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Free RW for GCL Backup is fine Contact here or psn: jjomppaa7 points
7 points
WannaCry IN: @Zip player @FakiiR1 @IKarkkiI @jubex0r OUT: @Timez @Crisu_rottis @kkostiiii @topetsi BiggestEight xbulis4 points
This weekend, the 2022 NHL GWC European Finals were concluded in Maastricht, the Netherlands and after a long tournament and some dramatic events throughout the weekend, the golden boy Erik @Eki Tammenpää secured his back-to-back title. With the grand prize of 15 000 USD at stake and for most players, the return to LAN events in practice was a very exciting setting for the weekend in Maastricht at the GG DreamHack Sports Festival, which eventually culminated with the crowning of a new European NHL GWC Champion. The contenders had all paved their way through a gruelling online qualifier stage, and eventually the eight best players were invited to enter the final weekend. Here's a list of those contenders: Erik @Eki Tammenpää 🇫🇮 Johan @Lehmannens Lehmann 🇸🇪 Henrik @Eken45jr Eklund 🇸🇪 Olli "IOLL1" Lehtimäki 🇫🇮 Jimi @jamal-_- Rönkkönen 🇫🇮 Teemu @Teemuyy Polttila 🇫🇮 Aaro @xDoumi Ruuhinen 🇫🇮 Perttu @Beniittto Kemppainen 🇫🇮 Eventually, after lots of excitement and even some controversy we saw the Finns Eki and J-_-Jamaltheman qualify for the finals, and the two truly proved that both of them could be worthy of the Championship. The two of them went head-to-head in a full three game series, trading blows in a true ebb and flow situation. The first game of the finals was a 3-1 win for the defending champion Eki, and it looked like he had it all under control, but in the low-scoring series Jamal was able to surprise in the second game, taking it to a decisive third match. After a full three periods of the third game, the game was tied at 1-1 and we knew we'd see a worthy finish for the European NHL GWC Finals - the two best players going at it for one goal only. As the title of our article suggests, the scorer was eventually Eki, who managed to secure his back-to-back title! We reached out to the Champion for some comments about his feat: How would you compare this campaign to the one you had last year, and who was the best opponent you played? Well obviously the biggest difference was the LAN finals. It's all different when you get to see everyone and play at 0 ping, which is always great. I have to say that @jamal-_- was in a class of his own today, the finals were absolutely crazy and it speaks volumes that we went all the way to game 3 OT. I feel like he was way calmer than everyone else around and some of the dekes and plays he tried to pull were very different. The fact that he managed to stay so relaxed put me in a tough place since it's usually way easier to play off your opponents when you can tell they're nervous. What are your thoughts about this years GWC overall and the format, how about the live finals? The format was good, I liked the fact that we had the draft earlier than before (already at the top 16 stage) and that the console qualifiers had a double elimination format. However, I've always wanted the GWC to be a longer tournament and for players to have more chances to qualify, I'm not a big fan of the "one and you're done format". Naturally it makes for some thrilling moments as we witnessed today but in general it's not my cup of tea. How has it been for you to return to LAN games after a longer pause with the pandemic? It's been great. I already got some touch for playing big LAN games in Tampa Bay earlier this year. I've always been good at LANs for some reason, my first ever tournament I finished second although I by no means were the second best player at the event, but ever since then it's just been working for me. I can't tell why but maybe I'm just less nervous than the competition or can better use the advantage from the 0 ping factor, I'm just guessing but some of that could be. Finally, how are you going to celebrate this Championship? It's 10 PM and I'm at the hotel answering these interview questions, so that's pretty much it! We've got an early flight tomorrow and I'm not one to party too much anyways, so maybe I'll figure something out when I'm home but no bigger plans than that. On behalf of the SportsGamer community, I extend a heartfelt thank you to the Champion and congratulations on the title! Now it's time for all the contenders to turn their heads toward next year and what's to come, maybe that will be your time to challenge Eki?3 points
