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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/23 in all areas

  1. Free backup for fcl (FWD) contact here or discord antoniomannen_ #9473
    19 points
  2. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this or not... I think it's great that we at least try to see how the game feels without these abilities. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I love to see Truculence banned tbh because it will (probably) make the gameplay experience much more enjoyable for the skaters. Big Tipper is just a mess and you can still score on deflections so that's fine for me. Close Quarters - I don't think that it should be banned after NHL 23 because when you are close to the net I think it should be tougher as a goalie to stop pucks - Just as in real life. But I voted for it to be banned to see what the game would look like without it. (Sorry) Unstoppable Force - It was good to ban it to create a balance with banning Truculence. Ban goalie abilities? I don't mind. I still use the same stance/abilities and I'm not even sure if it helps me or not. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moving forward - I understand that a poll is an easy thing to begin with taking a step to ban abilities but I would suggest to the release of NHL 24 that SportsGamer create a group for Elite/Pro (also a group with the Lite and lower divisions) representives from each team to evaluate eHSM/SCL/ECL. To create a fair view of how it feels as a player and work together to be onboard with directions of where we are heading into the future. With that being said - Good luck to everyone participating in eHSM, SCL and ECL!
    16 points
  3. Free G for FCL. Backup is more than fine aswell.
    8 points
  4. The good players in NHL 16 - NHL 21 didn't need Close Quarters to score goals.Players like Flyerkungen, Puantso, Dominointi, Patzlaf, Pleemaker, Eki, Tbnannti, Indi, Benitto, Bugemir, Adetikki destroyed worse team with worse players, no matter what. So, why do you need this today? And back then could the goalie just stand still in the net to take pretty much every puck that they faced. But we still saw a lot of goals when a better team faced a worse team. I can't really see that the goalies are better today than a goalie (like Cappe) were "then" in NHL 19. (I honestly thought that you finally became a good player in the last ECL. Still obv a potato as a person, but still a good player. Or was it all about the abilities? 😉) So I honestly don't understand why the good players whining about that the Close Quarters are gone. I do understand that it's nice to have something that helps. But hey, this is also a thing that helps the bad teams out there, this will most likely create a bigger skillgap again. Which is positive. Isn't it? No one used the Close quarters 16 months ago. People started to use it in the middle of the first ECL in NHL 22. Isn't it just about that people just are pretty useless in general to find good builds by themselves? And it's just easier to grab a build from Nikkedangles via a screenshot? Like, have u ever tested to add some points to "wrist-shot power"? Trust me, something happens with your wristshot when you adding some points to that category and you reaching a level above 78. Even I started to shoot trough goalies at the end of my career after a "little tweak" on that category. And hey: the michigan trait, with puckcontrol over 91.. ❤️ 😵😵 And the No contest trait in front of the opponents net. Rip dmans at rebounds. 🙏 All alone - underrated shit!
    7 points
  5. Free LD or C for the next ECL Contact me here or psn ItzPoro
    7 points
  6. Still free for FCL or SCL Discord CuteTerminator_7#0089
    6 points
  7. Free LW/LD for ECL. Preferably Lite, but Core in decent team is an option too. Hit me up for tryouts! Contact: Here (in sportsgamer) PSN banglahoor discord banglahoor#2499 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4715#nhl
    6 points
  8. Nonamers We are now looking for backup player, who can play multiple positions (official games not 100% guaranteed, but will be highly likely). Also still looking for 50/50 tandem goalie.
    6 points
  9. Free RW/C (maybe RD if team is right) for upcoming tournaments Looking for a starter role but im listening offers about backup roles too Im hungry to develop as a player Dm me here or discord mittedo #6294
    5 points
  10. Free Rw Or C in next ecl season Contact: Psn easychasniper2 Discord Luka29#8646 Or here (Sportsgamer)
    4 points
  11. Eisbären Lauf Gaming (ECL/Pro Qualifier) We are looking for a C or RD for the upcoming ECL. We are a German Team, therefore you should speak and understand english. You should have at least some lite experience and a "defence first" mentality Contact: @newman_2909
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Free RW/C for the next ECL. Preferably ECL PRO/TOP Lite. DM me here or on PSN: CMB-wf- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/945#nhl
    3 points
  14. Free rw (c/lw) Prefer finnish team. PM here or PSN: Jetsu91
    2 points
  15. Purley my opinion and no offence to anyone: If this is attempt to balance the game, then all abilities should be banned. Otherwise this looks like adjusting the game in favour of one part of the community. Banning all abilities would give the most competitive and balanced game in my opinion... While I do agree most of the abilities are OP, but that's why preparing for games involved a little more thought to it to decide how you should play against different opponents. It also kept everyone 'on the edge' facing gold BigTipper or Truculence and teams had to adjust their defensive/offensive strategy. That made teams leave their 'comfort zone' and actually sweat playing weaker side. Example: If my team, as an underdog, facing a lot stronger side decide to play defensive game clearly knowing our only chances to grab a point or win are using counterattacks and a lucky big tipper in front of the net then we would use this strategy. Now with new restrictions this option is eliminated. Example 2: If my team, as stronger side, facing an underdog with mentioned abilities we had to rethink how we will play and quite often these were close games where we had to adjust our gameplay which always brings more excitement to the game. Anyway, good luck in the new ECL season!
