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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/22 in all areas

  1. 100 ACRE WOOD (PRO) We are looking for a starting C or RW. We are also looking for a 50/50 goalie, at least to start off the season and then play the "hotter" one towards the end. If you are interested contact me here or at PSN at sveti-
    18 points
  2. NOSTREETSPORTS 🏄‍♂️ IN @snaasigi @Skiikke 🛞🏃🏼‍♂️Let's kick the tires and light the fires 🔥🕺🏻
    12 points
  3. 🤡🃏 Arkham Asylum 🃏🤡 IN: VesKuLiNe Big welcome Vesse Barbarossa! 🔥🔥🤡🃏
    10 points
  4. Free G Looking for a starting spot or /50-50 in a PRO team for upcoming ECL. (Top Lite can also be intreasting) I can play around 4-5/7 days in a week. Contact- Gamertag/PSN; JaxonRules93 or Contact- Discord; JaxonRules93#6006 Thanks / J.J 🏒🥅
    9 points
  5. Free Ld/Rd/C for ecl and upcoming tournaments (Lite/Pro) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1792#nhl faster contact psn: JAMJAM923
    5 points
  6. Free winger/ld Contact me here or psn: matilaiska_
    5 points
  7. Up, only looking for RD now. Message @Hazard-laser !!!
    4 points
  8. Växjö Lakers (Elite): we are looking for a backup fwd. we are in the first case looking for a backup forward, but its not written in stone that you can't get in to the start 6, the best players will play. we are also open for any Dmen as backup if that would suits us better. if you feel like you are the guy we looking for, don't hesitate to contact me here, PSN or discord.
    3 points
  9. Free G Pro/top lite https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3495#nhl
    2 points
  10. SKUTEBRYGGA (PRO QUAL) We are looking for 50-50/backup goalie and in general backups. Find this interesting? If so, contact me or @snusetskonung here or on discord Suth98_#8558 / Snus97_#8533
    2 points
  11. Red Lightning (Neo/Core) Olemme uusi juuri perustettu joukkue, mutta kaikilla pelikokemusta. Teemme yhteistyötä Black Hurricanesin kanssa (Core/Lite). Etsimme rentoon, mutta tosissaan pelaavaan joukkueeseemme pelaajia ja sarjataso määräytyy sen mukaan ketä remmiin saamme, kun ilmoittaudumme ECL:ään. Pelailemme pääsääntöisesti arkisin n. 20-23 ja pelipäivät määräytyy sen mukaan miten porukkaa pääsee peleille. Viikonloppuisin peliajat ja - päivät vaihtelee. Jos omistat mikrofonin ja omaat jotain pelitaustaa nhl-pelisarjasta / ecl:stä niin ei kun mukaan vaan. Joukkueen keski-ikä: vanhoja pieruja Haemme tryouteille: Tällä hetkellä emme ota uusia tryoutteja. Laitan tähän tarpeen tullen uudestaan paikat mitä haemme. All-around pelaaja mahtuu myös mukaan, jos pystyy täyttämään yllä olevia paikkoja. Tämmöinen pelaaja saa varmasti peliaikaa niin höntsissä kuin ECL:ssä. Jos kiinnostuit, ota yhteyttä: täällä, psn: xAnimaali tai discord: xAnimaali#4382
    1 point
  12. Hello, my name is tonsku966 and I would be willing to expand your team
    1 point
  13. Woodhands (Core) We are looking for two defenders and starting goalie. Playtime in ecl guaranteed. For tryouts contact PSN: TontooFIN, ankkalasvegas or kookasi
    1 point
  14. Hello, my name is tonsku966 and I would be willing to expand your team
    1 point
  15. BIK Karlskoga Esport is back as an official Esport team. We are looking for some new players in most positions. Please contact us if you are interested. [email protected]
    1 point
  16. Free Ld for up coming tournaments! Contact me here or Discord:Jartssaa- #6921
    1 point
  17. Free RD / RW / C. Backup is fine. Fluent in English, Swedish and mitä vittua. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5030#nhl
    1 point
  18. Otukset eSports IN: @theMaddias from Retirement 🥰 @James from Ghetto 🤠 @Koppipelaaja from Sudet 🥳
    1 point
  19. Free F/D for future tournaments. (Pro/Lite) Contact me here or psn: Toimitusjohtaja3
    1 point
  20. POWERHOUSE HC (PRO) Looking for a starting LD/RD. Prefer Finnish players. Previous experience from pro or above is a + Contact me or @Burritokuningas here if you're interested!
    1 point
  21. Signed up few try outs but ready to find more to choose from
    1 point
  22. Be a Bro in: @MCH_98 (back from fcl) @Sanezh out: @Niskalaukaus @pakjiz Welcome 💪🏻 and thanks for everything Niska and Pakis. Wish you all the best!
    1 point
  23. Hello people! Looking for a team. I play LW or C. I have usually played as a center, but LW is also fine. I play right handed. Have played in lite and pro, so a top lite team or a pro team would be cool. Hit me up for a tryout or something
    1 point
  24. Free C/RW(LW) for upcoming tournaments contact me here or psn I_Saarinen_I
    1 point
  25. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Contact me here.
    1 point
  26. Neptune Hockey Is looking for starting LD and G (50/50 if our current goalie gets ps5 before) ECL Lite and one allrounder backup F/D Prefer Finnish players! Dm here or psn
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Shameful Knights (Core) Looking for LD and RD! We prefer getting a pre-existing D-pair with history of playing together, so if you have a friend you'd like to play defense with, hit me up for a tryout! That being said, individual players are of course welcome to come tryout as well! Must have decent skills with the puck and activity. Obviously must have a PS5. Contact me here or on PSN: Ollizhki.
    1 point
  29. free lw/rw for next ecl contact me here or psn Harlowi-
    1 point
  30. Free lw for next ecl and future tournaments. Looking team Pro/top Lite level. Contact here or psn:Duracellii
    1 point
  31. Hey guys! NHL 22 season is over and new one is going to launch really soon. Im hyped about that and will see what this NHL version will bring us. So about me. Im 36 year old finnish man that has played NHL since forever. I enjoy it so much that im playing it almost everyday. Im looking for active team to upcoming tournaments in a between top core - lite - pro that has mind set to win every game. Im right handed LW or RW but can also go for LD. Im very active so im not interested on playing backup. Contact me if you want to know more. Let us have wonderful upcoming year together See you on the ice! B R. sir_sniper Contact me here or PSN. Either is fine.
    1 point
  32. Free LD for upcoming tournaments. Maybe RD. I’m looking for team where players like to play a lot and improve their game to next level. Also it is important to me that the team will have good atmosphere at party when playing and having fun at the same time when playing seriously. Contact me! Psn, here (sportsgamer) or discord: Nassustelija.
    1 point
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