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So our center @jiibada_ has decided to step back from gaming a bit and stay in our team only as a backup from now on. Rest of the team will remain intact. Therefore, we are searching for a starting center or right winger who wants to join us long term. Preferably a Finnish player who is humble and have the time/motivation to grow together as a team. Next challenge up ahead for us is the Pro Qualifiers prior to ECL '23 Winter. If interested, write message to anyone of us 👊 /🌴 @Macentoitunu, @Burtsi980H, @AG_Jarl, @MaciPapi, @vokial2(SolidElli)13 points
SportsGamers, We're rolling on with the 2022 eHockey Finnish championships and it's now time for the second playoff round to kick off. Thus far, we've seen several interesting matchups and while most of the higher seeds have been able to secure their spot in the second round, some highly surprising results also came out of the first round. Most notably, 57th seed Ace Hockey took the playoffs by storm by overcoming #8 seed Masin Maansiirto in a thrilling game 5 overtime finish. Another surprising finish to a series was the 3-0 sweep that Hartsport United was able to conduct in their matchup against Hawaii Hockey. These two teams have another big challenge ahead of them in the second round for sure! Some rather exciting mathcups are in store for us in the second round, as the likes of YMCA Esports and JYP Jyväskylä will be clashing already early into the postseason. One of the big names will be out early, it seems. Setelit On Ice will be facing Big Mistake in a series that could go either way and will certainly depend on the form of the night. Lastly, Reality Check vs Hotbox is going to be a series you'll want to follow along with. There's a lot of familiarity between these two squads and the matchup is a great rivalry for bragging rights going further. The second round of the playoffs (BO5) is to be played between Wednesday, 7th of September and Sunday, 11th of September. Head over to the league page for the playoff matchups!10 points
Heads up, also looking for a 50/50 RW!8 points
7 points
Vapaa maalivahti etsii joukkuetta tuleviin turnauksiin vähintään ECL PRO tasolta. Olen erittäin aktiivinen pelaaja, hikoilen myös viikonloppuisin tarvittaessa. Toivoisin että joukkue on myös aktiivinen, ja että joukkueella olisi selkeät ja realistiset tavoitteet toteuttaa ne. Ei muutakun viestiä tulemaan niin jutellaan sitten lisää. Näistä meikäläisen saa parhaiten kiinni. PSN:Jubeex0r tai Discord: Jubeex0r#7755 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/1452#nhl6 points
34 y/o goalie still searching team. Lite experience. Hit me with a pm or on psn. /Bluerainbow883 points
Ok so these are my thoughts about the TT after playing 42 games ( 3vs3 Drop ins, 6vs6 Drop ins , and 6's clubs) in net PS5. - Goalie movement is slightly improved , and i really like the improving of the goalie passes. Now you can "shoot" or pass while you are out of your grease while moving. Goalie doesnt do anymore the Stopping animation when you have the puck before passing , and that is a a really big improvement. - Also when going towards the puck, skating continues without the stopping animation - Dont know if it's just my imagination , but after getting the boost agains the one timers it felt like the whole game changed. It was much more easier to be in net against those one tees , and when i added there the wrister perk , it felt like playing NHL22 again. Most of the Snipes were stoppable with good positioning playing on top of the grease , and that felt like playing IRL. U have to do some work in the net to stop those puck's , not just stay deep in your net. I Like the idea that you have to adapt to every situation and try read those plays and try to make shooters chances small by covering the net as much as possible. - When i played games with A.I defenders , i liked how they actually made a hit to a puck carrier. Don't ever change that , actually you could also improve the hit effect when it comes from a A.I. or Player. this will give defenders more changes to defend , now when the poke check is nered with slow effect - I'm really disappointed as a goalie , that it felt like again EA has left goalies like they have been many years. Same old perks , Same old stats , Same old classes , same old story. Literally there is NO CHANGES AT ALL in classes , stats , or classes... Correct me if i'm wrong. - Like i have said in twitter , biggest improvement was the " OPEN NEXT BAG" button. It's much more faster to collect those Ducking bags and im grateful of that. - Goalies definitely need some boosts to saving pucks. In my opinion , it's much more fun to play games where isn't scored totally like 16 goals or something like that. Yeah sure if you are garbage in net you should be allowing those goals , but with these tuners , it's gonna be a goal fest in every game. - Still waiting the opportunity to make you a 6th skater class , when your team is down by one , and over exited goalie wants to come and score that one goal to tie things up. But then u are given WRONG HANDED BRAINLESS NOOB BOT WHO HAS JUST LEARNED HOW TO TIE THE LACES!! .... Come on ea let us have that. - Overall as a goalie there is lot to improve and add to this game when u look this in GOALIE perspective , but i think everyone can agree that when goalie or skater A.I is not balanced , this game will never work - Jiihooo86 -Jiihooo861 ( Twitter )2 points
