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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/23 in all areas

  1. Free G for lite or higher. 50/50 pref, but also starting is fine. If i won't get goalie spot then i'm also ready to tryout RD/RW pref on Core division. Contact here,Discord or psn. Discord: moneygunx#7774 PSN: moneygunx
    7 points
  2. Saucer Hockey is looking for a defender. Its a huge plus if you can play both sides at the blue line. You should be able to play with the puck instead of being one of them niinimaas. We'd like you to be over 20 years old, own a working microphone and a smartphone. You also need to speak Finnish fluently. We spent last season in Lite but the tie nousi pystyyn and now we're going to gain some momentum from Core and bounce back. We're quite loud during the games so if you are extremely shy, this is not the place for you. If you are interested, contact me via PMs here or through PSN @Bantubox Thank you.
    4 points
  3. Free LW for future tournaments Contact me here or in Discord Jonde#0703
    3 points
  4. 21yo young gun free for all future tournaments. C/LD/LW(/RW) Fluent in Finnish & English, Swedish is a bit rusty but should be decent enough as well. Played RD last season due to some unforeseen circumstances, but I've pretty much always been a C/LW before that. Played for HanaaHC in Pro for the past almost 3,5 years. Not really sure what I'm looking for yet, so hit me up & let's see. More than anything I feel like I need a good fit, position and such shouldn't matter as much when playing with the right people in a good environment. Pro lvl would be pretty nice but open to offers from future greats as well PSN Mikkaah Twitter @xMikka31 DC Mikka#0085
    3 points
  5. Free F for upcoming tournaments Looking for PRO team. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4832#nhl
    2 points
  6. Goaltender looking for a club, ideally want a starting spot however would settle for 50/50 or backup if the starting goaltender is better. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8674#nhl Discord - CW1LLO_#5786
    1 point
  7. Free F/D prefer starting role. Psn: Kasperi88
    1 point
  8. Free goalie for future tournaments. Can play on any team, but I feel ready to try my hand at Pro or Elite level teams. Can either be a starting goalkeeper or share playing time with another 50/50 goalkeeper. I do not have a problem with that and do not see anything wrong with it. I can play every day. I play butterfly style goalie with very rare parameters. I don't have a second one like that. ))) I can also just play in the evening games. My PSN: Only4Goalie.
    1 point
  9. Free rw for upcoming tournaments pro/lite. I can play 3-5 times a week. Contact me here or psn Rikhardzz_
    1 point
  10. Hello Free w or g for upcoming tournaments.I would like to try play winger but g is fine also.2 last teams played playoff games total 0 games.So goal is to play at least 1 playoff game.I wanna play.Contact psn,disgord or sportsgamer Thanks
    1 point
  11. Free RW/RD for upcoming tournaments. Psn: Topetsi Discord: topetsi#1516
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Free lw for upcoming tournaments Contact psn: H3rmu__
    1 point
  14. Oh the mind can change... Free goalie for upcoming tournaments, pro/lite, pm here
    1 point
  15. Free F for CSCL 4. DM me here or on Discord Keuschemisch#8637 🐸 Keuschemisch - Player profile - SportsGamer
    1 point
  16. Polski Boys (polski pois) Looking for starting G or two 50/50 goalies. We are going to play first pro quals and after that we are going to win pro, please don't call me arrogant because what i am saying is true. We are not interested your experience or nationality if u catch the puck. Dont contact me cause, i am only uniform Manager. Contact PSN Brockela22, discord brockela22#1863 or PSN xSaski_, discord xSaski_#8635 I am Jose Mourinho https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMY2oTvY6/
    1 point
  17. Free LD (Rd) for next ecl. contact here or Discord Jartssaa#6921 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/12281#nhl
    1 point
  18. Free c/rw for next ecl contact me here or psn
    1 point
  19. Free lw/rw for next ecl contact me here or psn
    1 point
  20. Up, i could maybe play c also, but prefer rw.
    1 point
  21. Here we go again! Free D (can play LD and RD) looking for a Pro/Top Lite level team. Could also be interested in playing any forward position. Contact me here or psn: Jehboi
    1 point
  22. Free LW for upcoming tournaments, mainly looking for pro-level teams Contact here or PSN ROUHEEE https://nhlgamer.com/players/2104
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Free rw (rd) for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8651#nhl Psn: Buluhh, Dc: Buluhh#9811
    1 point
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