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Exerceo (PRO) Looking for finnish speaking Defender to our starting lineup for ECL and other upcoming tournaments. What we expect: -experience from top lite/pro at least - you are able to play 4-5 times a week (between Sun-Thu, starting from 20 fin) - you are able to communicate in games and use your mic - you have competitive mindset and you want to practise a lot and improve your own and your team game What we offer: - 100% club and tournament games - competitive atmosphere where everyone wanna grind hard and develop as a team - great group of guys with good sense of humor Contact me here or discord Saviinainen #271615 points
Neptune Hockey (Pro quals) Looking for LW/LD mostly to backup or for rotation (depends how well you fit), but you'll play all the pro qual matches due to one of our starters vacation Pro quals schedule starts today so dont hesitate to contact me asap here or psn wiibeni 🫢15 points
13 points
Polski Boys looking for backup LW for ECL. Contact me here or PSN.10 points
Supernatural IN: Kozeec (C) @Kozek77 Jesse6115 (A) @Jesse6115 RUANDALAINE (A) @Vilisopanen15 BiggestEight @selänne8 xTheEiteam @Eiteam Jugi9 @Jugi9 Ruissi1 @Ruissi1 egoapina @egoapina Anzinho8 @Anzinho8 MrSAUKKO98 @MrSAUKKO98 Welcome all guys to the team 💖💖8 points
Free G for upcoming ECL, pro+ Preferably starting role, worst case 50/50 Contact me here or on discord: Marcuss#5646 PSN: Skumboo8 points
Up, a fitting Center would also be fine! Contact me here, PSN or Discord: MCH_98 #04406 points
SportsGamers, The ninth iteration of the German Championship League kicked off in mid-February and the DACH gamers have once again crowned their Champion. The Swiss ECL Elite juggernaut ZSC Esports secured their third consecutive GCL championship, beating their eternal rivals Deadly Phantoms in six games. After a whopping 5:1 victory in game six, the virtual Lions secured their first "Threepeat" after one of the most dominant GCL campaigns in DACH eHockey history. Finishing their regular season with a perfect record of 14-0-0 including the best offense (104 GF) and defense (22 GA) in the league. Left Forward Kevin @Keuschemisch Berg secured back-to-back regular season scoring titles (31G + 50A in 14GP) while Center and Captain Sven @Original-SnuS Julmi secured the topscorer title in this postseason (33G + 26A in 14GP). The series was casted live on twitch.tv/sportsgamerdach by Alexander @BloodyLP Blattmann. Take a look at the final Championship winning goal by Alex @IDangledYouOut Wagner in Game six: ZSC Esports' road to the championship: #1 overall seed from group 1 with the record 14-0-0 Quarterfinals: vs Deggendorfer SC Esports (8) 4-0 Semifinals: vs Red Bull Munich Esports (6) 4-0 Finals: vs Deadly Phantoms (2) 4-2 The winning roster: GOALTENDERS #11 Pierre @RedPi(CestQuiLuiii) Lerouge #22 Reto @afc_Tschitsch(eTschitsch) Ulrich (A) #28 Alex @IDangledYouOut(I_Alex28_I) Wagner DEFENSEMEN #9 Max @Toneee9 Tonitz (A) #13 Reto @Haldeem Haldemann #93 Lenne @kemppainen39 Kemppainen FORWARDS #2 Chris @GERxVillain Ungeheuer #21 Sven @Original-SnuS Julmi (C) #39 Kevin @Keuschemisch Berg Congratulations to the champions on behalf of the entire community, and a warm thank you to all participants!6 points
Dark Wild - @Paueri - @HCFF_AKA Thanks for the eHSM and welcome japi + @japi_kuittaa6 points
INTRO GM Pentti "Fööni" Matikainen herää krapulaisena kartanonsa länsisiivestä, päällään vain IFK:n nahkainen jefurotsi 90-luvulta, rinnuksilla yöllisiä eväitä ja oikeassa kädessä pohjat lämmintä Koffia. Edarin saunailta venähti jälleen legendaarisesti kuudenteen jatkoerään, ja meininki on ollut kuin -98 mestaruusjuhlista, joita Pena muistelee edelleen kuin se olisi tapahtunut viikko sitten. Siitä lattialta panotaljan päältä noustessaan hän huomaa sammuneen takkatulen lähettyvillä kasan epämääräistä A4-paperia. Pena suunnittelee jo takan uudelleensytyttämistä ja tämän roskaläjän heittämistä liekkeihin, mutta hän päättääkin tutkia tarkemmin suttua mitkä hän darrakarsastukseltaan havaitsee. Yhden dokumentin yläreunassa on petologo, tuo naisiakin kauniimpi ilmestys joka saa taatusti jokaisen miehen syttymään, sekä pienellä fontilla printtiä mistä Pena nykyisellä statuksellaan pystyy lukemaan "ECL" ja "helppoa ja kivaa". Puoliksi syödyn rullakebabin vierestä Pena löysi käyntikortin ja post-it lapun missä luki "mulla on vitu fyrkaa, nii ja faksi". Fööni liitti faksinsa vanhaan pentiumiinsa ja lähetti kaikki löytyneet paperit käyntikortin yhteystiedolle, ja kotvasen kuluttua tuli vastaus "kiitos perustamishakemuksestanne". Näin syntyi Stadin Kingit, sinipunainen edari, kaunein kaikista joka tulee herättämään vastustajissa pelkoa, kateutta, ja puolisoissa himoa kiimaa sekä märkiä päiväunia. Tämä on rödan matka, en gång IFK alltid IFK ❤️💙 https://twitter.com/StadinKingitNHL https://www.twitch.tv/stadinkingitchel5 points
