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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/23 in all areas

  1. 47 points
  2. Free lw for upcoming tournaments Contact psn: H3rmu__
    45 points
  3. 21yo young gun free for all future tournaments. C/LD/LW(/RW) Fluent in Finnish & English, Swedish is a bit rusty but should be decent enough as well. Played RD last season due to some unforeseen circumstances, but I've pretty much always been a C/LW before that. Played for HanaaHC in Pro for the past almost 3,5 years. Not really sure what I'm looking for yet, so hit me up & let's see. More than anything I feel like I need a good fit, position and such shouldn't matter as much when playing with the right people in a good environment. Pro lvl would be pretty nice but open to offers from future greats as well PSN Mikkaah Twitter @xMikka31 DC Mikka#0085
    38 points
  4. Oh the mind can change... Free goalie for upcoming tournaments, pro/lite, pm here
    30 points
  5. Free rw/lw/g upcoming tournaments contact to me here or psn: saloust77
    16 points
  6. Free G for upcoming tournaments looking for pro teams contact here or psn: vekideki
    15 points
  7. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Try me. PSN: Gresu__ Discord: JayzTwoCentimeters#0113
    13 points
  8. Now that my captain status has ended in Resurrection , i thought why not to check what kind of opportunities is there for 1 experienced (seasoned) goalie. I mainly try to aim in to the PRO division. Im fine with the splitted games if there is another goalie in team , but also hoping that if games go well, it doesnt have to be like that. You can check my history here : Jiihooo86(STATS) Im still playing in Resurrection roster , and im simply checking the market here .If there is any interested teams out there , you can contact me here in Sportsgamer Profile through discord : Jiihooo86#3780 or through twitter : Twitter(PROFILE) Talk to you soon!!
    12 points
  9. HC PALOSAARI , the legendary team dating back to PS3 times, is making a comeback. And it is a big one! We have some major signings today: @hepo_pukki and @JanEerikBanan have signed player contracts and bring lots of skill and experience for our upcoming Core division conquest. @assgoal_master will be guarding the net once he can figure out a player name without getting banned. Also returning players include @stimperi, @Mosoo62, @reubani and @Oddlove007.
    10 points
  10. Free RW/RD for upcoming tournaments. Psn: Topetsi Discord: topetsi#1516
    9 points
  11. Polski Boys (polski pois) Looking for starting G or two 50/50 goalies. We are going to play first pro quals and after that we are going to win pro, please don't call me arrogant because what i am saying is true. We are not interested your experience or nationality if u catch the puck. Dont contact me cause, i am only uniform Manager. Contact PSN Brockela22, discord brockela22#1863 or PSN xSaski_, discord xSaski_#8635 I am Jose Mourinho https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMY2oTvY6/
    8 points
  12. Ggs Gifu. Free G for next ecl Pro/Elite Looking for contender Pro team or any Elite team. 50/50 is fine and ready for tryouts.
    8 points
  13. Free RW/RD for upcoming tournaments. Psn: xDekko-_- Discord: xDekko-_- #2282
    7 points
  14. Little change to plans, we are looking for defender, mainly RD, but if fit is right LD could be option too 👊🏻
    5 points
  15. Free G for upcoming tournaments. Looking for lite/pro team. Contact me here or psn: zetteri- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5639#nhl
    4 points
  16. Free LD (Rd) for next ecl. contact here or Discord Jartssaa#6921 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/12281#nhl
    4 points
  17. Hello Free w or g for upcoming tournaments.I would like to try play winger but g is fine also.2 last teams played playoff games total 0 games.So goal is to play at least 1 playoff game.I wanna play.Contact psn,disgord or sportsgamer Thanks
    3 points
  18. Free RD / LD for CSCL 4. DM me here or on Discord KG12PK88#4248 SportsGamer Profile
    3 points
  19. Prestige (pro qual) Looking for starting LW/C because our LW is taking a break. Also looking for Starting or 50/50 G contact me or @zNiksu here or psn: I_Saarinen_I or zNiksu
    3 points
  20. Free F for CSCL 4. DM me here or on Discord Keuschemisch#8637 🐸 Keuschemisch - Player profile - SportsGamer
    2 points
  21. Goalie looking for 50/50, working shift so perfect to split with other goalie. Been around since ECL 5. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1885#nhl
    2 points
  22. Free LD/G for upcoming tournaments. Pro / Lite contact here or psn: Jerexu
    2 points
  23. Leksands IF IN: @Youtube_Azzez ✅️ Välkommen till Leksand!
    2 points
  24. Neptune Hockey (Lite) is looking for backup goalie! Other gk works on 2 different shifts, so there will be prac and ecl games for you too! Prefer Finnish guys! Contact here or for faster replies psn wiibeni or JakkeJynkky
    1 point
  25. Free G for upcoming tournaments https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4473 Contact me here Or PSN: Meemi_ Or Discord: Meemi_#3915
    1 point
  26. Free G for upcoming tournament and normal evening games. PSN: Only4Goalie Have experience in Lite, Pro qualifications and finish 3rd place ECL Core Winter '22 with Neptune Hockey.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Free C/RW for upcoming tournaments 😅 Psn: Timoccio
    1 point
  29. Free Goalie. Been retired for about 2 years but are looking to get a foot back in the game again although I won’t be too active most likely. PSN: Discokryckan
    1 point
  30. Free RD/RW/C for upcoming tournaments. Message me here or in discord Fidelww#1926 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4896#nhl
    1 point
  31. Herforder Ice Dragons IN: @eBasstian Welcome
    1 point
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