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GIFU Hockey Looking for a LW, C/RD and a starting goalie for upcoming ECL! Contact me for tryouts 🤘🏻34 points
Free G Time has come to move on. Spent a lot of great time in GIFU uniform, made close friends too. But we are here to play and win so i will try to do that elsewhere now. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4772#nhl Contact me here or on PSN. Discord works too.25 points
Be a Bro in: @Pursuitti Welcome a new bro. We are now ready for the next ECL🙏17 points
Project X (pro) etsii next ecl varapelaajaa joka pystyy pelaan pakin tonttii ja myös hyökkii . pist viestii tääl tai psn:Fin_torspo16 points
Valco (pro) is looking for a active defender. Valco etsii aktiivista puolustajaa avaukseen tulevalle ecl kaudelle. Mieluiten Jamppaa, joka ymmärtää tämän tekstin ilman google translatoria, kiitos. Joukkue pelaa noin 5-6 iltaa viikossa yleensä klo21 alkaen. Odotetaan molempiin suuntiin pätevältä pakilta myös kykyä kommunikoida pelien aikana. Contact psn: itspardytime / yhteydenotot psn: itspardytime16 points
G free for ECL and all upcoming Tournaments. Can play almost every Day! Msg for Tryouts! Greetz Devil12 points
Hello! Right winger looking for a team in central europe because i living in Spain at moment. I can play almost every evening. Im 30 years old. You can find my statistics: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/6984#nhl psn elmageo or sportsgamer.11 points
10 points
Taskubilis 🔴⚫ (Core) is searching for players! We are looking for a starting goalie (100% games) and all-around backup player. We are very easygoing guys and our primary goal is to have fun together. It's also nice to win games! We appreciate good team spirit a lot! 🚨Too serious guys do not fit in this team 🚨 If you think you fit into the team and are interested, contact jalitmane10 here or psn. - Litti10 points
8 points
Free D / G for upcoming tournaments. Searching for an active lite/top core team. Can play weekly sunday-thursday. Even sometimes friday/saturday if absolutely necessary. Can speak Finnish/English 🤘 Contact here, or psn NeonHum7 points
Free C/Rw for upcoming tournaments, Rd is okay too. Contact me here or on PSN5 points
Hello Everyone I am a Free LW or C (if necessary also a LD) Searching for a top lite or Pro Team to get some new experience. Played for a long time in Teams at Lite or Pro Level and searching for something new for the upcoming ECL and hopefully more. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5112#nhl From Switzerland. I am very ambitious, I learn quickly and I can adapt well, speaking english more or less fluently. If my profile and everything sounds interesting, just give me a message here or on discord CuteTerminator_7#0089 for a tryout5 points
Free G 50/50 or backup https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5599#nhl psn: Kanervo-5 points
Supernatural IN: Kozeec (C) @Kozek77 Jesse6115 (A) @Jesse6115 RUANDALAINE (A) @Vilisopanen15 BiggestEight @selänne8 xTheEiteam @Eiteam Jugi9 @Jugi9 Ruissi1 @Ruissi1 egoapina @egoapina Anzinho8 @Anzinho8 MrSAUKKO98 @MrSAUKKO98 Welcome all guys to the team 💖💖5 points
Free C for upcoming tournaments. I play almost every evening so searching active team. Core/Lite Contact here or PSN: Puuha__Pete14 points
Polski Boys looking for backup LW for ECL. Contact me here or PSN.4 points
3 points
Free Goalie Been playing RW last two seasons and looking to get back to my own position. I have played G in Pro and lite. My stats: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1246#nhl psn: SikkiParkki3 points
Up, a fitting Center would also be fine! Contact me here, PSN or Discord: MCH_98 #04403 points
Exerceo (PRO) Looking for finnish speaking Defender to our starting lineup for ECL and other upcoming tournaments. What we expect: -experience from top lite/pro at least - you are able to play 4-5 times a week (between Sun-Thu, starting from 20 fin) - you are able to communicate in games and use your mic - you have competitive mindset and you want to practise a lot and improve your own and your team game What we offer: - 100% club and tournament games - competitive atmosphere where everyone wanna grind hard and develop as a team - great group of guys with good sense of humor Contact me here or discord Saviinainen #27163 points
