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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/23 in all areas

  1. Free agent🔥 Goalie🟪 Top PRO but always open for something else🏆 psn: karlsson_adam11 here or discord: karlsson_adam11#1126 🦍🎶
    22 points
  2. free LD contact me discord or psn dc: sisu33_#1297 psn: sisu33_
    20 points
  3. Free LW (c/rw) for upcoming tournaments.✌️
    19 points
  4. Free LW/LD/RW looking for lite/pro team to play with in the future tournament(s) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3016 Contact me here or PSN: Stigisenko
    5 points
  5. SportsGamers, We're at the Semifinals stage in our ECL '23 Spring Core season already! While these teams certainly are looking for time to vacation in the summer sun, they are still very much hungry for bigger success and larger chunks of the prize money. #1 seed French Eagles remain undefeated in the Playoffs, whereas all other teams have been beaten at least once. An interesting last few series remain!     French Eagles  (1) vs North Sawo Lions  (9) #1 seed French Eagles have been on an undefeated streak throughout the first two rounds of the Playoffs. In this Semifinals series, they'll be taking on #9 seed North Sawo Lions, whom they've already met in the Group stage. Those clashes were two very different games, in which they ended up splitting points in a 2-0 Lions win, and a 7-2 Eagles win. This fight between two groups of predators from the wild will be an interesting one to watch, keep an eye on the top scorers @Caboli30 and @Liimatainenn in particular.  Dompa HC  (5) vs Ismon Valinta  (6) Dompa HC were extremely close to taking home the Group 2 top spot in the Group stage and have proven themselves even further in the Playoffs. This mainly Swedish outfit is reaping the benefits of having @STRANDMANNEN11 in their roster, tearing up the division offensively. He runs their play and controls what happens, for good or for bad. Ismon Valinta is another Group 1 team in the Semifinals, and they've been able to click quite nicely in the Playoffs. They've had a total of nine players take the ice for them in the Playoffs and really seem like a squad that is having fun with their game and being successful as a result of that.   
    3 points
  6. Free Rw/C/Lw Pro/Top Lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2503 contact me here or psn:Welhouu61
    3 points
  7. Free Rd/Rw/Ldl looking for team backup fine too contact me here or psn aaksu17 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11177
    2 points
  8. Free agent. Lw/Rw, searching Lite/Pro team. Contact me here or PSN: gurrao10 🤟
    1 point
  9. Free Goalie from Latvia for your team. New to game, but wanting to grow and improve at goalie position. If you interested to test me out, please contact me. I am reliable and with good internet connection. Level in game Gold 3 for now. PSN ID saaggssy
    1 point
  10. ÖREBRO HOCKEY IN: @ripKeisari @xLeikku Tervetuloa! 🔴⚫⚪ OUT: @keranee @Rimpe @Putteekiing Thx for this time guys!
    1 point
  11. free g wecl pm me her or discord Mrartonnn#7696 and psn Mrartonnn
    1 point
  12. Free C/RW/RD for GCL Contact me here or psn: M1kaWa_ https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5472
    1 point
  13. Free RW/C looking for new, long term home Lite or above-> Contact me here or discord mittedo#6294
    1 point
  14. SportsGamers, Our ECL Elite Player Awards vote is making a return and all of you will have the opportunity to impact who will receive the individual awards at the end of the season. We have six categories in total with five nominees in each category. Based on community feedback, this season all nominees have been selected through a vote between the Elite division captains. Voting will open effective immediately and we're asking you to cast your votes by Thursday, June 15th at 23:59 CEST. The awards will be presented in the ECL '23 Spring Finals broadcasts on Saturday, June 17th. Make sure to cast your vote in order to support your favorite player!
    1 point
  15. Free RW/LW Pro/Lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8264 contact me here or discord: Juhaniz-#4048
    1 point
  16. Im back baby. After almost a 4 year break i've decided to buy ps5 soon and join the NHL community again😎 I played mostly pro (not sure how the divisions go these days but the second best) division in NHL 19 as a LW but can do RW also. Looking for a chill team to get me back to my level. Prefer a Finnish team but English works too! old psn/ se_ve420 new/ hanskii_
    1 point
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