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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/22 in all areas

  1. NHLGamers, After an incredibly tough back-and-forth exchange in the finals between #1 seed FILADELPHIA ACADEMY and #6 seed Mora IK, we are able to crown the ECL '22 Winter Lite champion - Mora IK! Against all odds, the swedes managed to fight and claw their way tot he top, overcoming several opponents from an underdog status along the way. This must feel great for the boys, congratulations! Mora IK's s road to the championship: #6 seed from group 3 with the record 23-5-2 Round 1: vs Its a nice city 4-1 Round 2: vs Bastu 4-3 Quarterfinals: vs Linköping HC 1-4 Semifinals: vs Prima eSport 1-4 Finals: vs FILADELPHIA ACADEMY 3-4 The winning roster: GOALTENDERS #15 @Danskuz- #44 @Jeqque44 DEFENSEMEN #3 @ZNKK #12 @AMN3SYA #93 @Jonetzky FORWARDS #20 @andreaskakan (C) #88 @Bror1326 (A) #91 @Robban kaudern (Kaudomovic) (A) Once again, congratulations to the winners on behalf of the entire community!
    28 points
  2. Now that the season is over I want to thank my teammates and all the opponents we faced in Lite this season, especially congratulations Filadelphia Academy and Prima eSports on the PRO promotion. Now it is time for me to turn a new page on my career yet again, so Free D (both-handed) looking for a team in top lite/PRO. Could also try forward if the fit is right. I'm looking for a team with a competitive mindset and drive to get better. Humour and group spirit are also important factors. I can play basically everyday so I'm primarily looking for only starting roles.
    22 points
  3. Free Rw/c maybe rd Pro/top lite contact me here or psn:Welhouu61
    21 points
  4. Hunters is looking for a starting RD for upcoming ECL Spring Pro Qualifiers! contact me here or psn VaIee__
    20 points
  5. Hokurit is looking for an all around backup to finish our roster for upcoming ECL Spring. Playtime not guaranteed in ECL games, but it will be decided later. Contact me (@Sanezh) or @ESSRV here.
    19 points
  6. Destiny is looking for a backup D for ECL Spring. Contact me here or psn: maatti64
    19 points
  7. Volume is looking D and G. We are a new team with Lite/Pro experienced players. Our goal is to Lite qualifiers - We require Lite or higher ECL experience Contact here or PSN : Tuulimylly91
    16 points
  8. Etsitään uutta joukkuetta seuraavaan ECL:ään. Pelipaikkoina RD/RW Muutama sana meikäläisestä. Oon 29v ja peleillä melkeinpä joka ilta klo 20-21 alkaen, kokemusta löytyy kolme kautta litestä ja yksi kausi coresta. Lättyjen lisäksi saattaa välillä läppäkin lentää. Pelaan logolle rinnassa, en nimelle selässä. Aina Joukkueelta odotan: -tavoitteellisuutta -mielellään täysi-ikäisiä pelikavereita -Sarjatasona top core/lite (toki kiinnostaisi myös kokeilla riittääkö rahkeet pro-tasolle) Tulen mielelläni tryouteille. Yhteydenotot psn: xDrippii
    9 points
  9. Free 50/50 or backup Goalie https://sportsgamer.gg/players/3428#nhl
    7 points
  10. 7 points
  11. Free G/LD for upcoming tournaments lite/pro Message me here or psn: haukikalle
    6 points
  12. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Msg me here or on my psn: Teemu_Underdawg
    4 points
  13. Technical Disaster Team is ready now! IN: @Pedro-11 from The Last Line @Jokke from Loimaan Rockets @Tuuski_36 from Toxicity WELCOME!
    4 points
  14. Almtuna eSport will play in the Lite-division (and participate in the Pro qualifiers) during the upcoming ECL 22' Spring. We are ambitious and competetive. Our goal is to perform well in every game. We are looking to reinforce our roster with: - 1 forward (LW/C) You are comfortable playing left winger and center, perhaps playing with right-handedness. You should have offensive qualities. Of course you are a team player and have a competetive mindset. We practice 3-4 times a week; monday, tuesday, thursday and sundays with the startingtime 19:00/20:00 CET. This process needs to be short and honest since ECL Spring is around the corner. If you are interested, contact me @BeastBenn14 through DM.
    3 points
  15. VISU Gaming (PRO) We are still looking for long term RD/LD to our starting lineup. Our only goal is win the PRO next season and get promoted to ELITE! What we expect: - you can play like 4-5 days a week - you are able to communicate in games - you have competitive mind set - experience from PRO or ELITE What we can offer: - 100% games in clubs and tournaments - Chance to be part of the great organisation - group of great guys with good sense of humour If you think that you will be the player what we are looking for please contact me here or discord Saviinainen#2716
    3 points
  16. Free rw/rd for upcoming tournaments. Pro/lite. Backup is also fine. Contact me here or psn: Tuuski36
    3 points
  17. Free D Looking for Lite team... or it doesn't really matter at what level you play. Old Slow No time to play Not even a particularly good company Here you can see my "achievements". Contact me here or Discord: iRSPe#6973 if there is a need for a substitute.
