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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/21 in all areas

  1. LW/C looking for Elite spot. Other roles are also possible (LD and RW) but I dont have as much games there. Merry christmas and happy new year! Contact PSN: Dillynger
    42 points
  2. Free C / RW / RD for the next ECL (Pro/Lite) and upcoming tournaments 😄 psn profiilipakki
    20 points
  3. Free RD https://nhlgamer.com/players/1332 Due to the lack of motivation I have the whole nhl 21've played very little, especially compared to the nhl 19/20 game hours. In the last 2 months, the ps4 has hardly even been turned on and time has been spent on PC games. However, if an interesting offer comes, I am ready to return to the ice.
    11 points
  4. Blackdawgs We are looking for winger or Center. We will participate in ECL Pro. Contact here or Discord: sf36.bse #9410
    11 points
  5. Supernatural In: @Holy71 @egoapina @Mehiiss @Jonitski @Kim_20_00_ @julius anttoni @Vilisopanen15 @Rustylul @Jaakkomusta Out: @Prom99 Lets go guys💥 Thanks @Prom99 for everything💚
    8 points
  6. Hi! Free 20yo RW/LW(rd,ld) looking for new team, pro/elite. I can play almost everyday. Contact me here or psn: temppanen https://nhlgamer.com/index.php/players/3635
    7 points
  7. ld/rd looking for team in core/neo div. backup role also is more than fine. psn/discord: aeonchase_
    5 points
  8. Free winger looking for a team. Backup role also OK. PsN: Vaeiiy
    4 points
  9. The Marseille Spartiates and MCES (Mon Club Esport) have joined forces to launch their first official NHL esports team: the Spartiates x MCES. You can see the team in action in the Pro division this upcoming ECL season and with that, the Spartiates x MCES become the first French squad to play at that level. Having established themselves as the most prestigious French team in NHL esports under the banner of Grenoble BDL Esports, it is only natural for the team to develop and with that move on to new things. Today we're announcing that the roster led by captain Maximilien @Tromi13 Tromeur have signed with the Marseille Spartiates and MCES, who will combine for a new virtual hockey club called the Spartiates x MCES. At this point, festivities have already been held in Marseille, where captain @Tromi13 has attended the Spartiates offices for a contract signing and press event. A ceremonial puck drop and a full team bootcamp was planned but due to recent increased travel regulations in France, only the captain attended the press event. "This is an accomplishment for our team and by extension for the French or French-speaking European gaming community. It is important to understand that we can't be compared to a scene like FIFA where the pool of players is huge. On the NHL side of things, we are lesser in numbers and about a year ago before the first French league, we were 40. Today we are 200 (in the French community)! Knowing that we can now interest an organization like MCES makes us proud! I feel like gaming organizations partnering with French hockey clubs will only feed the phenomenon and more and more players will arrive. When it comes to the ground level, the partnership between MCES and the Marseille Spartans allows us to anchor down as the team of a city and a club, it gives meaning to our work." - @Tromi13 on the meaningfulness of their partnership with Spartiates x MCES. The mostly French ensemble has experienced a lot together on the virtual ice and after a successful season in ECL 11 Lite and the WECL, they have now gained the opportunity to prove themselves at the next level as the first French team in ECL history. With a roster that has only seen minor changes, the squad is now confidently facing that challenge. NHLGamer founder Kenneth @Kenu Lehtinen on having the Spartiates x MCES join NHLGamer leagues: "We at NHLGamer are excited to have the Spartiates x MCES squad join our league. The scene has seen a tremendous amount of growth over the past few years and while we do our best to lay the groundwork as effectively as possible, teams and individuals have impressed us with their hard work and dedication in working towards the common goal of becoming a mainstream esport and involving various parties at the very cutting edge of esports. The Spartiates x MCES seem to be a partnership of utmost potential and we can't wait for what they will bring to the table on their NHL esports journey. Welcome!” About the Marseille Spartiates The hockey club of southern French port city Marseille wasn't founded until 2012, but despite their short history the Spartiates have established themselves as an extremely ambitious force in the field of French hockey. After gaining promotion to the national division 1 (2nd tier) back in 2019, the club now has their sights set on advancing to the Ligue Magnus. The Palais Omnisports is the arena that the Spartiates are privileged to call their home, seating 5600 fans and with that achieving the status of the biggest ice rink in France. About MCES MCES (Mon Club Esport) is a Marseille-based major player in French esports with subsidiaries in Italy and Morocco. The objective of MCES is to develop both the professional and amateur practices in all of esports. With representation currently in League of Legends, Fortnite, FIFA, Clash of Clans, Virtual Regatta, Rocket League and Valorant, the organization has gained lots of success across several of these games. The MCES method is to provide their players with all the necessary tools to succeed, such as sports practice, diet monitoring, neurocognitive performance testing, stress management and more. The method is defined and applied by MCES Sports Director and double Olympic swimming gold medalist Yannick Agnel.