INTRO GM Pentti "Fööni" Matikainen herää krapulaisena kartanonsa länsisiivestä, päällään vain IFK:n nahkainen jefurotsi 90-luvulta, rinnuksilla yöllisiä eväitä ja oikeassa kädessä pohjat lämmintä Koffia. Edarin saunailta venähti jälleen legendaarisesti kuudenteen jatkoerään, ja meininki on ollut kuin -98 mestaruusjuhlista, joita Pena muistelee edelleen kuin se olisi tapahtunut viikko sitten. Siitä lattialta panotaljan päältä noustessaan hän huomaa sammuneen takkatulen lähettyvillä kasan epämääräistä A4-paperia. Pena suunnittelee jo takan uudelleensytyttämistä ja tämän roskaläjän heittämistä liekkeihin, mutta hän päättääkin tutkia tarkemmin suttua mitkä hän darrakarsastukseltaan havaitsee. Yhden dokumentin yläreunassa on petologo, tuo naisiakin kauniimpi ilmestys joka saa taatusti jokaisen miehen syttymään, sekä pienellä fontilla printtiä mistä Pena nykyisellä statuksellaan pystyy lukemaan "ECL" ja "helppoa ja kivaa". Puoliksi syödyn rullakebabin vierestä Pena löysi käyntikortin ja post-it lapun missä luki "mulla on vitu fyrkaa, nii ja faksi". Fööni liitti faksinsa vanhaan pentiumiinsa ja lähetti kaikki löytyneet paperit käyntikortin yhteystiedolle, ja kotvasen kuluttua tuli vastaus "kiitos perustamishakemuksestanne". Näin syntyi Stadin Kingit, sinipunainen edari, kaunein kaikista joka tulee herättämään vastustajissa pelkoa, kateutta, ja puolisoissa himoa kiimaa sekä märkiä päiväunia. Tämä on rödan matka, en gång IFK alltid IFK ❤️💙 https://twitter.com/StadinKingitNHL https://www.twitch.tv/stadinkingitchel2 points
Shameful Knights (Lite qualifiers) Looking for a 50/50 forward, preferably with an ability to play on defence here and there. You'd mainly play as either winger, but occasionally you'll be needed on defence as well. Gametime in the ECL tournament games is 100% guaranteed. Contact me or Poistin here.2 points
Free D for ecl. Contact me here. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/12281#nhl2 points
Free LW looking for a place to play in ECL. 🏒 Message me here or psn: Teemu_Underdawg Cheers!2 points
Free lw/rw for upcoming ecl backup is fine too https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8328#nhl contact me here or psn 😝2 points
GIFU Hockey (Pro) After a huge disappointment in FCL we are (once again & unfortunately) looking for 2 players, a forward and a d-man or two forwards. Contact me here or on discord if you're interested.2 points
Be a Bro (PRO) Due to our current LW having work and other activities, we are looking for active Starting LW (100% games in ECL). We are expecting you to be active (sunday)monday-thursday between 20-23(22:30)🇫🇮 and have Pro playoff experience. Also would prefer finnish players. Contact me or Sanezh here2 points
SportsGamers, not only Division 1 hockey was played in the DACH area! The Swiss NLA team of Ambri eSports secured the Division 2 title in the German Championship League and secured promotion to the top 16 of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Despite starting into the playoffs as the lowest seed, the Swiss outfit managed to cruise through the postseason including two sweeps and a breathtaking game 7 drama in the semifinals. Ambri Forward Kris @iWeeb22 Webdano secured the topscoring title in the regular season (26G + 35A in 16GP) aswell as the playoffs (24G + 25A in 15 GP). On behalf of the whole SportsGamer community we would like to congratulate Ambri eSports and a warm thank you to all other participants in Division 2! Ambri eSports' road to the Championship: #8 overall seed from group 2 with the record 8-6-2 Quarterfinals: vs EV Duisburg (1) 4-0 Semifinals: vs Old Primates (2) 4-3 Finals: vs EHC Olten eSports (3) 4-0 The winning roster: GOALTENDERS #39 Roman @FrenchGoalie Lefebrve DEFENSEMEN #85 Samuele @Bergente85 Del Curto (A) #89 Brendan @JPBROO Laroux (C) FORWARDS #9 Kris @iWeeb22 Webdano #10 John @x-bluewhite-x Leclair #21 Sakari @Sekotettu Kaulaote #24 Giulio @Giulio2497 Costa #69 Hector @flamingo81403 Savage (A) #70 Crazy @Barclay11 Machete We wish all DACH teams good luck in the upcoming ECL'23 Spring!1 point
Up. Not interested as a backup player.. at least 50% is okay and i understand rotation of c.1 point