Free C/Rw for next ecl season! Prefer lite contact me here or psn TemeF1Nx https://sportsgamer.gg/players/87572 points
Vapaa LD etsii joukkuetta tuleviin turneisiin. Aktiivisuutta joukkueella saisi olla. Lait viestii täällä tai psn puolella PanukkI862 points
Reviving this topic after some years.. Recently I put together some highlights I managed to capture from this summer (unfortunately a period when 6v6 gameplay wasn't as prevalent), feel free to check it out below!2 points
I played some 3vs3 drop-ins and club 6's, skater and goalie. Around 10 games. PS5. - Not so much difference in controlling/skating. Free skating (loadout testing) was identical to NHL22. - Pokecheck nerf is good, but maybe the slowdown effect was a bit much. Also the bumping effect was really weak and now when attacking player can react (pass/shoot) after tackle, there aren't many old defending tools left. Tackling was hard, hit needs to be direct to a player to result puck loose. Pacy attackers have advantage sprinting around defenders. - AI GK was really good at saving one-timers but really bad at breakaways. Otherwise pretty close to what it is in NHL22 (direct shots, rebounds, animations etc.). AI player was the same old, except pointing the stick to every free players direction . - Games felt smoother because of PS5. I'm glad the next ECL will be played with new-gen. - Passing was easier and cutting passing lanes harder. Don't know if I like this (flashbacks from NHL21 horror). - Human goalie was pretty bad. This could be the beta-tuner, but basically every decent direct shot went in, despite the positioning or loadout. Moving with goalie was smoother but this could be just the PS5. - I had some fps drops especially in drop-in cut scenes. Also saw some new graphics which told highest scorer of the club etc, it was pretty cool. - Nothing new in the menus? Hope there is at least something new?? - Same puck-reflection glitches occurred during the matches as in NHL22. Clearly they haven't touched the game-engine this year, except tuning the pokes, tackles, passing and shot speeds etc. - Overall, when the loadout-meta has been found again, I believe It will be pretty similar experience compared to NHL22.1 point
Red Tigers etsii riveihinsä pelaajia (G & RW) Joukkueella tarkoitus lähteä Liteen ja Treenaillaan 2-5krt viikossa Jos kiinnostaa niin tryoutit sovittavissa täällä tai dc: Baueri#54021 point
Free G for next tournaments (mini core) Contact me here or psn : rammstein-bob1 point
1 point
Free RW for upcoming tournaments. Lite/core contact here or PSN: Xblakkix1 point
Lite joukkuetta tulevalle ecl kauelle! Pelipaikkana LW.1 point
Haven't played it too much yet but here are my first thoughts: - Human goalies' movement has slightly got improved, moving towards the shots and rebound control gave me more realistic feeling. - Stick blocking is almost impossible, which is a good thing, this will lead in changes in dman builds or even play style. - Shots have been boosted, which is in my opinion fine but also goalies should get some kind of boost, not sure yet where but perhaps hockey iq (or movement?) which could in my opinion be boosted for skaters as well to see more beautiful goals. - Servers were trash, which is probably not gonna be a problem when the game gets published, but if it is then I wouldn't be surprised if half of the players quit.1 point
as an of offensive skater there's some nice additions: the ability of PWF's to actually grind through bumps is nice. Not losing momentum just because you have the puck is nice. Not passing 20 feet away from the guy you wanted to is nice. as a goalie: this is hot garbage. It is so bad this could legitimately kill 6's leagues because no one will play goalie. You have no control/tools/answers for any of the tuned up offence. snipes/high danger shots have been tuned up dramatically. Scrambles/garbage goals have been tuned up dramatically. Add in the Pass boosts (IE increased threat/ease of execution of CC One Timers/etc) as well and it's just a completely unrewarding experience. You'll stop more goals by just setting up on one side of the net and leaving your guy there then trying to play the game.1 point
Good stuff: -increase to base speed attribute for many builds -manual saucer pass assist is a nice touch -basically everything feels more responsive, fast and agile, just the way icehockey is these days -shot and pass speed increase across the board, I like it -human goalies can actually stop onetimers and breakaways. BUT let's see again when everybody has Close Quarters unlocked 🤡 Bad stuff: -while the pokecheck nerf is a step in the right direction, it is like a deathblow now to even slightly touch it as the puck carrier got a speed increase at the same time -hits should just a tiny bit more often result in a stumbling animation for the puck carrier or at least separate the puck -many of the X-factors are completely useless (third eye, tape to tape, send it, magnetic) due to the gameplay changes -AI goalies are carbage 1on1 but they save nearly every wide open onetimer or cross-crease. A little balancing needed there1 point
HC SHH tuleva VENOM etsii hyvää kiekollista pakkia! Viime ecl päättyi lite pleijareiden toiselle kierrokselle. Tavoitteena Nhl 23 päästä prohon. laittakee viestiä psn: daddyryybs1 point
Name: Shifty Shafts Want: Goalie My team needs a first lineup-goalie to SCL. Interested? Please write a message1 point