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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/21 in all areas

  1. UNI Gaming (PRO qualifiers) We are looking for a backup f/d and a backup goalie. Contact me here or PSN: NNAHKA
    9 points
  2. ECL 11 top 5 Lw Joukki, Pleemaker, Vattuyy, Vilupoika, Affelj C Patzlaf, Beniitto, Dominointi, Foppatofflan, Mallen Rw Flyerkungen, Eki, NikkeDangles, Juigelson, Jergeli Ld xDoumi, Nassustelija, jtorro, Teemuyy, Sile Rd Loimmu, KingOfApes, iilmarii, Rubitus, eKoski G Faze, Supreex, Cappe, Sibelius, Kaz_zu Pro Allstar Jerskayy-Laitineen64-Kriketsi17 Makeaxl-zNicoPS santerichristian
    6 points
  3. noRex Gaming In: @JLopatko aka snipeLVcelly8 😍
    6 points
  4. LW Vilupoika, Joukki, Puantso, PleeMaker, Vattuyy C Beniittto, Patzlaf, Dominointi, tbnantti, Mallen RW FlyerKungen, Eki, NikkeDangles, Jergeli, Sokkelo LD xDoumi, Teemuyy, jtorro, Nassustelija, Furyan RD Loimmu, KingofApes, iilmarii, re_Wenger, Samza G Cappe, Faze, Sibelius, Supreex, Ramsiil Best Soppa lineup: HC Kerhotalo
    5 points
  5. Top 5 LW: Pleemaker, Puantso, Joukki, Dillynger, Nieb c:Patzlaf, Dominointi, Pena, Arska jr, Tbnantti RW: Kungen, Eki, ND, Bunkster, Sauna-S LD: Torde, Doumi, Tominointi, Furyan, Teemuyy RD: Vata, Nassu, Ilu, Ape, Samza G: Sibuli, Cappedeemus, Hans, Supreex, Faze
    5 points
  6. Free C/RD for upcoming tournaments Lite or higher Contact me here or psn: dasplund_
    4 points
  7. Origins is still searching starting goalie and one all-rounder backup player. We are going to the ecl core. Contact me here or psn: oku83
    3 points
  8. Free both handed forward (lw/c/rw) searching for lite group. https://nhlgamer.com/players/2562 Been around since ecl 6, mostly backup. Ready for tryouts. Contact here or psn Saippua
    3 points
  9. Free LD/RD for upcoming tournaments. Looking for a competitive team preferably from pro division. Contact here or psn: Kim_20_00_
    3 points
  10. Free C/RW for upcoming tournaments. Looking for team from pro/pro qualifiers. Contact me here or psn: santtu3333
    3 points
  11. käytii luukkosen ja snapun kaa ku muita ei näkyny satamas
    2 points
  12. Patience New club looking for starting D-man! We are hopefully going to play in Lite qualifiers Message me or @SirRaittinen here or PSN.
    2 points
  13. Arkham Asylum Looking FOR a 50/50 goalie. Contact me or @ReDMisTi
    2 points
  14. Free C/LW looking for Elite/Top pro team. I'm very motivated to train and become better player in general. I can play 5-6 times a week. Mainly looking for Finnish speaking team. https://nhlgamer.com/players/1833 Contact me here or psn vire30.
