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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/21 in all areas

  1. Free LW/C/LD Looking for competitive Elite/top pro team PSN: Artuzio
    8 points
  2. Free G https://nhlgamer.com/players/3495 PSN: esko-etikka
    4 points
  3. We are back Thanks NeonHum for the edit!
    1 point
  4. Zdravíme hráče CSCL 3 ✌️ Registrace je uzavřena a počet týmu se vyšplhal až na číslo 17 👏 Děkujeme 🤝 nezbývá než popřát všem hodně štěstí a úspěchu v nadcházející sezóně 👌 Rozpis ligy najdete v odkazu. Liga startuje v pondělí 29.11.2021 a hrací dny jsou pondělí a úterý. Limit pro odehrání zápasu je 7 dní od stanoveného termínu v schedule. Co se týká Vánoční pauzy, tak mají všechny týmy limit 14 dní na odehrání zápasů stanovených na 20-21.12.2021. Následující kolo je tedy stanoveno až na 3.1.2022 ✌️ s případnými dotazy nás prosím kontaktujte na našem Discord serveru. 😊 https://nhlgamer.com/leagues/156/schedule
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Free lw/c/ld! Backup role or shit team would be nice because I can't play everyday!
    1 point
  7. WannaCry (Former Reign) We are looking for our final piece in our PRO puzzle, looking for a LW since our assistant captain is joining the military, looking for a finnish speaking right handed winger with lots of experience from atleast lite playoffs, beggars cant be choosers so will be trying out everyone who fills the criteria. Must be able to play 4-5 times a week. Contact me here or on ps: hifk_fani
    1 point
  8. Free G looking for a team. Core/Lite Backup is fine PSN: Rasvaton_kinkku
    1 point
  9. Alright.. Kiekko-Espoo/HanaaHc went down which broke my heart... We had fun two years but now it's time to open some new doors! Free C/Rw I've been playing goalie for a while and now I think it's time to go back to the roots.. So I'm looking for a highly motivated Lite/Pro team for a long-term relationship. My background as a forward and a goalie has thought me a lot these past few years so I'm ready to take some responsibility on ice. My goals are to shape up as forward and help my team to get better with my skills and knowledge on ice. I'm an experienced player ready to aim high to the sky! If I sound good, contact me here or PSN: Gresu__ Cheers!
    1 point
  10. 🔴⚫Conquer Gaming⚫🔴 IN: (C) @Vire30 from KOVA Esports (A) @MonkeyHeadAF from KOVA Esports @Zip player from KOVA Esports (A) @juhkis96 from Otukset eSports @theMaddias from Otukset eSports @Kaikkien Janoisten Sankari from Otukset eSports @Kucherov86 from Blades @Jerax13 from Kiekko-Espoo Esports @Salamakotka6 from Chicago Pelicans
    1 point
  11. LW founded. Still looking C/W. Were going to Warm up too.
    1 point
  12. Company of Geeks is looking for a starting rw. Pro experience or top Lite experience is preferred. Take this chance to be part of a team with very talented fins, the best soon to be defender of all time ALL combined with an South American-touch. Sounds interesting? Contact me or anyone else from the team for that matter. We play in pro and will take part in the warm up tournament.
    1 point
  13. Olympia is back. As we have started and reqruited successfully, we are now looking for the final pieces. We have started of very strong and are now interested in back-up players (Any position) and a starter RW (Could also be C and I will instead go rw). We play as a team, we attack as one, defend as one, win and lose together. We're going to further develop and play a lot together, we belive in what we have created and think we got what it takes with further improvements to have a successful year. Tryouts will start right away, and for tonight 20 CET we have one spot open. We are looking for a player that cycles the puck and uses creativity to set-up plays. We are looking for - Rw or C (Starter) (Back-up players at any position, playtime guaranteed) - (mic) Communication in english, nationality does not matter - Lite experience atleast -good skill with the puck, -Hockey IQ
    1 point
  14. Saddle sniffers is looking for: -LW -C. Who can play winger pos too Were going to ECL Core.
    1 point
  15. BOOMERS IN: @IKarkkiI (C) @Jjomppa (A) @Katunarski (A) @imosi @kikiukko @Randomjanne @Tuhmakalastaja91 @Camelguy86
    1 point
  16. Всем привет , ищу команду для участия в РЦЛ Лайт или Про . На данный момент играю в финской команде и буду играть в ЕЦЛ . Ищу команду нацеленную побеждать в каждой игре , и не бегущая туда сюда бездумно . И от защитников хотя бы уметь немного играть на пятаке и держать вантаймер на усах ))) От себя буду выкладываться по Максимуму в каждой игре и помогать команде побеждать . Все интересующие вопросы в лс Ватсап или Телеграмм . Psn Fox_SKA
    0 points
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