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14 points
Nemesis (Pro) Looking for a 50/50 goalie Contact me here or psn: profiilipakki14 points
Stone Age🦣 (Lite) We are looking for a starting LW (right handed) to upcoming tournaments. What we expect: - Active 3-5 times per week - Experience from ECL tournaments - Competitive mindset with good sense of humour. What we offer: - Active and motivated team - Starter role in ECL - Good team spirit Contact me here or PSN: Maexsa for more info🤝13 points
13 points
Tohtorit We are looking for a starting LD/C/RW and a G (50/50 or starter) Recent PRO experience is a mandatory. Contact me here or psn: ristimaeki12 points
11 points
Still free. Prefer RW but up for everything. Rdy for tryouts and hard grind.5 points
HC Lugano eSports We are Official eSports Team of the Swiss National League Club "HC Lugano" For the upcoming ECL Season (Lite) we are looking for an experienced lite or above Goaltender 🥅 Keep in mind, we are playing most of the time on the European server but also playing on north server while playing ECL. If you are interested to play for HC Lugano eSports, send me an PM 📩 here or on Discord: SwissGoon#1210 Check our Instagram Official HC Lugano Official HC Lugano eSports4 points
Shameful Knights (Core) Looking for a starting RD. Our goal is to get promoted into Lite. Here is your chance to take your gameplay to the next level, and help us achieve that goal! Requirements: -Active 3-4 times a week -You have a competitive, yet easygoing mentality -Know basic positioning and most importantly how and when to pass. Your nationality, server, age etc. does not matter. Contact me for a tryout here or on PSN: Ollizhki, and let's see what we can do! 😎3 points
3 points
Free Rw/C for Ecl and upcoming tournaments. (Lite/Pro) backup is fine too! https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3000#nhl Contact me hero or psn: Henkkaheinone3 points
🤡🃏 Arkham Asylum 🃏🤡 IN: VesKuLiNe Big welcome Vesse Barbarossa! 🔥🔥🤡🃏3 points
Free G for Ecl and upcoming tournaments (Lite/Pro) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2957#nhl Contact here or psn Sonnysprofil2 points
Free G Looking for a starting spot or /50-50 in a PRO team for upcoming ECL. (Top Lite can also be intreasting) I can play around 4-5/7 days in a week. Contact- Gamertag/PSN; JaxonRules93 or Contact- Discord; JaxonRules93#6006 Thanks / J.J 🏒🥅2 points
NOSTREETSPORTS 🏄♂️ IN @snaasigi @Skiikke 🛞🏃🏼♂️Let's kick the tires and light the fires 🔥🕺🏻2 points
New team looking for finnish goalie for upcoming tournaments. Hit the dm and we talk more.1 point
Free backup D/winger looking for neo/core/lite no mic. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3061#nhl edit: found team1 point
HC Vadelma (jo 2017 vuodesta!) etsii uusia pelimiehiä! Joukkueessa vasta muutama pelaaja, joten tilaa löytyy erilaisia tarpeita/pelipaikkoja varten. Etsimme sitoutumista, huumoria, aktiivista pelailua porukalla. suuri osa vanhasta joukkueesta jäi ps4 puolelle, joten kasaamme uutta rentoa nippua, joilla peukalot toimii edes jonkinverran tattien päällä. Koitetaan olla voittava joukkue ja mennä niin pitkälle kun riittää (päätyyn?). Tavoitteena voittaa, pitää hauskaa ja olla joukku isolla J:llä. sarjatasona tällä hetkellä Core, pelataan aktiivisesti su-to yleensä klo 20.30 eteenpäin vähän riippuen päivästä, niin pitkään kun väki haluaa/jaksaa. Yhteydenotot mieluiten psn: Awesome_Zone_ tai Slamii911 point
1 point
Im 25yo finnish player who is looking for new team for upcoming tournaments. Im looking for neo (prefer forward pos)/core/lite teams (prefer finnish teams). I hope that i can find long-term team rather than one season. I can play lw/c/rw/rd. I can play everyday 18-22 expect wednesday (18-21) Finnish time. If you are interested message me here or psn: BlazingKnight83 or discord: BlazingKnight83#30371 point