    2 points
  15. Blessed Suedis New team In: #5 Takumashingo #7 Crooked__66__ #26 Bror1326 #39 TTV-NoSavess #43 Kyuben #44 Jeqque44 #57 Vajlar #60 Eckeson #66 xLeikku #77 KaiserHanzo Broskis are ready.. lets goo 💯
    1 point
  16. Free C/LW looking for back up spot in next ecl. Contact me on psn e-lasku https://nhlgamer.com/players/821
    1 point
  17. Well, things didn’t go as I hoped but life truly does teach 😂 So yeah, free goalie Elite/ Pro. Extremely motivated to play and grind. Ready to try-out. Available for games every day. Cheers ✌
    1 point
  18. Top 5 lw:puantso,pleemaker,joukki,vilu,jm98 c:patzlaf,dominointi,pena,antti,foppa rw:kuha,eki,dangles,juigga,indi ld:doumi,torro,teemuy,furyan,vsile rd:loimmu,ape,ilmari,ekoski,nassu G: cappe,sibe,supreex,faze,konna
    1 point
  19. Free LD for next ECL. searching for PRO team. RD is fine if necessary, but prefer LD. Qualifications for PRO is option too. PSN: NordZman_
    1 point
  20. Free G for ECL 12 https://nhlgamer.com/players/3428
    1 point
  21. Free lw/c for upcoming tournaments. 29yo fin https://nhlgamer.com/players/2790 Contact me here or psn apetttaja
    1 point
  22. Free F/D (Currently better with a lefty but with time can learn to play righty) Looking for a Top Pro/Elite team. Highly motivated to grind and to improve as a player. https://nhlgamer.com/players/765 Contact me here or PSN Jamechkin
    1 point
  23. Hmmm i smell 🎂 so Free LD/RD for next ECL season. Can play 3-5 times a week. Contact me here or psn wadepaanayy Time to put skates back on and focus on-ice things ps. Facepalms quaranteed, dont actually care
    1 point
  24. Moro! Etsin uudelle ecl kaudelle jengiä Pelipaikkani on vp/op PSN:showeekka Olisin kiitollinen jos edes try outeille pääsis!
    1 point
  25. Today the final games of our tournament were played and we are congratulating our winner - Russian Lightning! During two weeks we played 12 matches in a group stage and 7 matches in a playoff. For us as a new team was really good experience to try ourself in a more challenging games and also watch other teams playing. Unfortunately for us tournament ended already in a 1/4 where we lost to the future champion in a thrilling overtime of a third game in best of 3 series, but we got positive emotions even from that loss. Another tough clash we watched in a 1/2 where Kateismaksu, who was unbeatable in a Group 2, lost 1:2 to HC SHH, the second in Group 1. Thanks for everyone involved, good luck in future tournaments and see you again! These are the results of our games: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xsVSp0G0xiGTMLSN0FjINhk2QMINaI86DAv7nRxCDgE/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  26. Free G Elite/Top pro Previous team Sjgaming/Poggers Time to find something new! Contact psn Hiatala_
    1 point
  27. Player with a big experience looking for an ECL (at least Lite, better Pro) club for try-out. I am 1vs1 Versus IIHF champion in Latvia on Xbox consoles, also playing on Xbox 6vs6 League in a team named " EHC Traktor Chelyabinsk ". I am looking to try my skills on PS also. I have an experience since NHL 13 and I'm looking for a full time club only. Position I'm looking to is center, but we can discuss it later. Right now I have try-outs in teams "Virtuoso" ; "EHC Traktor" and one German team I can't tell which. MY PSN: Ovechkin_JL8 (snipencelly8 on Xbox, wasn't available on PSN). Let me know if someone is interested, I'm open for try-outs and if somebody will decide I am good enough for your club - I will make my choise. Thank you. My languages: Latvian (fluently), Russian (fluently), English (not that good but I understand and can talk pretty fine). PS. Times I can play are every workday from 19:30 CET till even midnight. On weekends I can play basically anytime. PSS. I will continue to play in Traktor on Xbox also, but there are only 4 games each week and not that much training sessions so I will manage to play on both systems without any problems. EDIT: Found couple options already, so no more looking for a team. Thanks.
