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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/23 in all areas

  1. Free RW/LW Pm here or discord Ghettomasi#9893
    15 points
  2. Nappula🫶🏼 We are looking for a starting RD for next season (FCL & ECL) Contact me here
    11 points
  3. Free rw/lw for upcoming tournaments. Prefer finnish team. PM here or PSN: miitu87 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4820#nhl
    10 points
  4. Free LW/C/LD for FCL. Backup is fine also PM here or discord: IKarkkiI#4165
    10 points
  5. Free g for FCL and upcoming tournaments contact me here or psn: zetteri- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5639#nhl
    9 points
  6. Nonamers We are looking for starting RW. Experience from PRO division is a big plus. Nationality doesn’t matter. We are also looking for 50/50 Goalie. Contact me on psn: Hazard-laser or discord: Hazard-Laser#9663
    8 points
  7. Otukset IN @Tumpp1A from GOONS @tkantola from Project X @OsquuG from BAN OUT @Oxdoggi @Bobiraataja @James
    8 points
  8. SportsGamers, At the end of the ECL '23 Winter season, Cheeky Grinders have been crowned Champions of the Core division in their inaugural ECL Campaign. The team was dominant from start to finish, pushing into the Playoffs as the #1 seed and claiming the title with a sweep in the Finals against HC KOROBKA. Cheeky Grinders' road to the championship: #1 seed from Group 2 with the record 20-2-2 Round 1: vs Ambri eSports (16) 4-0 Quarterfinals: vs HC Pustertal eSports (12) (8) 4-1 Semifinals: vs Deggendorfer SC Esports (6) 4-1 Finals: vs HC KOROBKA (2) 4-0 The winning roster: GOALTENDERS #15 @Lleppanenn #69 @keltainenankka #88 @Leppadinho DEFENSEMEN #23 @tigerrbackwoods #24 @OGPerenzo FORWARDS #27 @tonninen #77 @Yaredhagos #81 @Ekifoukka On behalf of the entire SportsGamer community, we congratulate the Champions and extend a warm thank you to all participants!
    4 points
  9. Free lw/rw for fcl. Backup is ok too. PM here or psn RuttuBerse
    4 points
  10. Free RD FCL Contact here or psn Eashl_kalle
    4 points
  11. Free C or RW for upcoming FCL. I can speak both English and Swedish. I understand Finnish. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8468#nhl PM me here or on PSN: victortheman
    2 points
  12. Free RD, LD, G for FCL I'm a RD (can play LD also but as lefthanded) Backup as goalie I have experience from Lite before and from official clubs like Modo and Luleå. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4388#nhl PM here or Sebban#0827 on discord
    2 points
  13. N0VA + @SPB_AlexZver_22 + @xDekko-_- + @Nester4343 + @MAYZIIX + @snippystatue + @Sundstroom + @lordkomar91 + @devilfish333 Welcome to the team, boys, let's go!
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I think the idea behind that is to make the game even more versatile when you "force" teams to use different builds. Even though I totally get your point and agree that everyone should play what he likes best.
    2 points
  16. Otukset Are you the last piece of the puzzle Looking for a center for FCL or for a longer period🤝 We offer - W's (guaranteed) - twitter meme when signing is released - team spirit - fun times Contact here on on discord juhkis96#8959
    2 points
  17. Hey. Quite experienced player looking for an active team. Mostly i have liked to play, Rw and Rd. 🙂 Psn. Vili_2018
    1 point
  18. Finnish dude looking for Finnish club maybe lite is my level.I play pref RD contact me PSN: Napsuttaja84 or discord: Napsuttaja#9176
    1 point
  19. Yes there's always going to be a meta with custom builds. But if you ban the most OP, fun-killing and unreal abilities, the new meta should be a bit more balanced and diverse, right? That's what this whole conversation is about - balancing. IMO even if the new meta is a miss, it's still something new and fresh for the remainder of NHL 23.
    1 point
  20. I dont understand. How is it boring if 4 guys play pmd? What does that matter? Why is it better that a team plays 1 ply, 2 sniper and 2 pmd? Is it more fun for you if you play a guy who has a sniper build or what? I dont understand the logic. like who even cares about that
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Greetings. I am still a free goalkeeper who is looking for a club to play in the ECL league. I prefer the Lite-Pro league. I am able to come to training. thanks for offers or interest. · PSN ID WHITECROW_MNM
    1 point
  23. Goalie free for FCL and maybe following ECL too if there is good Chemistry! Lite/Pro Starter or 50/50 is fine Can play almost every Day Msg me for Tryouts!PSN or here Greetz Devil
    1 point
  24. The slots can be left empty, yeah.
    1 point
  25. NHL 23 ECL Winter 6v6 #5 *LAN FINALS*
    1 point
  26. Voting "Yes. None. None." should be possible now!
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Thanks for raising this. Will close the poll temporarily to fix the issue.
    1 point
  29. if we start playing with this ban, then let's start it properly and remove everything.
    1 point
  30. Golden Nights Lets welcome new guys! @jm98II @Sagee95 @Mikka Out: @xSaski_ @vote_10 @Brockela22
    1 point
  31. PunaKala We are looking for a starting LD for the next season (ECL Spring - Lite / FCL) Contact me here ❤️💛
    1 point
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