    2 points
  16. SIKA still looking for starting RD for ECL. If you can play already on FCL, good, but if cant, no problem. HMU here or vee_SILE#4715.
    2 points
  17. Rip anything that isn't meta I guess, the poor PWF gets nuked into the ground. What is peoples obsession with just stealing NAs list without even questioning it? Nobody in pro/elite, besides maybe muki, puantso and plee, plays like them or frankly wants to play like them so it seems pretty pointless. Before literally anyone ran truculence, unstoppable force was used by like 1 person and is now banned for... reasons? But elite edges, the most overpowered trait by a mile and the only one that is straight up required and forces people to use the pmd over literally anything else is fine? Not banning elite edges if fine but wtf Is the point of banning unstoppable force.
    2 points
  18. You can't expect to score using the same builds that were only able to score based on a busted xfactor, so yes using a 72 / 82kg pmd now will be harder to score with - but that doesn't mean goals will necessarily be harder to come by. Want a harder shot? Make your guy heavier and sacrifice speed / acc / agility, or just dump more points into the shooting attributes. Alternatively, use a sniper so you have a harder shot by default. This is not a hard conundrum to solve imo Other player types exist.
    2 points
  19. D just looking around, possibly need a team. Only actually competitive teams.
    2 points
  20. THANK YOU, would love option 2 personally, whats the point of banning Close Quarters and showing green light for the One Tee? Need to do something for goalie abilities for sure if CQ is banned. Who makes these decisions hello? We have a tournament in progress where only elite edges are used, these decisions were made quite quickly, i think me and many more elite players aswell would liked finish the tournament first and hear opinions after that.. People will most likely use now make it snappy as secondary ability, same effect than CQ, i dont really get this CQ ban.
    2 points
  21. Hawaii Hockey is searching for a center for upcoming ECL (Pro Qualifiers). Contact: @AG_Jarl , @Burtsi980H or @MaciPapi
    2 points
  22. Dark Wild + @Juhaniz- (C) + @Saukkis923 (JamJam923) (A) + @Rikhardz (A) + @Henkkaheinone + @aaksu17 + @Esko-etikka + @Paueri (LucePro)
    2 points
  23. SportsGamers, Based on several community polls and careful deliberation over the course of the past few months, League Administration has decided to enforce a ban on a number of player Abilities in the upcoming eHockey SM, SCL and ECL seasons. The upcoming seasons will serve as pilots for these bans and we will review the situation in the offseason based on feedback received. Here is the list of abilities that will be banned: Bans will apply to both Zone (Gold) and Superstar (Silver) abilities listed below. Big Tipper Advanced speed, accuracy, and range when deflecting shots. Close Quarters Advanced power and accuracy when taking wrist/snap shots in close proximity to the net. Truculence Exceptional stability and assist on hits. Greatly increases the chance of knocking over the opponent and sapping their energy. Unstoppable Force Exceptional strength with the puck and a greatly increased ability to hold onto the puck when off balance. These bans will be enforced in the eHockey SM and the SCL, as well as the four highest divisions (Core, Lite, Pro and Elite) of ECL '23 Spring. ECL '23 Spring Neo will have no Ability bans in effect. If a player is found to have used a banned Ability in competitive games, the first infraction will result in a warning. Two warnings will result in a suspension. UPDATE: Based on feedback the penalty for infractions will be revised and released in the rulebooks of each upcoming league.
    1 point
  24. Honestly - can't agree more. The game is the game. Period. If you can't win one way - experiment with another. Or if you want to keep it completely fair - ban all abilities. Do LA consider themselves better developers than EA? Better at balancing? I guess time will tell. Annoying that the lobby who pushed this through seem to have a monopoly on "how the game is supposed to be played" - and anything that differs is a threat to be eliminated. Whats next? Do you want to ban "Snipers" as well after the NA-(almost)sweep in the finals? It's bullshit.
