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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/22 in all areas

  1. Hey guys! IK Oskarshamn is looking for a RW for the next ECL PRO and eSHL. We are looking for someone that think he has the ability to play on a high level. Swedish or English language are a requirement. If you think you are the right one for us just send me a PM here on Sportsgamer 🏒
    12 points
  2. Örebro Hockey (former Skutebrygga) We are looking for starting LW. The most important thing is that you are relatively active. If you have pro or even elite experience it is a big plus. This is not a demand, if we feel like you are the right suit for us. If this sounds interesting contact us here or on discord: Suth98_#8558, Snus97_#8533 or Henka0009#8742.
    11 points
  3. 🔎 RoKi Esports 🔍 We are looking LW for the upcoming tournaments We expect from you: - Activity - Good sense of humor - Competitive mindset - You're team-player - Mature behavior & manners Contact me here or PSN: Tecena Discord: Tecena#5713
    10 points
  4. Free rw/c for upcoming tournaments pro/lite. I can play mostly 3-5 times a week. Contact me here or psn Rikhardzz_
    9 points
  5. HC Pustertal eSports IN: @Maestroffi On hienoa, etta olet kanssamme Miro! Welcome to the 🐺 pack
    7 points
  6. Still free G for coming ECL. Looking for PRO or top LITE teams first of all. Active around 4-5 days in a week. DM me or contact me at psn; JaxonRules93 See you 😎
    5 points
  7. Free any pos for ecl and upcoming tournaments (lite/pro) contact me here or at discord
    3 points
  8. Our club looking for a goalie for upcoming ecl and other tournaments. We are heading to NEO, so you don't have to be an elite goalie 😅 Discord & Ps: Makeusk
    3 points
  9. MOSCOW CAPITALS (CORE/LITE) Looking for F/D and backup G. Please contact me here. @AkimkaRUS Thank you!
    2 points
  10. RCTIC is looking for a Defender Contact @yrjoo (psn/discord)
    2 points
  11. Still open C position. Contact here, Discord or PSN.
    2 points
  12. Free f for upcoming tournaments Contact here or psn : nikkertton
    1 point
  13. ”Bad to the Bone” etsii riveihinsä backup puolustajaa. Joukkueella tarkoitus lähteä Liteen ja Treenaillaan 2-5krt viikossa. Jos kiinnostaa jengi missä hommat otetaan tosissaan ja tähdätään korkealle niin laita viestiä. @PanukkI @Paueri @TeemuUnderdawg
    1 point
  14. Free goalie for upcoming ecl pro/top lite teams Contact me here or psn: zetteri- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5639#nhl
    1 point
  15. New team looking for finnish goalie for upcoming tournaments. Hit the dm and we talk more.
    1 point
  16. Shameful Knights (Core) Looking for a starting RD. Our goal is to get promoted into Lite. Here is your chance to take your gameplay to the next level, and help us achieve that goal! Requirements: -Active 3-4 times a week -You have a competitive, yet easygoing mentality -Know basic positioning and most importantly how and when to pass. Your nationality, server, age etc. does not matter. Contact me for a tryout here or on PSN: Ollizhki, and let's see what we can do! 😎
    1 point
  17. Stone Age🦣 (Lite) We are looking for a starting LW (right handed) to upcoming tournaments. What we expect: - Active 3-5 times per week - Experience from ECL tournaments - Competitive mindset with good sense of humour. What we offer: - Active and motivated team - Starter role in ECL - Good team spirit Contact me here or PSN: Maexsa for more info🤝
    1 point
  18. HC Vadelma (jo 2017 vuodesta!) etsii uusia pelimiehiä! Joukkueessa vasta muutama pelaaja, joten tilaa löytyy erilaisia tarpeita/pelipaikkoja varten. Etsimme sitoutumista, huumoria, aktiivista pelailua porukalla. suuri osa vanhasta joukkueesta jäi ps4 puolelle, joten kasaamme uutta rentoa nippua, joilla peukalot toimii edes jonkinverran tattien päällä. Koitetaan olla voittava joukkue ja mennä niin pitkälle kun riittää (päätyyn?). Tavoitteena voittaa, pitää hauskaa ja olla joukku isolla J:llä. sarjatasona tällä hetkellä Core, pelataan aktiivisesti su-to yleensä klo 20.30 eteenpäin vähän riippuen päivästä, niin pitkään kun väki haluaa/jaksaa. Yhteydenotot mieluiten psn: Awesome_Zone_ tai Slamii91
    1 point
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