SportsGamers, not only Division 1 hockey was played in the DACH area! The Swiss NLA team of Ambri eSports secured the Division 2 title in the German Championship League and secured promotion to the top 16 of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Despite starting into the playoffs as the lowest seed, the Swiss outfit managed to cruise through the postseason including two sweeps and a breathtaking game 7 drama in the semifinals. Ambri Forward Kris @iWeeb22 Webdano secured the topscoring title in the regular season (26G + 35A in 16GP) aswell as the playoffs (24G + 25A in 15 GP). On behalf of the whole SportsGamer community we would like to congratulate Ambri eSports and a warm thank you to all other participants in Division 2! Ambri eSports' road to the Championship: #8 overall seed from group 2 with the record 8-6-2 Quarterfinals: vs EV Duisburg (1) 4-0 Semifinals: vs Old Primates (2) 4-3 Finals: vs EHC Olten eSports (3) 4-0 The winning roster: GOALTENDERS #39 Roman @FrenchGoalie Lefebrve DEFENSEMEN #85 Samuele @Bergente85 Del Curto (A) #89 Brendan @JPBROO Laroux (C) FORWARDS #9 Kris @iWeeb22 Webdano #10 John @x-bluewhite-x Leclair #21 Sakari @Sekotettu Kaulaote #24 Giulio @Giulio2497 Costa #69 Hector @flamingo81403 Savage (A) #70 Crazy @Barclay11 Machete We wish all DACH teams good luck in the upcoming ECL'23 Spring!5 points
Hi. My name is Serhii, I am from Ukraine (fluent in English for teamplay). I am a former experienced RCL PRO player (LW/C/RW - I guess my skills are rather enough for pro, lite and core - you may easily check that). 1/2nd div player in HUT. My discord: UKIhockey#4812, my psn: l-uki-l. I can be a backup player if necessary. Looking forward to play with you!4 points
GIFU Hockey (Pro) After a huge disappointment in FCL we are (once again & unfortunately) looking for 2 players, a forward and a d-man or two forwards. Contact me here or on discord if you're interested.4 points
Free LW looking for a place to play in ECL. 🏒 Message me here or psn: Teemu_Underdawg Cheers!3 points
Free goalie, forward or defense for ECL. Lite or Pro. Send a message here or on psn: I-Bysse-I3 points
3 points
Stadin Kingit ❤️💙 Penan faksi printtaa mustetta myös trullittelun ohella. IN @jg697000 (Gresu__)3 points
Free C, Rw, Rd for Ecl contact me here or psn: NikooqG3 points
2 points
Free G/D/W (playing both sides) looking for a team to participate in the ECL and probably in its national league. I am German, 28yo and can play almost every day. I'd like to play in lite at least to gain more experience. Psn: Yandereflieger Discord: Yandereflieger#2310 If you were interested, you can always dm me.2 points
Free lw/rw for upcoming ecl backup is fine too https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8328#nhl contact me here or psn 😝2 points
Free LW/C looking for a pro/top lite team. DM me here or discord jiibada_#30492 points
1 point
Free Rw/C/Lw/Rd/Ld Pro/Top Lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/25031 point
Free G for upcoming ECL ststs: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1820 psn: Supeeerkirooo1 point
Free lw for ecl backup is fine too contact me here or psn : xxHise1 point
Free Rw for upcoming Ecl. back up is fine too😎 msg me here or psn:Allupekkaz1 point
Free LD/RD for next ECL-Season (Finnish team) RW or LW is okay too, if I get some practise more in there I have couple ECL-season experience and I`m getting better day to day core/lite is my interest, last ECL-season played in lite Backup is fine too! https://sportsgamer.gg/players/7223#nhl contact me here or psn: jerppaz991 point
Free C for upcoming tournaments. Core/Lite. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/11285#nhl Contact here1 point
FA C, LW or maybe LD Message me on DC if ur intressted TantBerit#49021 point
Company of Geeks looking for a forward for ECL (pro q) and SCL. Contact me or Celeste wherever you prefer1 point
1 point
Free LD looking for new team (Lite/Core) Psn HHAASTAJA1 point