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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/21 in all areas

  1. Black Devils (core) is looking for LD/RD New team but everyone have ECL experiences Contact me here or psn konezu28
    2 points
  2. The Marseille Spartiates and MCES (Mon Club Esport) have joined forces to launch their first official NHL esports team: the Spartiates x MCES. You can see the team in action in the Pro division this upcoming ECL season and with that, the Spartiates x MCES become the first French squad to play at that level. Having established themselves as the most prestigious French team in NHL esports under the banner of Grenoble BDL Esports, it is only natural for the team to develop and with that move on to new things. Today we're announcing that the roster led by captain Maximilien @Tromi13 Tromeur have signed with the Marseille Spartiates and MCES, who will combine for a new virtual hockey club called the Spartiates x MCES. At this point, festivities have already been held in Marseille, where captain @Tromi13 has attended the Spartiates offices for a contract signing and press event. A ceremonial puck drop and a full team bootcamp was planned but due to recent increased travel regulations in France, only the captain attended the press event. "This is an accomplishment for our team and by extension for the French or French-speaking European gaming community. It is important to understand that we can't be compared to a scene like FIFA where the pool of players is huge. On the NHL side of things, we are lesser in numbers and about a year ago before the first French league, we were 40. Today we are 200 (in the French community)! Knowing that we can now interest an organization like MCES makes us proud! I feel like gaming organizations partnering with French hockey clubs will only feed the phenomenon and more and more players will arrive. When it comes to the ground level, the partnership between MCES and the Marseille Spartans allows us to anchor down as the team of a city and a club, it gives meaning to our work." - @Tromi13 on the meaningfulness of their partnership with Spartiates x MCES. The mostly French ensemble has experienced a lot together on the virtual ice and after a successful season in ECL 11 Lite and the WECL, they have now gained the opportunity to prove themselves at the next level as the first French team in ECL history. With a roster that has only seen minor changes, the squad is now confidently facing that challenge. NHLGamer founder Kenneth @Kenu Lehtinen on having the Spartiates x MCES join NHLGamer leagues: "We at NHLGamer are excited to have the Spartiates x MCES squad join our league. The scene has seen a tremendous amount of growth over the past few years and while we do our best to lay the groundwork as effectively as possible, teams and individuals have impressed us with their hard work and dedication in working towards the common goal of becoming a mainstream esport and involving various parties at the very cutting edge of esports. The Spartiates x MCES seem to be a partnership of utmost potential and we can't wait for what they will bring to the table on their NHL esports journey. Welcome!” About the Marseille Spartiates The hockey club of southern French port city Marseille wasn't founded until 2012, but despite their short history the Spartiates have established themselves as an extremely ambitious force in the field of French hockey. After gaining promotion to the national division 1 (2nd tier) back in 2019, the club now has their sights set on advancing to the Ligue Magnus. The Palais Omnisports is the arena that the Spartiates are privileged to call their home, seating 5600 fans and with that achieving the status of the biggest ice rink in France. About MCES MCES (Mon Club Esport) is a Marseille-based major player in French esports with subsidiaries in Italy and Morocco. The objective of MCES is to develop both the professional and amateur practices in all of esports. With representation currently in League of Legends, Fortnite, FIFA, Clash of Clans, Virtual Regatta, Rocket League and Valorant, the organization has gained lots of success across several of these games. The MCES method is to provide their players with all the necessary tools to succeed, such as sports practice, diet monitoring, neurocognitive performance testing, stress management and more. The method is defined and applied by MCES Sports Director and double Olympic swimming gold medalist Yannick Agnel.
    1 point
  3. Dnes jsme si pro vás připravili něco málo o týmu, který je stálicí našich CZ/SK lig a turnajů a je to tým Las Dilas. Tým byl založen už v roce 2016 hrači Fotrano a Marha. Tito dva veteráni spolu v NHL ale už hrají od roku 2014. Na 6vs6 scénu se ale vydali až v roce 2019/2020, kdy se také hned zapojili do první československé ligy, ve které se hned dostali až do finále Play-off. Od té doby Las Dildas nechybí v žádné pořádané CZ/SK soutěži. Mezi jejich největší úspěchy patří například vítězství v rámci prvního a druhého ročníku Relax Cupu, kdy první ročník asi ještě neměl takovou váhu kvůli počtu přihlášených týmů, ale druhého ročníku se již zúčastnilo přes 20 klubů a takový titul už má opravdu nějakou hodnotu! Mají také zkušenosti s ECL, ale po zařazení do ECL lite, kdy měli samé soupeře z Finska a Švédska, své tažení v ECL ukončili. Hlavním důvodem bylo špatné připojení, tím pádem se týmu nedařilo a nálada v klubu pak nebyla moc růžová. Jelikož tým Las Dilas berou hraní NHL tvrdě pro zábavu, takováto hra už postrádala přesně ty účely, kvůli kterým NHL hrají. O tom vypovídá i jejich herní styl, týmová hra bez jakýchkoliv fintiček a parádiček dává soupeřům zabrat a těžko se brání jejich dlouholetá sehranost. Po dlouhé době, co hráli defacto v jedné stejné sestavě, do týmu přibyli dva hráči. Prvním z nich je Bliža, který momentálně hájí svatyni svého nového týmu a druhým hráčem je KB24242, který se ujal role ,,zahraju všechno". V CSCL 2 jsou zatím 100% a ještě nepoznali hořkost porážky. Jak nám popsal hráč Fotrano, pokud chcete jako tým růst, je potřeba bavit se hrou, vypustit ,,TOXIC’’ náladu a zbytečně netočit sestavou, to vede k úspěchu v 6vs6. Tak to bylo pár řádků o týmu Las Dilas, kteří všechny své fanoušky tímto zdraví!
    1 point
  4. Free LW RW both handed Looking for team to play in upcoming ECL Division doesn't matter backup is fine too if i have playtime Have experiences from Pro Lite Neo I m very active can play almost everiday Stats: https://nhlgamer.com/players/3612 For more Info contact me here or PSN i_Lykke_i
    1 point
  5. As @Mikkasaid the first French team to reach the pro division was the Hawks Hockey Club
    1 point
  6. Vasenpakki vapaa coreen tai liteen Ota yhteyttä täällä tai psn BomberiJuppe
    0 points
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