Hello Gentlemen, I'm a goalkeeper with European experience 😉 I play almost every day from around 20:30 to 23:30.CET Of course I play longer at the weekend 😉 I am looking for a team that trains and plays regularly at least 3 times a week. A team that wants to develop, play in tournaments and leagues. If any of you need G please contact me on priv. on discord and PS Nick Cielu771 point
SportsGamers, The ECL '23 Spring Lite & Pro Qualifiers kick off today and we're in for a bunch of exciting gamedays leading up to the regular season, as the Qualifier teams will need to fight tooth and nail for open spots in both divisions. At the moment, Pro holds seven open spots while the Lite division holds nine open spots. The amount may increase if teams eligible to sign up for the respective divisions drop out. ECL '23 Spring Lite Qualifiers Schedule Group stage: 9.-16.4.2023 Playoffs Round 1: 17.4.2023 (if needed) Playoffs Round 2: 18.4.2023 (if needed) Playoffs Round 3: 19.4.2023 (if needed) Playoffs Round 4: 20.4.2023 (if needed) Playoffs Round 5: 23.4.2023 (if needed) The following teams will be taking part in the Lite division Qualifiers: Lite Qualifiers 1 Clowns 2 Ducktales BK 3 Freunde des Alkohols 4 HC JEUSSEN 5 Karhukissat 6 Pirati Chomutov academy 7 Predators 8 Boost HC 9 Canucks Hockey 10 Dragons Gaming 11 EHC Olten eSports 12 Fiilis Hockey 13 Northern Dust 14 Progress 15 Shameful Knights 16 Black Hurricanes 17 HC Lugano eSports 18 Seinajoki Noms 19 Showtimes 20 Skelleftea AIK 21 Swedish Stars 22 HC Pustertal eSports 23 Hc Replay 24 MoDo Hockey 25 Mustaa Kultaa 26 Stadin Kingit 27 Supernatural 28 Team Radis 29 Western Express The Lite Qualifiers will hold four groups, out of which the top two teams in each group will be securing a spot in the Lite division. The Playoff format will be announced on April 14th, when the Lite division signups have closed and the final number of Lite spots open has been determined. See the groups and schedule on the league page here. ECL '23 Spring Pro Qualifiers Schedule Group stage 1: 9.-13.4.2023 Group stage 2: 16.-18.4.2023 Playoffs Round 1: 20.4.2023 (if needed) The following teams will be taking part in the ECL Pro Qualifiers: Pro Qualifiers 1 Pro 25 Hawaii Hockey 2 Pro 27 Brynäs IF 3 Pro 28 Company of Geeks 4 Pro 29 Eisbaeren Lauf Gaming 5 Lite 5 Prestige 6 Lite 6 Red Bull Munich eSports 7 Lite 7 Vizio 8 Lite 8 Purification 9 Wildcard HV71 10 Wildcard N0VA 11 Wildcard Polski Boys 12 Wildcard SIKA 13 Pro 32 ▼ Frolunda HC Academy 14 Lite 10 Neptune Hockey 15 Lite 12 Timrå IK Esport 16 Lite 13 EHC Kloten eSports The Pro Qualifiers will also hold four groups, out of which the top three teams in each group will be advancing to stage 2 (two groups - six teams) of the Qualifiers. The top three teams of each group in stage 2 will secure a spot in ECL '23 Spring Pro. The Playoff format will be announced on April 14th, when the Pro division signups have closed and the final number of Pro spots open has been determined. See the groups and schedule on the league page here.1 point
1 point
Neptune Hockey (Pro quals) Looking for LW/LD mostly to backup or for rotation (depends how well you fit), but you'll play all the pro qual matches due to one of our starters vacation Pro quals schedule starts today so dont hesitate to contact me asap here or psn wiibeni 🫢1 point
Free Rw/C/Lw/Rd/Ld Pro/Top Lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/25031 point
Free lw for ecl backup is fine too contact me here or psn : xxHise1 point
Jokerit esports uusi joukkue etsii RD/LD ja vara pelaajia ecl spring neo psn Youtube_Jezze0071 point
Free G for lite or higher. 50/50 pref, but also starting is fine. Contact here,Discord or psn. Discord: moneygunx#7774 PSN: moneygunx1 point
Dark Wild (lite qual) Looking for backup (F/D). We cannot guarantee Ecl games but you will get normal club games. Contact me here or psn: Juhaniz-1 point
Polski Boys: + @kungenkurwa + @xSaski_ + @Brockela22 + @punt1la98 + @vote_10 + @Tope0090 (fcl)1 point
Hello! Where can you find the regulation? Is the 1v1 game played in versus mode? What teams can you choose? Are there one, two or three games in the first stage? If there are several games, then you need to win by different teams? Etc. thanks in advance!0 points