100 ACRE WOOD (PRO) We are looking for a starting C or RW. We are also looking for a 50/50 goalie, at least to start off the season and then play the "hotter" one towards the end. If you are interested contact me here or at PSN at sveti-1 point
Red Lightning (Neo/Core) Olemme uusi juuri perustettu joukkue, mutta kaikilla pelikokemusta. Teemme yhteistyötä Black Hurricanesin kanssa (Core/Lite). Etsimme rentoon, mutta tosissaan pelaavaan joukkueeseemme pelaajia ja sarjataso määräytyy sen mukaan ketä remmiin saamme, kun ilmoittaudumme ECL:ään. Pelailemme pääsääntöisesti arkisin n. 20-23 ja pelipäivät määräytyy sen mukaan miten porukkaa pääsee peleille. Viikonloppuisin peliajat ja - päivät vaihtelee. Jos omistat mikrofonin ja omaat jotain pelitaustaa nhl-pelisarjasta / ecl:stä niin ei kun mukaan vaan. Joukkueen keski-ikä: vanhoja pieruja Haemme tryouteille: Tällä hetkellä emme ota uusia tryoutteja. Laitan tähän tarpeen tullen uudestaan paikat mitä haemme. All-around pelaaja mahtuu myös mukaan, jos pystyy täyttämään yllä olevia paikkoja. Tämmöinen pelaaja saa varmasti peliaikaa niin höntsissä kuin ECL:ssä. Jos kiinnostuit, ota yhteyttä: täällä, psn: xAnimaali tai discord: xAnimaali#43821 point
Woodhands (Core) We are looking for two defenders and starting goalie. Playtime in ecl guaranteed. For tryouts contact PSN: TontooFIN, ankkalasvegas or kookasi1 point
Free G Pro/top lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3495#nhl1 point
1 point
1 point
Växjö Lakers (Elite): we are looking for a backup fwd. we are in the first case looking for a backup forward, but its not written in stone that you can't get in to the start 6, the best players will play. we are also open for any Dmen as backup if that would suits us better. if you feel like you are the guy we looking for, don't hesitate to contact me here, PSN or discord.1 point
Be a Bro in: @MCH_98 (back from fcl) @Sanezh out: @Niskalaukaus @pakjiz Welcome 💪🏻 and thanks for everything Niska and Pakis. Wish you all the best!1 point
1 point
1 point
Free C/LD/RD looking for a backup spot for next ecl since i cant play regularly. (Top lite-Pro only) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3483#nhl If interested just HMU here, psn (tromi13) or discord tromi13#13671 point
1 point
1 point
Free RD (maybe LD) for ECL Contact me here or psn: Kkarkass1 point
❗Become part of the Wolf Pack❗ 🐺 Dear NHL fellows, after official release, the South Tyrolean traditional hockey club "Pustertal Wölfe" has assigned former player Hannes Stoll @hockeystoll5 and me @slux to launch its big eSports project and to form a competitive team. Since this team is newly founded we are going to start in the upcoming GCL and ECL 23 Winter Core. Anyway, we feature experienced cornerpieces and thus target an early promotion. In order to achieve the mission we are looking for some key additions to the roster. In fact, we reach out for players that want to accompany this eSports club on its journey and want to thrive with it to eventually reach top level. What we search: - starting defender (shooting right; ideally both sided) What we offer: - great team spirit - established leadership - speak up culture - seriously conducted, growing organization - long term planning - professional eSports environment - interesting development possibilities What we expect: - ambitious mindset - commitment to progress - team player mentality - minimum upper ECL Core level Our close collaboration with the parent organization not only provides general support but also allows us to enjoy numerous goodies. Just to name a few, our eSports team will benefit from all sorts of merchandise, a state of the art social media presence, and live events at the famous Intercable Arena. Even tough we are situated on the central server, northern players are very welcome too. Whether you are an experienced veteran or a talented youngster do not hesitate to contact @hockeystoll5 (psn xx_hannes_xx_) or me (psn shadow_lux333) for tryouts. We are looking forward to hearing of you! ⚫🟡 More information available on: https://www.hcpustertal.com/news/esports/1 point
Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Core/neo. Only finnish teams. PS5.1 point
TEAM NGU (ECL Lite) is looking for a Starting Six - Right Wing (RW) Would be nice if you are able to play multiple times a week and have minimum Lite-experience. Contact me here or on discord Akin71#6790 Don’t forget that we are playing our home games and practice games on middle Europe servers.1 point
Free G for upcoming tournaments EXCEPT ECL. Got my first taste of tournament hockey as a G in the last GCL playing for Geekz Energy eSports II, had a great time and played pretty well, so i'm looking for more! Also if your team needs a "weekend goalie" i'm more than happy to hop on for some games. I am the captain of my own team, so i'm able to play around 2-3 times a week as a G for your team. For tournaments i'm looking for a 50/50 position preferably. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313#nhl Contact me here.1 point
1 point
The new game is finally here, contact me for tryouts1 point
1 point
Free Goalie for upcoming tournaments. Looking for starter/ 50/50 role. Prefer Elite/Pro division. You can contact me here or discord ITemeI #34951 point
Falun Coal Miners (Elite) looking for two starting forwards (C & RW) We’re restructuring our line-up after SCL and so we’re now on the hunt for two starting forwards for the upcoming ECL Elite season in NHL 23. With the Center, we’re looking for someone that has a good eye for the game, is calm under pressure, is adept at both shooting and passing, is effective at utilizing defenders offensively and who is defensively responsible. With the Right Wing, we’re looking for someone who just loves to put the puck in the net. Seriously, if you snipe the puck, bang home rebounds, get open to unleash one-timers and celebrate like Ovechkin – hit us up. Nationality isn’t an issue as our communication will be in English. If you are a LW, we’d still like to hear from you, but just be aware that our current priority is C & RW. Pro/Elite experience will give you an advantage. Contact me or @Foppatofflan here at SportsGamer DM (or me through Discord at l-Furyan-l#9335). (P.S. If there is a top-tier Right Defenseman out there looking for a team, we'd consider it. Our player situation is somewhat fluid, and we would be willing to rearrange our original plans… but only for the right RD. High-level Elite experience an absolute must for this one.)1 point
Free G for upcoming tournaments 16y old from Sweden and more motivated than ever Fluent in english so language doesnt matter Looking for a Pro team but i listen to other offers too https://sportsgamer.gg/players/6114#nhl1 point
Free RW/C for upcoming tournaments. In some cases rd might be an option too, but not a priority for me right now. Contact here or on psn sveti- https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3245#nhl1 point
Just got a new monitor and its really great. Amazing picture quality. https://www.jimms.fi/fi/Product/Show/132037/lc32hg70qquxen/samsung-31-5-c32hg70-144hz-kaareva-qled-pelinaytto-tummansininen-harmaa-tarjous-normaalihinta-7391 point
https://www.jimms.fi/fi/Product/Show/132904/um-me0ee-010/acer-43-et430k-4k-ips-monitori-valkoinen-tarjous-normaalihinta-699 I almost bought this one as it would have had lower response time and input lag than any tv at same size (43"). But after some reading the panel has purnin problems, so I'm still looking for some nice compromise on price, size, resolution and colour debht (HDR). Also panel response time and monitor/TV inputlag is a major factor as normal tv's are known to have 20...60 ms input lag - But not many manufacturer gives these information I have relative small gaming room so no need for any bigger TV/Panel.1 point