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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/23 in all areas

  1. TOHTORIT We are looking for a starting LD/(RD) Elite experience is a huge plus 👍 Contact me here or Discord: Ristimaeki
    21 points
  2. GIFU Hockey Looking for a starting G! Contact me here, if you're interested.
    16 points
  3. Your favourite norjalainen (mabye) is gonna be exploring options for NHL24, preferably a pro team that is gonna be competing for the win, or an elite team. I can play most nights and i can be a good personality when needed (mabye ) Contact me here, PSN: Skumboo or discord: marcuso_o
    14 points
  4. Free Lw/C looking team Pro/TOP Lite. Contact me here or psn:Duracellii. 🙏
    3 points
  5. Up, im a G btw, almost forgot to mention that😬
    2 points
  6. Looking for a team for the ECL and other championships ld \ lw \ c \ rw
    2 points
  7. SportsGamers, This is your reminder to sign up for our Casual NHL and FIFA leagues starting in just over a week! Now is a great time to pick up the controller and get ready for the new game by meeting new players and having some fun to cap off the '23 season.  While both the eHockey and eSoccer leagues will be running simultaneously, the emphasis is on having fun at a relaxed pace. These leagues are skill capped in order to allow for casual players to enter and have an enjoyable gaming experience. Now is the time to sign up for either the Casual eHockey League, Casual eSoccer League, or perhaps both! Participation is free for ECL '23 Player License holders! Here are the dates for the Casual Leagues: Start/Week 1 -  20.8 Week 2 - 27.8 Week 3 - 3.9 Week 4 - 10.9 Final day  - 17.9   Visit the landing pages here to read more and sign up: Casual eHockey League Casual eSoccer League   Details Casual eHockey League - NHL 23: Played in two divisions: New Gen: PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X/S Old Gen: PlayStation 4 & Xbox One World of Chel 3v3 (Teams of 2-4 players) Entry fee 10€/player (free entry for ECL ‘23 Player License holders) Skill cap - participants must not have: - Matches played at ECL Pro or Elite league levels in the current or last four seasons (ECL '23 Winter, ECL '22 Spring, ECL '22 Winter or ECL 12) - Matches played in the TOP 8 ranked team in SportsGamer's national 6v6 tournaments in the last two years. - TOP 16 positions in national or international 1v1 tournaments.   Casual eSoccer League - FIFA 23: Played in two divisions: New Gen: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC Old Gen: PlayStation 4, Xbox One FUT (1v1) Entry fee 10 €/player (free entry for ECL ‘23 Player License holders) Skill cap - participants must not have: - Earned FGS points - Played Elite division in FIFA 23 Prizes Both the eHockey and eSoccer league will feature cash prizes for top performers.  The total prize pool for both leagues is going to be 2 500€ each. This prize pool will be split as follows between the top 4 teams/players: #1 40% #2 20 % #3 10% #4 10% The exact prize pool split between the Old Gen (PS4/XB1) and New Gen (PS5/XSX) divisions will be determined based on the number of participating players in each division.  With weekly matches, a friendly community of players, and a range of skill levels, there's no better way to jump into the world of esports. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for our Casual eHockey or eSoccer League today and start playing!
    2 points
  8. Niitti pohjassa (Lite) We are an experienced group with a very good offensive playing style. Now we are looking for good starting Defenders (LD) (RD) If u feel that u can pass fast and accurate dont hessitate to contact me on PSN sonnysprofil or PSN bugimir68 Our goal is too reach pro in the following seasons! If interested for tryout message us
    2 points
  9. Project X etsitään tuleviin turnauksiin... - LW - G Tänne viestii tai psn: Fin_torspo
    1 point
  10. FREE DEFENSEMAN FOR NHL 24 and ECL! I play defenseman and can play on both sides! I have experience from ecl lite but looking to play in ecl neo/core/lite I of course want to be in starting line up but back up spot might also work I am always positive and try to lift up my teammates if things don’t go our way and also leading by example on the ice these are my stats https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3429 looking forward to hear from you!
    1 point
  11. SportsGamers, We know all of you are as eager as us to hop on the thumbsticks and get a piece of the new NHL 24, and today we're one step closer to that being a reality. EA Sports have announced playtesting for NHL 24 and now is your chance to get in on the action. First off, make sure to sign up your EA account for playtesting eligibility, secondly, you'll need to complete a short introductory survey. The playtest will follow similar guidelines as to previous years, where no footage of the game shall be captured and the test will be fully confidential. Players will be required to sign a pre-release feedback agreement. The Playtest is available on PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Signing up does not guarantee participation. Find out more and sign up here.
    1 point
  12. Free any! Played rw for most of nhl23, but some rd also. Kinda any position works, just need a right team. Feel free to DM.
    1 point
  13. Free G Pro/Elite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/10944 Contact anywhere
    1 point
  14. Free RW/C (https://sportsgamer.gg/players/945) Looking for TOP Lite/PRO teams. Have PRO experience. DM me on PSN: CMB-WF- , Discord: cmb_wf or here.
