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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/23 in all areas

  1. SportsGamers, League Administration has decided to revise rule 14.1 (Transfer Deadline) in the rulebook in order to make our transfer deadline proceedings more streamlined and avoid confusion in transfers across divisions. With that in mind, we would like to remind all ECL teams that the transfer deadline for ECL '23 Winter will expire on January 6th, 2023 at 23:59 CET.  Originally, the rule has stated that the trade deadline would expire 12 days prior to the end of regular season in any given division, but League Administration felt that there was a need for clarification and a more straight-forward approach. Please remember to make sure your transfers are in line with the rulebook before making them and check with support if you aren't sure. Remember, only one transfer per player is allowed per season - unless the player has played 0 games (overall, for any team) the entire season, which is covered in rule 14.6. If you're a player still looking for a team or a team still looking to add to your roster, please head to the Free Agents section or the Clubs Looking For Players section on our forum. Please post any last-minute transfers in the comments section below so everyone can enjoy them. 
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. SportsGamer is at the Tubecon Games event at Tampere-talo this Friday and Saturday (January 6 & 7). There is plenty to play, as well as challenge games against some of the most known faces in the in the gaming influencer industry in Finland! Ilari Pro, Paqpa, Jaakko Parkkali, ZoneVD and many others will be there during the weekend! The games are tongue in cheek, intended for more casual gaming. For SportsGamer users willing to make the trip, we are able to offer a discount code for the purchase of both a day ticket and a two-day tickets, which you can purchase here. You'll find our FIFA & NHL stations in the Duetto 2 area, where you can play challenge games and small tournaments on both days, with both FIFA 23 and NHL 23 games available. Hope to see you there!
    3 points
  4. SIX STICKS MISFITS (Lite) is looking for backup player. If you can play in multiple position, thats a huge plus. You can contact me here or psn: Lamsa
    1 point
  5. Name: Double Minor Wants: G And LD Finnish team "Double Minor" looking for players to new team. At this point we are not going to participate any tournaments, but its possible in the future. If u are +20 years old, you speak finnish and you have experience from 6v6 games, Hit me with a message here or psn: Liukq
    1 point
  6. Hey, just got my Ps5 and new Nhl 23, so it´s time to get back to playing virtual hockey after a long break. I am looking for decent team that play´s a lot, because i need to catch up and clear the rust away from my joints. ECL time is not necessary, maybe that backup 10 games. Prefer Finnish teams, but can speak decent rally English. I can play any position, but i think this is my best to worst list: Lw,Rw,C,Ld,Rd and G. Of course this is new game for me so this might chance once i get enough games under my belly and gotten familiar with Ps5 controller. Link to stats: https://sportsgamer.gg/players/615#nhl Summary 231 Games as forward 140+225=365 105 Games as defense 9+74= 83 Contact me here or Psn Wuorio
    1 point
  7. Hello there! I'm a forward who plays on ps4 looking for an ECL legacy team! psn: gaborenko https://sportsgamer.gg/players/13905#nhl
    1 point
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