Free LW/C/LD. Prefer finnish team. Contact here or psn Loztamigo3 points
Free G for GCL/ WECL tournament ,back up role is fine . contact me here or psn Loncelot84 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/114#nhl3 points
3 points
Free RD, LD, C for GCL Backup is also fine Message me here or psn: nikhaa273 points
Free LW/RW for GCL Backup is fine Contact here or PSN: pikkuroger3 points
Free G for WECL or GCL, Backup is fine. Contact me psn:Jubeex0r or Discord #Jubeex0r77553 points
3 points
Moro! Ois fcl:llään ja ens ecl kaudelle jengi hakuses.. Pelipaikka on joko veska tai vasenpakki. Jos sulla on kiinostusta jengis kanssa niin ota yhteyttä täällä tai psn puolella. PSN: showeekka Ps. Mieluiten Coresta ylöspäin!2 points
looking for a team for future tournaments with big goals! Extensive experience playing in the Lite and Pro divisions. main position G (can also play RD/RW) Psn: Supeeermaaario2 points
2 points
Active free player for upcoming tournaments. Prefer to D but can play F/G too. Can communicate in finnish, english and swedish (though I'm rusty with this one) 😁 Would prefer a team in ecl lite or upwards. (Good core team on upward trajectory is an option as well) Contact me here, psn: NeonHum or discord Neonhum#9180 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/290#nhl2 points
Good afternoon, everyone. First of all I want to say a huge thank you to all the players with whom I was lucky enough to play on the same team. It would take a lot of space to list them all individually. I will just highlight the names of the teams: 1) Neptune Hockey - Thank you for the two great seasons that I had the honor and pleasure of defending the goal on your team. There have been a variety of games, both good and bad. Some were lucky, some were not. But from all of that I also learned a very valuable experience. I hope you guys are doing well and wish you success in the next championships. 2) Shameful Knights - I never got to play a full season with you in the ECL. I wish all the members of this team success in the search for a new team and achieve only high results. Thank you very much to team captain Ollizhki for all his help. In view of all this, I am looking for a team, both for the next ECL Championship, as well as for the current GCL and WECL. I play goalie. Good or bad - you can (if you want) see for yourself in try-out games. Any day, any time. No team, but want to play. I treat the process faithfully and with all due care. In voice chat, usually silent. But this does not mean that I do not listen to advice and tips. Maybe someone could use a goalie like me. And I, in turn, will try very hard not to let you down. Although, to be honest, I totally understand - in terms of my chances of finding a team. Good luck, success, and more victories in the game, as well as in life!2 points
Free D/G Core/Lite for coming ECL, i search also a team for FCL or SCL PSN: TighGama1 point
Free G lite/pro for coming ecl. Can also be backup Ld But in that case core/lite level. send me here or discord ”Trinpa”1 point
Hallo GCLGamer, wir freuen uns Euch nun endlich in der 8. Ausgabe der deutschsprachigen Meisterschaft begrüßen zu dürfen. Es gibt einige kurzfristige Änderungen, welche durch eine Abstimmung gemeinsam mit der Community schon jetzt zur aktuellen Saison greifen. Zuerst möchten wir uns bei den 48 Teams für ihre Anmeldung bedanken! Ein neues Ligenssystem, welches an das bekannte FCL/SCL Tournament (6v6 und 1v1) angelehnt ist, wird zu dieser Saison erstmalig auch in der GCL Anwendung finden. Bedingt durch den Rückgang an Anmeldungen und der Tatsache, dass die GCL nun nur noch einmal pro NHL-Teil gespielt wird, hätte das alte System (welches für 2 Ausgaben pro Jahr konzipiert wurde) gerade für neue Teams unfaire Bedingungen geschaffen. Teamauflösungen führten immer wieder zu offenen Spots, welche im Vorfeld durch Qualifikationsturniere ausgespielt wurden. In Anbetracht des engen Zeitplans und eventuellen Überschneidungen mit der ECL bietet das Ein-Divisionen-System der breiteren Masse eine deutlich höhere Chancengleichheit, sowie zeitliche Flexibilität. Der Pokalmodus bleibt wie gewohnt ein fester Bestandteil der GCL. Wie bereits in FCL und SCL fest etabliert spielen wir in diesem Jahr parallel zum bekannten 6v6 Turnier