    1 point
  15. Not sure if people already know about this but still wanted to share a newly found 'feature' I saw posted on Twitter. It seems that same team crossplay is achievable in World of Chel even in NHL 23. The video at the bottom of my post probably illustrates how to do this better, but I'll attempt to explain it here as well: In World of Chel, go to the Threes Eliminator leadearboards, and filter by daily global club leaderboard. The idea is to have a club in this list that is on the opposite console and you can join. The original tweet explains that one way to do this is having your friends play three games of Threes Eliminator, so to appear on that leaderboard. This is one way to get on your friends' club if you are planning to play regularly with the same group. It does take some time though and an alternate way I found is that you could also try and find a club that is public (look for a low club level) and join that one. This could be better when you are playing random games, drafts, friendlies, etc. Once you are in the club, you can freely go to any dressing room and your friends on the other console can just search up the club's name in the WoC hub and enter the dressing room as well. Once one person is in the dressing room, they can invite players from their console to the lobby, so you just need one person from each console to actually join the club to be able to get a full lobby going. A slight hassle to set this up but it's pretty amazing that something like this was discovered, even if it is at the lowest point in the game's lifecycle 😀 Original tweet with a video of this being done
    1 point
  16. Hey all. i am player from Europe - Latvia, new to sportsgamer community. Having a lot of fun at goalie position. Searching for team to play together. Not having big expierence and i am new to this community and game. Please contact me, if you interested to test me and searching for new goalie. Best regards. And have fun playing NHL 23.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the community @saaggssy! 👋
    1 point
  18. INTRO GM Pentti "Fööni" Matikainen herää krapulaisena kartanonsa länsisiivestä, päällään vain IFK:n nahkainen jefurotsi 90-luvulta, rinnuksilla yöllisiä eväitä ja oikeassa kädessä pohjat lämmintä Koffia. Edarin saunailta venähti jälleen legendaarisesti kuudenteen jatkoerään, ja meininki on ollut kuin -98 mestaruusjuhlista, joita Pena muistelee edelleen kuin se olisi tapahtunut viikko sitten. Siitä lattialta panotaljan päältä noustessaan hän huomaa sammuneen takkatulen lähettyvillä kasan epämääräistä A4-paperia. Pena suunnittelee jo takan uudelleensytyttämistä ja tämän roskaläjän heittämistä liekkeihin, mutta hän päättääkin tutkia tarkemmin suttua mitkä hän darrakarsastukseltaan havaitsee. Yhden dokumentin yläreunassa on petologo, tuo naisiakin kauniimpi ilmestys joka saa taatusti jokaisen miehen syttymään, sekä pienellä fontilla printtiä mistä Pena nykyisellä statuksellaan pystyy lukemaan "ECL" ja "helppoa ja kivaa". Puoliksi syödyn rullakebabin vierestä Pena löysi käyntikortin ja post-it lapun missä luki "mulla on vitu fyrkaa, nii ja faksi". Fööni liitti faksinsa vanhaan pentiumiinsa ja lähetti kaikki löytyneet paperit käyntikortin yhteystiedolle, ja kotvasen kuluttua tuli vastaus "kiitos perustamishakemuksestanne". Näin syntyi Stadin Kingit, sinipunainen edari, kaunein kaikista joka tulee herättämään vastustajissa pelkoa, kateutta, ja puolisoissa himoa kiimaa sekä märkiä päiväunia. Tämä on rödan matka, en gång IFK alltid IFK ❤️💙 https://twitter.com/StadinKingitNHL https://www.twitch.tv/stadinkingitchel
    1 point
  19. Lite karsinnat Ottelut pelattiin ripeällä aikataululla, ja olivat nopeammin ohi kuin teinipojan ensimmäinen yö "niissä" puuhissa. Joukkue suoritti tarvittavan, ja otti paikan ECL Lite-sarjassa. Pena purkaa karsinnat omasta näkökulmastaan. - Jos meillä on fyrkkaa kiinni jengissä enemmän kuin Andy McCoylla heroiinissä, niin ei sun rekordi voi v*ttu olla 5-5-2. Sarjassa oli pari sellaista porukkaa, että matsit olis pitäny viedä vaikka pelivälineet väärinpäin, mutta saatiin niistäkin aikamoisia trillereitä (hee hee 🕺). - Tyytyväinen saa olla vaan siihen että karsinnat on paketissa. Jengi ei myöskään missään vaiheessa pelannut brändin mukaista kiekkoa, vaan sellaista s**tanan rusettiluistelua, me ollaan perkele stadin kingejä! Nyt laitetaan pelaajat treenaamaan Jursinov-taktiikalla niin että tukka lähtee päästä, ehkä se pelikin alkaa sen jälkeen maistua kun Lite-kausi starttaa.
    1 point
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