    3 points
  18. Free LW for upcoming tournaments. Mainly looking for starter role in Lite team, but I'll listen to all offers. I play almost every night. I prefer finnish teams. If you're interested, message me in here or psn jakee_53
    3 points
  19. SAWO ESPORTS (Elite) looking for a backup goalie. Contact me here
    3 points
  20. Free C/LW/RW for upcoming tournaments lite/pro message me on psn:daddyryybs
    2 points
  21. We (Eisbären Lauf Gaming) are looking for a Goalkeeper for the next ECL Core Season. We play 2-4 days per week. Communication is handled via own Discord Server (participation as a goalkeeper no basic requirement). We stream nearly every practice session and game on our Twitch channel with open discord audio chat. If you have stable internet, experience in at least ECL Core and are interested in working with us, feel free to contact us! Officials: @newman_2909 @theburner18 More Info: instagram.com/eisbaeren_lauf_gaming/ twitch.tv/eisbaeren_lauf_gaming twitter.com/eisbaerengaming
    2 points
  22. London Lightning (Neo) looking for a starting G for the upcoming ECL Spring tournament. This is our first year competing in ECL and we reached the playoffs in both the warmup tournament and ECL Winter tournament. We are looking for a specialist G who can help take us further in this tournament and beyond. After this tournament we have the ambition to move up to Core. We are also considering taking part in the next WECL. Plenty of game time in casual club games available, we are very active playing 4-5 nights a week. WHAT WE REQUIRE: - Availability 4-5 nights a week, usually starting around 2100-2130 CET - Nationality doesnt matter but the ability to speak at least some English would be great - age not important, but we are guys between 25-40 FYI - a Goalie who is dedicated who wants to help us improve the team WHAT WE OFFER: - starting Goalie spot, you will play all competition games - the opportunity to be part of a team that has winning ambitions - famous british humour, bad puns, dry wit Contact me here or on psn: DobboJ90 if you want any more info or would like to tryout!
    2 points
  23. Free agent, goalie. Top Lite or pro. Message me on psn: lillbysse98 or on discord: lillbysse98#3998
    2 points
  24. Free RW for upcoming tournaments. Prefer Lite div. Contact in PSN OMG_ImSoBad or here. Thanks.
    2 points
  25. Kymmeneltä baariin etsii aloittavaa Ldtä ja veskaria Pelataan ecl litee ens kaudella ja tarkoituksena on menestyä pleijjareissa, joten etitään pakkia jolta löytyy tumput ja hullu luuta ja veskaria joka pystyy ottaa jengin sitten reppuselkään. yhteyttä voi ottaa pleikarilla joko sirLateksi tai punt1la98
    2 points
  26. Free def or fwd can play both left and right Pro/Lite I9IRoarI0I - Player profile - SportsGamer Psn: i9iroari0
    1 point
  27. Oulunsalo HT (Lite) looking for Lw/C for upcoming ECL Spring tournament. Contact me here or psn Eashl_kalle
    1 point
  28. Offside lions looking for backup goalie for upcoming season. We participate lite qualifers. If intrested, contact psn id : idanpuliukko
    1 point
  29. They already had an advantage when they were allowed to play against a lower seeded team but were unable to take advantage of it. This has been a practice for as long as I can remember and how the teams will be seeded for the coming season has been known to everyone. So I think there is nothing unfair in the situation, the team that wins more games in the playoffs will end up higher.
    1 point
  30. Free C/RD(LD) for upcoming tournaments Backup role is also fine, division doesnt matter. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/519#nhl Contact here or psn: Narsku-
    1 point
  31. Dynamo Dragons 🐉 is looking about a good C to join his team for the Relax Cup !!
    1 point
  32. Free LD/C - Top Core or Lite team I can play from 20h CET minimum 2 days per week and some weeks every day. I play NHL every day (HUT or as random) I'm from the Central Server but I don't have problems to play in the North Server. PSN: ANieves74 / Discord: ANieves74#1654
    1 point
  33. Tampere Taisto is looking for a G & LW We will be playing in Core next season. We are looking for players who communicate and focus when playing. Player needs to be good at passing the puck and playing for the team💪. Players need to be commited and wanting to become better everyday. We have are own tactics and systems which we are looking to use in the next season. Pls message me here so we can look in to tryouts oneday. iNummi
    1 point
  34. Free RD/RW/C for upcoming seasons and tournaments. Top Core / Lite / Pro Contact me here or PSN: valdmaar I prefer Finnish teams but i can also talk English. https://sportsgamer.gg/players/4922#nhl
    1 point
  35. Bastu (Lite) We are looking for a backup D for the ECL Spring. (Huge plus if you can play both sides) Contact me here or PSN: juusto18
    1 point
  36. EiSKALATiON is searching for a good skilled LW or C, who could play also LD sometimes if needed. (mainly starter position) for next ECL! It seems that we can play the Lite qualifier. If not, we will do it trough Core;) are you a good guy and can help us with your experience to get the next step? write me here or Discord: SwissMoger#8384
    1 point
  37. Shameful Knights The rebuild down memory lane with a couple new potential guys is now done, welcome everyone! 😎 In: Ollizhki HappyMack29 iRewmix Shegolenok7 Malkin71rus Dismall_ Devilfish333
    1 point
  38. TeQuila SunRise In: Randomjanne HatsiGaboom Rollingstomper Jormatsefiina Hugobolt Bot_hene Tonezki-_-89 Kivikova34
    1 point
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