ebenfalls erstmalig die 1v1 GCL aus. Anmeldeschluss für die 1v1 GCL ist Samstag der 04.06. bis 23:59 Uhr. Alle weiteren Informationen hierzu folgen in Kürze! Zum neuen Ligensystem (welches im 6v6 und 1v1 angewandt wird): Es gibt ab sofort keine Divisionen mehr; alle Teams werden gemäß ihrer Leistung in der letzten ECL und GCL Saison geseedet; anschließend werden alle Teams gemäß des Seedings in 4 Lostöpfe unterteilt; Topf 1: 4 Gruppenköpfe + 4 weitere Teams; Topf 2: 8 Teams; Topf 3: 16 Teams; Topf 4: 16 Teams; gemäß der Töpfe wird reihum je 2 Teams aus Topf 1 und 2 und 4 Teams aus Topf 3 und 4 in jede Gruppe zugelost. Postseason: Platz 1-6 aus jeder Gruppe qualifizieren sich für die Playoffs; Platz 7-10 aus jeder Gruppe spielen in den Pre-Playoffs je 2 weitere Playoffteilnehmer aus (Platz 7 v Platz 10; Platz 8 v Platz 9; im Best-Of-5 Modus); nach den Pre-Playoffs werden die Playoffbegegnungen nach Seeding gesetzt (Seed #1 v Seed #32; Seed #2 v Seed #31 usw.); bei Punktgleichheit greift die Tiebreakerregel; im Falle von unterschiedlicher Gruppengröße entscheidet PPG bzw. die Winpercentage der Teams über den Seed. Ausländerregelung: Wie in der vorigen Saison darf ein Team maximal 2 nicht-DACH Spieler (es zählt hierbei der Wohnort) im Kader listen, wovon jedoch nur 1 Spieler am jeweiligen Spieltag mitwirken darf. Die Auslosung ergab folgende Gruppen: Gruppe 1 Hyperion EiSKALATioN noRex Gaming Geekz Energy eSports II Hannover Indians Esports Swiss Tigers Swiss Vikings Nürnberg Ice Tigers eSport 2 SC Rackelhahn eV SwissBamClan Redliight Jokers Penguins Ingolstadt Gruppe 2 ZSC Esports Team NGU Central Hockey Canucks SCB eSports Clowns on Ice Eishockeynet Yetis Team Infernus Munich eSport The Flying Elbows Old Primates Swiss Tigers II Toxic Deers Gruppe 3 Deadly Phantoms Thunder United DEG eSports Deggendorfer SC eSports Swiss Seniors The Real Rookies Ambri eSports Beastie Boys Eishockeynet Academy Immortal Street Dogs ERSC Amberg eSport Canada 1 C Gruppe 4 Geekz Energy eSports Herforder Ice Dragons Gleumes Hockey Krefeld Nürnberg Ice Tigers eSports Bis Einer Weint EV Duisburg Eisbären Lauf Iserlohn Roosters eSports EHC Kärnten Hockey is Diversity Starbulls Esport Black Wings HC Die reguläre Saison startet am 12.06.2022 Die Trade-Deadline ist um 23:59 Uhr am 26.06.2022. Die reguläre Saison dauert bis einschließlich den 05.07.2022 Die Playoffs (inkl. Pre-Playoffs) starten am 08.07. (geplantes Ende 20.08.2022) weitere Infos zum 1vs1 Turnier und GCL Pokal: am kommenden Sonntag, den 05.06.2022 finde um 19 Uhr die Live-Auslosung der Gruppen für den 1v1 Modus und die Pokalpartien statt, welches ihr ihr euch über den Link: --> TWITCH-STREAM<-- live auf Twitch anschauen könnt. Die 1. Pokalrunde ist von Mittwoch, dem 15.06.2022, bis zum Dienstag, dem 21.06.2022, auszuspielen. Teams aus einer niedrigeren ECL Division (basierend auf der letzten ECL Saison) erhalten das Heimrecht. In Runde 1 des Pokals treffen lediglich Teams aus Topf 3 und 4 aufeinander (insgesamt 32 Teams; 16 Teams erreichen Runde 2); alle Teams aus Topf 1 und 2 (insgesamt 16 Teams) steigen anschließend in Runde 2 in den Wettbewerb ein. Alle Spiele, sowohl in der Liga als auch im Pokal sind auf dem zentraleuropäischen Server auszutragen. Wir wünschen allein Teilnehmern viel Erfolg und ganz viel Spaß! Eure GCL-LA1 point
Free G from Finland looking a team for upcoming tournaments. 50/50 role is fine. Lite or higher I prefer Finnish teams. Contact me on PSN: semiseko1 point
1 point
1 point
Free G. Experience Core Division (3rd place), Lite Division and Pro Division qualification. Results ECL Regular Season: GP - 59 / W - 35 / L - 16 / OTL - 8 / SO - 6 Sht - 696 / Svs - 525 / GA - 171 SV% = 75.43 / GAA = 2.90 With the team Progress took tenth place in Group 3 of the championship ECL 12 - Core With the team Neptune Hockey took second place in Group 6 of the championship ECL '22 Winter - Core Results ECL Play-Off: GP - 24 / W - 17 / L - 4 / OTL - 3 / SO - 0 Sht - 249 / Svs - 196 / GA - 53 SV% = 78.71 / GAA = 2.21 With the team Neptune Hockey won the final third place in the championship ECL '22 Winter - Core1 point
Update: Willing to play C/RD for ECL and FCL too for the right team. Top core or lite. So, free G/C/RD. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/313#nhl Contact me here.1 point
1 point
Free F/RD for WECL/GCL. Backup is fine too. And actually a summer break wouldn't hurt either 🤣1 point