    1 point
  28. As an action towards the instances of improper and unacceptable behavior in our community, we will be updating our rulebook(s) and community guidelines to set clear expectations and a code of conduct that is to be followed in all interactions around our community. A clear-cut guideline on what type of behavior will not be tolerated and what might be the repercussions of such actions. At NHLGamer, we want to ensure a fair, safe, and inclusive environment for gamers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. We are tremendously proud of the community that we all have built together so far but know that we can do even better by being even better towards each other. In the process of working to enable this type of environment, we need to have rules in place and will occasionally have to give out suspensions to our users. This is not something we enjoy doing but is necessary to preserve the integrity of the rulebook and the game. Our ideology has always been and will continue to be, that when someone crosses the line – our main priority is to put a stop to it and then educate the team/individual and everyone else in the community about why the action in question is wrong and unacceptable. The purpose of punishment is to drive the point home, to ensure actions have consequences, and to discourage teams/individuals from repeating their offense(s). In short, rules are there for a reason, and should you break them you will be punished. And, hopefully, learn from it. While different cultural and educational backgrounds do not make inappropriate behavior acceptable, it can sometimes create gaps in how different people interpret a situation. Like we mentioned above, two of the integral goals of our community are inclusion and education. That means we will also do our best to understand the reasoning for the behavior of a person who breaks our rules, to make sure we give them the best opportunity to learn from their mistake and not repeat it - not just because of the fear of punishment, but to make them understand why it is not acceptable. If the user does not learn from their mistake, though - we do reserve the right to more severe punishment. It is an instinctual reaction in many of us to want to punish someone who breaks the rules we as a society – or, in this case, community – set out for ourselves. It can even be tempting to, if the rule transgression is egregious enough, banish the rule-breaker in question forever and purge him or her from sight and mind. But is that the thing that puts the individual on a path to fixing their actions? To making things right? While the most extreme of cases might call for such a decision, it should not be a quick-trigger action. At the same time, a rulebook cannot – and should not – be written under the assumption that a perceived softness in punishment will not be abused. So, how do we find the medium between these two ‘extremes’, as it were? In order to make this process as transparent and fair as possible, we are working to set a standard on how these cases will be determined. Here is an example of how it could look*: First offense, 2 weeks - 3 months Second offense, 6 months to 1+ year Third offense will cause a minimum of 3 years and up to a permanent community and league participation ban *Note: This is a work-in-process example. This will only be used on serious matters. We reserve the right to go higher depending on intent. We will also be adding rules about apparel on broadcasts and socials: No tobacco, alcohol, drugs, nudity, hateful or otherwise inappropriate text, logos, or images No discrimination No brands that compete with our partners** **Exceptions can be made in the case of team partners On a more general level, we are not satisfied with the efficiency that we were able to handle support tickets, especially on the League Administrative side during ECL 11 and the goal of our work in preparing for the next season is to mitigate the bottlenecks that lead to this situation. The reasons behind the long turn-around time on some of the tickets were e.g. A large number of tickets compared to the size of available support staff Partially insufficient tools at the disposal of some of the support staff A need for better-defined rules in some cases that would have helped resolve cases more efficiently and perhaps avoided a support ticket in the first place Please do not misinterpret this as distrust towards our rulebook. We are proud of our rulebook, but like any rulebook, it requires updates, further specifications, and re-evaluating certain aspects due to changes to the game, changes to public opinion, and the growth and needs of our community. Finally, while we have no intention of becoming the internet police, we do take our role as one of the leading entities in this community seriously. We do want to educate when and where we can and continue to make this space a safe and welcoming one for people from all walks of life. Therefore, we will be looking to partner with different types of third-party organizations in the future to help give our members access to useful, well-researched information from people that are actual experts on subjects like racism, sexism, depression, and addiction. This will require time and research as we do not intend to simply stamp a logo on something, believing that solves the issue at hand. In the end, we will always be open to continued feedback, criticisms, and suggestions. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be. But we can always try to do better. And we will.
    1 point
  29. New team looking for players (Lw,Rd,G) We are going to neo or core Our players have ecl experiences Contact us here or psn konezu28
    0 points
  30. Hands down best player from PRO for SEASONS. Sign him up for Elite🤑
    0 points
  31. Free G for next ECL Can play 4-5 times a week Backup is fine Contact me here or psn: KASIINELONEN
    0 points
  32. Free player for ECL NEO/LITE PSN - NIKIIJS
    0 points
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