Looking for defenders. Tryout starts right away as we have aquired some good players. We're looking for defenders who are good at breakouts, and comfortable with the puck in correlation to knowing the position of defending and attacking.
We would like to play as a unit, attack together and defend together. Defenders are important part of the offense, and forwards equally in defence. We are moving the puck with speed with skilled players up front.
Tryouts start right away, we have no previous division requirements. However, some ECL experience is required.
Previously we have Won the first season (9) of NEO. After that we have been split up in Lite, barely playing or acting backup. However, the eager to play is back. The division has not been set were we would like to participate, it depends on the members. Nonetheless, if all goes as planned and enough players with the same opinions, Lite will be the division.
We're not excluding other positions, forwards, goalies, coaches or benchwarmers. You're all welcome to try. By no means are you required to be a superstar, scoring 5 goals in your first game. That's not what we value, we have the skillset to score. We're looking for a standpoint to develop on.
Do not hestitate to contact me, nationality does not matter as long as you can communicate in english on a basic level.
Mic is required but not for playing normal games from start.