1 point
Free forward for upcoming tournaments looking for a longer commitment in an active team with hunger to compete and win together, but backup is also possible. Maybe give tryout 👀🙂1 point
Hartsport United is looking 2-3 Pro starters for Pro qualifiers and upcoming tournaments We already have some good options but we are not rushing so we can take more tryouts Need: Lw, Ld, Rd We can try some Rw/C too but it need to be big upgrade to the team1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Free LD/RD looking for a finnish or english speaking team for upcoming tournaments. Would prefer a pro level team. Contact me here or in discord: NiKolaiJ#3332 https://sportsgamer.gg/players/2962#nhl1 point
1 point
Free G. But first: The task of being a team captain for my beloved Shameful Knights became too heavy to keep going for personal reasons, so it's finally time to try something new with less things to stress about. My heartfelt thanks to Markalla2, Mik0z-_-, Dismall_ and especially my man Happymack29, thank you all for the great season(s), you guys fucking rock. Thank you also to all other members of the club along the years, the list is too long to mention everyone! ♥️ So, free G for FCL/GCL and maybe for ECL too. It is probably best to get me for a 50/50 role, as i won't be online every evening, probably 2-4 nights a week mostly, depending on how i feel. If there is a fantastic offer in a team which plays nice hockey, i may considering playing as RD, but i prefer G. I would like to try my abilities as a goalie, i have a (way too) long history of playing the NHL franchise, so i can read passing plays and shot angles well. I am by no means superb as a goalie, but i always try my best and try to learn from every game. I am Finnish, but i'm fluent in english as well. I'm easygoing and calm, so i won't cause any type of childish drama in a club, i can guarantee that. My skill level as a goalie is probably around core/lite? You can determine it by yourself. I will not use a mic as a G, as it only disturbs me. 25 years old, if that matters for some reason. I am available for tryouts effective immediately, although i will be taking breaks throughout the summer. You can contact me here.1 point
1 point
Hei! Taikina etsii riveihinsä uusia pelaajaa (G) Lähdemme FCL ja ECL lite karsintoihin. Jos olet lite tasoinen pelaaja ja sinua kiinnostaa 2-5krt viikossa pelata jengissä missä homma otetaan tosissaan ja sinulla on motivaatiota olla pitkäkestoinen pelaaja sekä nousta litestäkin korkeamalle laita minulle viestiä niin sovitaan tryoutit!! psn: LucePro dc: LucePro/Baueri1 point
Deadly Phantoms are looking for a forward for the upcoming GCL. Most likely Centers are preffered but wingers are also welcome Minimum top Lite Division players or higher. DM if you are interested!1 point
GIFU Hockey ⚔️ IN KUNGENKIRWA from Joukkue Welcome to the club, legend! OUT FROMPA- to FA LILLBYSSE98 to FA All the best boys. Good luck in every aspect of your next chapter! ❤️💛1 point
Free D for WECL and GCL, send me a pm here or on psn1 point
Free C/RW for upcoming tournaments. Core/Lite Contact here or PSN:xBlakkix1 point
Heyo. I'm a Free D. I can play Both Sides. I speak german and english Ex Teams: Team NGU and noRex Academy ( Core/ Lite Experience ) For more Infos write me here or on Discord ( Yasu_NGU#9253 ) https://sportsgamer.gg/players/8564#nhl1 point
Good day to you all! At a time when the next ECL championship is still far away, and the current one is over for me and my team, I want to play in some new championship. That's why I'm looking for a team or teams to play in WECL and/or GCL championships. I play goalie. I would love to get on a team that plays in one (or both) of those tournaments.1 point
Free C as preference but can play everywhere. just looking for a team with good off puck movement and good team play. I am looking to play in wecl and ecl neo core or lite1 point
Free RD (C/RW) for future tournaments! Looking for a relaxed yet competitive team, fluent in English and Swedish, can understand some Finnish and swear if needed. Had my PRO debut last season with Visu. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/5030#nhl1 point
Hotbox (Lite) Looking for starting LD or RD and G. Contact me or @musta_surma1 here or psn.1 point
Sulkavan Sudet (pro) looking for starting RD. Pm me here or psn oxdoggi.1 point