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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/23 in all areas

  1. SportsGamer is at the Tubecon Games event at Tampere-talo this Friday and Saturday (January 6 & 7). There is plenty to play, as well as challenge games against some of the most known faces in the in the gaming influencer industry in Finland! Ilari Pro, Paqpa, Jaakko Parkkali, ZoneVD and many others will be there during the weekend! The games are tongue in cheek, intended for more casual gaming. For SportsGamer users willing to make the trip, we are able to offer a discount code for the purchase of both a day ticket and a two-day tickets, which you can purchase here. You'll find our FIFA & NHL stations in the Duetto 2 area, where you can play challenge games and small tournaments on both days, with both FIFA 23 and NHL 23 games available. Hope to see you there!
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. FREE AGENT. Xbox gamertag: MANIJS18 I can play in Goalie or both defense. I am 22years old and i understand how to play because i play nhl since nhl14. Contact me here, xboxgamertag: MANIJS18
    1 point
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