic_Torna Info: Experienced goalie who has played club games since nhl 09. ECl champion 2012. Teams: Skellefteå, Linköping.......
    1 point
  15. Free LW/LD for next ECL (Core/Lite) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4715 PSN: banglahoor Discord: banglahoor
    1 point
  16. Free RW/C for upcoming tournaments. Prefer Finnish teams. Contact here or psn xMossee
    1 point
  17. Free D / G for upcoming tournaments. Lite / Pro contact here or psn:jerexu
    1 point
  18. Free f/d for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here or psn Kansan-edustaja
    1 point
  19. Free lw/c/rw upcoming tournaments. Elite/pro.
    1 point
  20. All I ask is that, whichever way this goes, there is a definitive, non-reversible decision from League Administration (on bans/no bans) at least a few weeks out from when the first official tournament is set to begin. Give us a fair chance to practice for a reasonable amount of time under game-like conditions.
    1 point
  21. The bans have been proven to work towards a more balanced gameplay experience. IMO unless EA states these op abilities are either heavily nerfed (doubt) or removed from the game (more doubt) it's not that likely the gameplay updates in 25 balance those out. We've been here before.
    1 point
  22. Free LW / C / RW or LD/RD for upcoming tournaments.
    1 point
  23. Tiki Talk (pro) etsii aktiivista puolustajaa. Pelaamme klo21-23/24 melkein joka ilta. Tärkeää pystyä myös kommunikoimaan. Team is looking for an active defender. We play from 21-23/24 (UTC+3) almost every night. It´s also important to be able to communicate. Contact psn itspardytime
    1 point
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