    1 point
  25. Skellefteå AIK is now looking for the last piece of the puzzle to complete the team for upcoming tournaments. We want to work long-term and therefore want to get the right people into the team who maintain a high level as we want to go far in all the tournaments we participate in. Our goal this season is PRO The foundation is set and what we are looking for is an Starter RD. As a defender, we would like you to be a skilled two-way defender who can be creative offensively but at the same time always put defense first. If you think the description fits you, don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll arrange a trial! We will play in ECL,SCL and also ESHL Lineup Right now: G: MagicTorna G: Jonte05 LD: Xence RD: NEW! RW: Strandis96 C : D4nzk80 LW: Rookieliamovic FWD/D: jokkz-
    1 point
  26. CQ is uniquely oppressive to goalies so glad to see it banned, it's so demotivating letting in goals that you're correctly positioned for and should be easy saves but somehow go in anyway, sometimes even through your equipment etc. now I've also seen the flipside with the ridiculous mr fantastic saves and I agree that sucks but if you start banning goalie abilities you're just hamstringing the already horrible goaltending that's been in this game since last nhl even further. I think the best solution if you want to ban goalie abilities is to ban all shooting abilities as well, from the few EEO sauna games I've played I actually find it to be the best experience from a goalies perspective as it removes most of the bs goals created by x-factors and provides relatively consistent gameplay so would prefer that option OR just don't ban CQ so pretty much this: also big fax
    1 point
  27. If the folks over at EA are not capable of rebalancing the broken boosts mechanic, nobody is. Next ECL we will again see identical builds as something else becomes the new meta. Just leave it and accept the shit gameplay, or dump boosts entirely.
    1 point
  28. WHAT I FEEL ABOUT BANNING ABILITIES First of all i have to say that my opinions comes fully from goalie perspective. Ok lets start with the easy question , did all/some abilities need to be banned? My opinion to that question is yes. CQ , Tru , BT , and UF are way too OP in this game. As a goalie , specially BT is absolutely unfair towards goalie , and also CQ is unfair in my opinion. Banning these abilities hopefully take away some of the "meta" builds , and forces teams to make builds suitable to their own playstyle. So what about goalie abilities , should they be banned also? When i think about it , i think only banned ability should be the tipper. Goalies are really underrated as making different builds already , only 3 starting builds , and to be honest , maybe only 4-5 abilities what we use. Nobody uses any kind of skating abilities or stamina boost abilities ,or if someone do , they are in like 10% out of 90. If they ban Goalie abilities , it takes big slice out from the goalie builds. So what about the effect of banning abilities? My opinion is that banning these abilities will change the game positively. If you want to tackle or bumb you need to put points in to the strength and tackles , with cost of something else , if you want to snipe , you need to put the points to accuracy and shooting strength... Are goalies going to be OP without the BT and CQ? I think not. Actually i hope they are going to be much more balanced now. If you are below average goalkeeper against good puck moving team , i think it wont make difference if u have abilities on or not , they will find the way to score. Two good teams against eachother ---> games will be much more interesting to watch when you actually see that it wont be so easy to score with CQ , or BT. There will be allways bounces , but i think this well decrease those bouncybounce goals. Hopefully this will raise some conversation , without any hate or etc. Put some thoughts , but dont judge without playing with these rules !
    1 point
  29. After banning CQ, something must be done about goalie abilities. Sure, you can say you can run a sniper build or dump points in shots, but the fact is you NEED those points for speed and acceleration because that's what the meta is. You need chances first to even attempt to score goals. The same logic could be applied to goalies if their abilities were banned: if you want to save snipes, put points in glove/blocker high. They don't have to make such a decision now. Goalies are already terribly OP on straight snipes from the slot. I don't necessarily think the difference will be as major as people are making it out to be, but if we're going to start banning abilities we should do it the right way.
    1 point
  30. Might be the right time to open eyes, goalies are good af atm with their abilitys and they make desperation saves everygame even tho that shot should be in net. And now Close quarters are banned which was our only help to score goals in front of the net, (Yeah i know we still have onetee etc) Goalies abilitys poll needs to be done also. Not fair to players, cause 95% of goalies voted to ban Close Quarters.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Djurgården in: @eliekamel87💛❤💙 from Luleå @Viktorhall 💛❤💙 from Valco Out: @Tizjeflen Lycka till min vän och tack för allt. 💛❤💙 @Zupancic_King424 Tack för din tid 💛❤💙 Hv71
    1 point
  33. Free backup D for SCL or FCL https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2950#nhl
    1 point
  34. free starter or backup for fcl contact here or on discord pappen#0325
    1 point
  35. Grüezi Mitenand, We from ZSC Esports are looking for a RD as starter for the ECL Spring Elite. You should have played at least top pro level. Contact me if you are interested.
    1 point
  36. Free both handed D for ECL (lite) and FCL. psn radekbonk111
    1 point
  37. Free RW/C for the next ECL. Preferably ECL PRO/TOP Lite. DM me here or on PSN: CMB-wf- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/945#nhl
    1 point
  38. Golden Nights Lets welcome new guys! @jm98II @Sagee95 @Mikka Out: @xSaski_ @vote_10 @Brockela22
    1 point
  39. Free LW (C/RW) for mainly FCL/SCL then we Will see what happens, can play almost everyday so just dm here or psn Tiltsson
    1 point
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