    2 points
  10. Free D looking for a Lite/Neo team. I can play 7 days/week. I CAN also play G as a back-up if needed. I speak English/Swedish/Finnish. Get back to me via PSN! Thanks / BeJutiFul
    2 points
  11. Druhý hrací týden CSCL 2 je za námi a přichází čas vyhlásit hráče týdne! Druhý týden ovládl brankář týmu Las Dilas, který v uplynulém týdnu dokázal vychytat tři čistá konta! První nulu sezóny zaznamenal proti týmu The Hockey Crew, kdy dokázal krýt všech osm střel soupeře a o den později dokonce za pomoci svých spoluhráčů úplně vynuloval jinak velmi produktivní útok Dead Evil a ve dvou zápasech jim nedovolil skórovat ani jednou z patnácti střel a připsal si tak další dvě čistá konta. V dosavadním průběhu CSCL 2 má na svém kontě už třináct výher ve čtrnácti utkáních a tři čistá konta s průměrem 80,67%. Hráč druhého hracího týdne #39 PHS_Bliza - Las Dilas!!! A tak jsme se Blíži zeptali na několik otázek. Před sezónou CSCL 2 jsi přestoupil z týmu Ice Eagles do Las Dilas. Jak Tvůj přestup vlastně vznikl?  Bylo to rychlé. Chytal jsem v Ice Eagles, ale napsal mi hráč z týmu Las Dilas ( Florajda ), že hledají stálou jedničku, jestli nemám zájem, tak jsem hodně přemýšlel a nakonec se rozhodl přestoupit a podle mě to bylo správné rozhodnutí. Jak jsi zatím spokojen s Tvým přestupem a s výsledky v novém působišti?  Jsem spokojený s mým přestupem, myslím že sem se rozhodl správně. Už při příchodu jsme dokázali vyhrát Power Cup, to pro mě byla velká věc, protože v žádném týmu se mi zatím nepodařilo uhrát první místo, takže tímhle chci poděkovat Las Dilas že můžu hrát s nimi! Proti Dead Evil jsi zaznamenal dvě čistá konta ve dvou zápasech, to se nepovede každý den, přiblížíš nám trošku tyto zápasy?  Za dvě čistá konta chci poděkovat hlavně obraně, jako v každém zápase dokázali blokovat a vypíchnout mnoho puků a tím mi hodně pomohli  a pár zákroků jsem ,,lapl” a díky tomu mám dvě ,,nuly”, ale důležitější je pro mě výhra týmu! Jsi zvolen hráčem týdne, co to pro Tebe osobně znamená?  Jsem moc rád, že sem dokázal dosáhnout tak velké mety, jako je hráč týdne. Samozřejmě je pro mě ještě více důležité, aby jsme jako tým dokázali nakonec vybojovat vysněný CSCL pohár, ale tohle je pro mě obrovská pocta, že za moji tvrdou práci jsem byl odměněn  takže díky mému týmu, že mi pomohli dosáhnout tohoto individuálního ocenění. Jaké si dáváš cíle v CSCL 2, ať už osobní nebo i týmové?  Můj cíl v CSCL 2 je jasný a to vyhrát celou ligu. Myslím, že jako tým na to máme a budeme bojovat, samozřejmě jako osobní cíl bych byl moc rád za brankáře sezony, ale do toho mám daleko a budu muset hodně makat  tímhle chci poděkovat za nominaci na hráče týdne a všem ostatním klubům přeju hodně zdaru do dalších kol a ať vyhraje ten nejlepší. Mějte se! My děkujeme Tobě a ať se daří Tobě i Las Dilas.  
    1 point
  12. Flying Hornets in Core are looking for a starting LW. Preferably righthanded but if you manage both sides, thats great! Swedish or decent English is a requirement, contact me or @Mattikocko if youre interested!
    1 point
  13. ! NHL21 Spieler gesucht ! Falls du NHL21 spielst, aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz kommst und ein Team suchst, welches in Zukunft in Turnieren wie GCL, ECL, aber auch 1v1 teilnehmen wird, dann bist du bei uns richtig. Wir suchen genau dich. Bei Interesse kannst du uns gerne auf Discord schreiben, damit wir mit dir die nächsten Schritte besprechen können. Wir freuen uns auf dich. Liebe Grüsse SwissBamClan Discord: theammler#1311
    1 point
  14. Örebro eHockey IN Hullued (RCTIC) Kihan64 (PAHAT POMMITTAJAT) Beastbenn14 (Illumination) For eSHL Foppatofflan (Free Agent)
    1 point
  15. Free veteran RW/C. Any division is fine.Looking only finnish team. Backup is also fine. Contact here or psn thimbaa https://nhlgamer.com/players/1224
    1 point
  16. CapeTown Kings is looking for a goalie for the upcoming ECL Core season. At least in the beginning playing time is between goalies shared 50/50. We are also possibly looking for a RD for the upcoming season. Currently we are playing in the ECL Warmup tournament. Contact: larig92 / Beeoo87 here or PSN
    1 point
  17. KOVA Esports IN: vire30 & Jerax13 from Nordic Stars
    1 point
  18. KAJAK Esports OUT: DGustafsson_ -> Nordic Nosebleed
    1 point
  19. +++ Whether eSports or counter sports, you could play in the Gleumes Hockey Krefeld (https://nhlgamer.com/leagues/102/teams/1631) team! +++ We are now looking for a solid and experienced defender for the ECL and beyond. ➡️➡️➡️ What we expect ⬅️⬅️⬅️ ↪ Experience in 6vs6 (GCL / ECL) ↪ Headset = communication ↪ Willingness to learn, ambition ↪ a good character = ability to work in a team ↪ Online time ↪ Critical ability ↪ steadfastness at the controller and at the counter ➡️➡️➡️ What we give ⬅️⬅️⬅️ ↪ Communication via WhatsApp ↪ game time ↪ good togetherness ↪ 3-4 days online per week ↪ League participation GCL Division 2 / ECL Neo / Core ↪ Gleumes, that delicious beer from Krefeld If you feel addressed, then contact me now @ManU287, PSN XxManU8311xX or Discord XxManU8311xX#0944
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Örebro eHockey Welcome back to this scene, xXSinCosTanXx ⚠️
    1 point
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